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Why All the Divisions Within Christ's Church?

You have no right to say it was a long time. Where does the scriptures say that? Show me so I can believe it. Otherwise, it is man's teachings. We must obey God and not man.
lol.. You're something else, GT.

Believe what you want. Sorry I ever engaged you.
You like to demand proof from others, I am asking you where your proof is in scripture for that statement?
You have to answer some questions, not just demand me to answer yours.
Did Jesus walk the earth and was seen face to face? Yes or no.
Do you know what a hypocrite is?
I sure do...
What do you think you are teaching here, falseness?
The thing is, GT, is that you don't discuss. You assert. You don't listen to anything anyone has to say. You assert.

And you make ridiculous statements:

We no longer see through a glass darkly, for they have seen him face to face.

12 For now we see through a glass, darkly; but then face to face: now I know in part; but then shall I know even as also I am known.

ANYONE (except you, apparently..) can see that what you assert directly contradicts what Paul wrote.
I sure do...

The thing is, GT, is that you don't discuss. You assert. You don't listen to anything anyone has to say. You assert.

And you make ridiculous statements:
Man get off me.
ANYONE (except you, apparently..) can see that what you assert directly contradicts what Paul wrote.
Just like you don't understand Paul when he speaks of sinning under the old law. You think he remained the same sinner after Jesus saved him!
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Either the sin committed by Adam as the head of the human race, or the sin he passed onto his posterity with which every human being, with the certain exception of Christ and his Mother, is conceived and born. The sin of Adam is called originating original sin (originale originans); that of his descendants is originated original sin (originale originatum). Adam's sin was personal and grave, and it affected human nature. It was personal because he freely committed it; it was grave because God imposed a serious obligation; and it affected the whole human race by depriving his progeny of the supernatural life and preternatural gifts they would have possessed on entering the world had Adam not sinned. Original sin in his descendants is personal only in the sense that the children of Adam are each personally affected, but not personal as though they had voluntarily chosen to commit the sin; it is grave in the sense that it debars a person from the beatific vision, but not grave in condemning one to hell; and it is natural only in that all human nature, except for divine intervention, has it and can have it removed only by supernatural means.
(Catholic Dictionary)
I have questions on what I highlighted in red. Where is scripture does it say that Mary did not have original sin? What is the beatific vision? Where does the Bible say that sin does not condemn us to hell? Is this what you mean by traditions and if so, where did they come from. In reformed original sin is the result to the human race from Adam's sin. Death and hell (eternal separation from God.) In a very real sense, because of Adam, sin originates in us as part of our nature, guaranteeing we will sin. Romans 6: 23; Gen 2:17
In general I agree with that. However it's application depends on what we each understand about the nature of God.
That is exactly the problem with not truly believing in the sovereignty of God. For some reason we seem to feel that we can apply it in whatever way we see fit. Or that who God is is dependant on our ability to understand Him. He is who He is. I AM. And He tells us with no equivocation His moral nature, that He is eternal and self existent, Creator of all, governing all. There is no ambivalence or mutability in His declarations of sovereignty Job chapter 38-41; Matt 10:29-31; Psalm 115:3; Daniel 4:35; Psalm 135:6; Prov 21:1; 1 Chron 29:11; 1 Tim 6:15 etc. etc.
I sure do...

The thing is, GT, is that you don't discuss. You assert. You don't listen to anything anyone has to say. You assert.

And you make ridiculous statements:

ANYONE (except you, apparently..) can see that what you assert directly contradicts what Paul wrote.

Mirror mirror on the wall......
You have to answer some questions, not just demand me to answer yours.
Did Jesus walk the earth and was seen face to face? Yes or no.

My, my, you've gotten a little bit dodgy for one who has god's truth and assured me he could back it all up with scripture.

You are making the claims to have God's absolute truth GT, not me. I am asking you to do what you told me you could do.

Okay, I'll make the claim, and you can attack it if that is your preferred stance.

Thesis: Jesus did walk on Earth and was seen face to face, but there is no evidence in scripture for the position that the authors of Luke, Mark, John Matthew or that Paul himself literally walked with earthly Jesus and saw him face to face.

Matthew for example:

"The Gospel of Matthew is anonymous: the author is not named within the text, and the superscription "according to Matthew" was added some time in the second century."

The only evidence you can rely on for this is outside of scripture in the opinions of our Church Fathers, which I know is going to grind your gears as one who claims to rest solely on scripture, and does not like appeals to patristic authority.


Please, attack my thesis.
I have questions on what I highlighted in red. Where is scripture does it say that Mary did not have original sin? What is the beatific vision? Where does the Bible say that sin does not condemn us to hell? Is this what you mean by traditions and if so, where did they come from. In reformed original sin is the result to the human race from Adam's sin. Death and hell (eternal separation from God.) In a very real sense, because of Adam, sin originates in us as part of our nature, guaranteeing we will sin. Romans 6: 23; Gen 2:17
Paul invented original sin. Jews taught that children are innocent. That is the Bar/bat mitzvah did.
My, my, you've gotten a little bit dodgy for one who has god's truth and assured me he could back it all up with scripture.

You are making the claims to have God's absolute truth GT, not me. I am asking you to do what you told me you could do.

Okay, I'll make the claim, and you can attack it if that is your preferred stance.

Thesis: Jesus did walk on Earth and was seen face to face, but there is no evidence in scripture for the position that the authors of Luke, Mark, John Matthew or that Paul himself literally walked with earthly Jesus and saw him face to face.
You lost focus, or never had it. The topic was about the perfect and whether or not he was seen face to face.

Matthew for example:

"The Gospel of Matthew is anonymous: the author is not named within the text, and the superscription "according to Matthew" was added some time in the second century."

The only evidence you can rely on for this is outside of scripture in the opinions of our Church Fathers, which I know is going to grind your gears as one who claims to rest solely on scripture, and does not like appeals to patristic authority.


Please, attack my thesis.
The Bible was written by eye witnesses, or dictated to by eyewitnesses to those helping with writing.