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Cessationism versus Continuationism - The fallacy of "Signs Gifts".

I beg your pardon, I resemble that remark - lol.

"Us?" Are you declaring? :p

I seem to have painted myself into a corner here.

I better wait until the paint drys. - LOL

The word valgari in Latin means common. (vulgar)
It designated the difference between nobility and commoners. (who were vulgar)

This probably isn't helping me, but it is interesting. (I think)

I seem to have painted myself into a corner here.

I better wait until the paint drys. - LOL

The word valgari in Latin means common. (vulgar)
It designated the difference between nobility and commoners. (who were vulgar)

This probably isn't helping me, but it is interesting. (I think)


Let’s see…. Among the true, chosen, predestined, elite, remnant— we have—

The Mormons, Seventh Day Adventists, Jehovah’s Witnesses, Mennonite, Hutterite, Millerite-all, the Jews, the Zionist-Christians, and now— the Pentecostals. Am I missing anyone?

The Branch Davidians? -oh wait— they were Seventh Day Adventists.
Let’s see…. Among the true, chosen, predestined, elite, remnant— we have—

The Mormons, Seventh Day Adventists, Jehovah’s Witnesses, Mennonite, Hutterite, Millerite-all, the Jews, the Zionist-Christians, and now— the Pentecostals. Am I missing anyone?

The Branch Davidians? -oh wait— they were Seventh Day Adventists.
That's an interesting assortment of denominations.
I think God has his own everywhere.

I suppose Charismatic/Pentecostals are unorthodox. But so was the early church by today's standards.
Remember my topic, Was Jesus orthodox? (or Baptist?) - LOL

And I wonder why I was banned. ??? Was it something I said?

Let’s see…. Among the true, chosen, predestined, elite, remnant— we have—

The Mormons, Seventh Day Adventists, Jehovah’s Witnesses, Mennonite, Hutterite, Millerite-all, the Jews, the Zionist-Christians, and now— the Pentecostals. Am I missing anyone?
Presbyterians and anyone one from a church with "Grace" in the name (except for the Church of Grace Kelly).
The Branch Davidians? -oh wait— they were Seventh Day Adventists.

No, they weren't. Unless you mean, by that, that a few of them were Seventh-day Adventists before they became Branch Davidians, in the way that some Lutheran's become atheists and some Muslims become Catholics.

Christ couldn't do miracles in many places because of a lack of faith on the part of those to whom He sought to minister, and I never thought of that in terms being directly tied to an attitude of cessationism before but, as you say, there it is.
This was one of the things that made me question the position of my home church on miracles.
Miracles were being reported on the mission fields, but at home we taught against it. ???
What's wrong with this picture?

The church that denied miracles was sending missionaries to foreign lands were miracles were happening.
It seemed that God was getting the credit, but those He used were not. Cognitive dissonance.

What have you observed in this regard?

No, they weren't. Unless you mean, by that, that a few of them were Seventh-day Adventists before they became Branch Davidians, in the way that some Lutheran's become atheists and some Muslims become Catholics.


Take it up with Wikipedia....

The Branch Davidians (or the General Association of Branch Davidian Seventh-day Adventists) are an apocalyptic cult founded in 1955 by Benjamin Roden. They regard themselves as a continuation of the General Association of Davidian Seventh-Day Adventists, established by Victor Houteff in 1935.
Take it up with Wikipedia....

The Branch Davidians (or the General Association of Branch Davidian Seventh-day Adventists) are an apocalyptic cult founded in 1955 by Benjamin Roden. They regard themselves as a continuation of the General Association of Davidian Seventh-Day Adventists, established by Victor Houteff in 1935.
Do the words "Seventh-day Adventists" in their title confirm that the Branch Davidians CAME from the Seventh-day Adventists? That doesn't seem conclusive to me.

Do the words "Seventh-day Adventists" in their title confirm that the Branch Davidians CAME from the Seventh-day Adventists? That doesn't seem conclusive to me.

And, of course. "they regard themselves" is quite a qualifier as well. Hey, we here at The Church of What O'Darby Believes regard ourselves (or ourself, as the case may be) as being a continuation of Southern Baptism, Scientology, Mahayana Buddhism and Bobby Jones On Golf.