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Does Jesus’ blood cover unbelievers accounts?

Jesus died for one time, for all sin, for all people.

Does Jesus’ blood cover unbelievers accounts?
Many seem to be confused?

The life of the flesh is in the blood but literal blood without the unseen spirit essence of life is dead it might as well be water .

Both water and blood are used in various parables to indicate the works of God pouring out the unseen Spirit of Christ the Holy Spirt of God .We have the treasure of his power working in us but it is not of us that were powerless without a living hope beyond the grave and without God in this present life. .
I’m sorry pops. What does that mean to you in what you had shared?
You mentioned the elect and how some may think that others are damned. I believe the elect are to bring those others into the fold to the extent of their GOD given ability. Was just making a distinction between the thought that the elect are the only ones saved and the belief that the elect are ambassadors of reconciliation.
Since I believe that the import of scriptures teaches
1. we are saved by grace thru faith by no work of our own, as enslaved to sin
2. yet not all are saved which can't be by a lack of their own work,
3. obviously "Jesus died for one time, for all sin, for all people." needs to be re-thought and Arminius' salvation by our free will choice of acceptance of GOD's offer of salvation is a conceit he thought necessary to stand against Calvin's errors.
Many seem to be confused?

The life of the flesh is in the blood but literal blood without the unseen spirit essence of life is dead it might as well be water .

Both water and blood are used in various parables to indicate the works of God pouring out the unseen Spirit of Christ the Holy Spirt of God .We have the treasure of his power working in us but it is not of us that were powerless without a living hope beyond the grave and without God in this present life. .

Thank you for sharing. You confuse me by presenting that. Haha. This topic was if Jesus paid for sin or not, for even unbelievers. I believe we got to the notion of his death did cover even unbelievers. His death and resurrection, had victory over sin, death, hell, sheol, Satan and his demons, for all people for all time. To save them from those things.

I believe his death and victory is merited to all people. With a caveat being that if people desire to choose and seek and live for God they will be rewarded by their free choice to serve God. The Bible talks about that for the people of faith.

Those who are not of faith, were still given life by God. God gives life, God takes life. When it’s time to leave it is time they God has decided to take us back on that way to the heavenly realm.

Some people will choose to prepare the spiritual body here and now having that relationship with God and knowing him and his son Jesus.

Some people will die on this earth and not have so much of a spiritual body compared to the seeker. However God is a giver of good gifts and would be Going to furnish them a spiritual body but it may not be equipped so well to dwell in the light of the kingdom of God. Those who die from my conjecture of understanding is they are outside the gates whom were faithless.

Just some thoughts,
Doesn’t make me right,
In Christ,
Matthew Gallagher
Thank you for sharing. You confuse me by presenting that. Haha. This topic was if Jesus paid for sin or not, for even unbelievers. I believe we got to the notion of his death did cover even unbelievers. His death and resurrection, had victory over sin, death, hell, sheol, Satan and his demons, for all people for all time. To save them from those things.
Whoa, that is where you got to even though it is contrary to the bible. I am comforted that you do not have too many followers that would believe your teachings over the word of God.
It’s not about me, my friend Grace.

It about our Father and what he desires, and about his Son Jesus.

It’s about loving God and loving others; and sharing for love of God: and not self.

It would be a total different game if I was just manipulating people, and forcing them to bend to my own Will.

“for now men do I persuade, or God? or do I seek to please men? for if yet men I did please — Christ's servant I should not be.”
‭‭Galatians‬ ‭1:10‬ ‭YLT98‬‬

Every day one is given life, by God.
Then one day, God is going to take back the life from our bodies, and we move forward onward from this life. It seems it’s best to love God now, and love others, and share the scripture with others and encourage them to even think for themselves.

All us are going to die, and be judged by a true and living God: and he is gonna search your own (and my) individual heart.

Take care my friend,
God bless you,
Matthew Gallagher
Since I believe that the import of scriptures teaches
1. we are saved by grace thru faith by no work of our own, as enslaved to sin
2. yet not all are saved which can't be by a lack of their own work,
3. obviously "Jesus died for one time, for all sin, for all people." needs to be re-thought and Arminius' salvation by our free will choice of acceptance of GOD's offer of salvation is a conceit he thought necessary to stand against Calvin's errors.
Thank you for sharing Ted T.

Its all grace through faith in what Jesus done for us and he makes us right with God. He also died for all the worlds sin as well, being resurrected again by God conquering over death. Praise be!
You mentioned the elect and how some may think that others are damned. I believe the elect are to bring those others into the fold to the extent of their GOD given ability. Was just making a distinction between the thought that the elect are the only ones saved and the belief that the elect are ambassadors of reconciliation.

Thank you clearing that up, Pops. Sometimes I read that word elect, and sometimes I do forget what it means, and relate the elect ones of the day in age part of the bride of Christ that was waiting for the return.

What you suggest though does remind me of teaching and being ambassadors for Christ in the ministry of reconciliation and the ministry of the spirit you are absolutely right.

Anything else cross your mind?
It’s not about me, my friend Grace.

It about our Father and what he desires, and about his Son Jesus.

It’s about loving God and loving others; and sharing for love of God: and not self.

It would be a total different game if I was just manipulating people, and forcing them to bend to my own Will.

“for now men do I persuade, or God? or do I seek to please men? for if yet men I did please — Christ's servant I should not be.”
‭‭Galatians‬ ‭1:10‬ ‭YLT98‬‬

Every day one is given life, by God.
Then one day, God is going to take back the life from our bodies, and we move forward onward from this life. It seems it’s best to love God now, and love others, and share the scripture with others and encourage them to even think for themselves.

All us are going to die, and be judged by a true and living God: and he is gonna search your own (and my) individual heart.

Take care my friend,
God bless you,
Matthew Gallagher
You are not teaching God’s word, my friend. My friend, Jesus says, “Then they will go away to eternal punishment, but the righteous to eternal life.”

I know, my friend, that you believe what you believe but the word does not support your beliefs. I know my friend, you believe it any way. I get it my friend. Peace.
Peace be to you, as well brother,

God bless you, if you have anything else you would like to share with me anytime you can. Though we may not agree, I will love you in Christ.

Love is paramount over everything doctrine and practice.

In Christ,
Matthew Gallagher
Thank you for sharing. You confuse me by presenting that. Haha. This topic was if Jesus paid for sin or not, for even unbelievers. I believe we got to the notion of his death did cover even unbelievers. His death and resurrection, had victory over sin, death, hell, sheol, Satan and his demons, for all people for all time. To save them from those things.

It is not about getting a notion but rather what does the Holy Spirit of truth say as a law not subject to change

We know no man can come to the father unless the father empowers them working in them to both reveal His will and empower them to finish it to the good pleasure of our unseen God and father.. . or as many as the father gave to the Son they alone are empowered to move towards him not seen, a remnant of all mankind .Out of all the sinners in the world he had saving mercy of some . others will not rise on the last day under the Sun. It will be like they were never here to begin with .The former corrupted earthly things will not be remembered or ever come to mind forever and ever more
Thank you clearing that up, Pops. Sometimes I read that word elect, and sometimes I do forget what it means, and relate the elect ones of the day in age part of the bride of Christ that was waiting for the return.

What you suggest though does remind me of teaching and being ambassadors for Christ in the ministry of reconciliation and the ministry of the spirit you are absolutely right.

Anything else cross your mind?
That Christ died but once for sin. Sin in ignorance is not turning back after having been admonished; and hearing and believing.

Those appointed can still turn back. It is of no consequence to GOD. HIS will be done.

Sorry; ranting.
