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Cessationism versus Continuationism - The fallacy of "Signs Gifts".

Speaking openly and frankly.
I share what I have been given: grace.
Why do I have hope: I share that- and amid life and its adversities. Smile at the void. Love those who are passed by. Care for the un-carable (uncarable should be a word!). Laugh when tears roll. Reaching even to the haughty places where people rely on their own chariots and their own stubborn ideals is worth toiling for.
Everday theology for everyday lived experience.

Mission is reaching out with all that we are- our sum and beyond.

Why mission: why not!

And I know you to be sincere in all you do. It's something I've always appreciated about you. That, and your ability to always seek the good in people and your desire to walk on the sunny side of the street makes you affable. I'm glad that the world has counselors and professionals available with your disposition and skill set. People need that sometimes.

-and sometimes people need a good kick in the arse. :ROFLMAO:
And I know you to be sincere in all you do. It's something I've always appreciated about you. That, and your ability to always seek the good in people and your desire to walk on the sunny side of the street makes you affable. I'm glad that the world has counselors and professionals available with your disposition and skill set. People need that sometimes.

-and sometimes people need a good kick in the arse. :ROFLMAO:
Oh no Mr E: am I letting my nickname stick again: Mr Poppins!
I have my moments when I go all WT... H... (a slight variation omitting an F).
I know what you are going to say: now Mr Poppins!
I agree with you: sometimes a good pair of boots is needed... yet I have 2 left feet when it comes to kicking, and I would squeeze mi eyes shut!