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Why All the Divisions Within Christ's Church?

I don't go by what false teachers claim. I have read that some even believe the letters from Paul were written in 90AD.
They are wrong. Paul died well before 90AD.
Um, Paul didn't mention the destruction of the temple in any of his letters? What?
Right. He was dead by then.
Paul lived to be in his hundreds and wrote his letters then? No, I don't think so.
You're right.

The generally accepted date range for Paul's epistles is the late 40s to the mid/late 60s.

They are wrong. Paul died well before 90AD.
Then stop telling me to look it up.
Right. He was dead by then.

You're right.

The generally accepted date range for Paul's epistles is the late 40s to the mid/late 60s.
You know, it so doesn't matter what time you try to pin on his letters. What is your point? No matter what you say, there isn't a date on them, and anything else is just speculations.
Another unsupported assertion.
You are just saying anything to defend your false tongue speaking. Tongues, prophecies, and new knowledge ceased all at the same time---when the perfect was finished being written. You can't add anything to the Bible. It is done.
No, only in your mind does it contradict.
I can read.

We no longer see through a glass darkly, for they have seen him face to face.

12 For now we see through a glass, darkly; but then face to face: now I know in part; but then shall I know even as also I am known.
Jesus ascended long before any of the NT was written.
You have no right to say it was a long time. Where does the scriptures say that? Show me so I can believe it. Otherwise, it is man's teachings. We must obey God and not man.
I can read.

We no longer see through a glass darkly, for they have seen him face to face.

12 For now we see through a glass, darkly; but then face to face: now I know in part; but then shall I know even as also I am known.
Jesus the perfect was seen face to face.
Jesus walked among them when he was on the earth. Are you denying that?

You like to demand proof from others, I am asking you where your proof is in scripture for that statement?

Do you have scriptural proof that Luke met Jesus? Or that that John did? Or that Paul, another writer of the NT did? He got a message from Jesus who spoke to him, but I don't think it says anywhere that he walked with him while on earth, in fact, this was definitely after the ascension to heaven, so you're certainly wrong there, though I can grant you that you may have been unintentionally imprecise in your language and may have just meant that he met Jesus at some point, even heavenly Jesus.
We weren't discussing tongues.

Tongues, prophecies, and knowledge shall cease.

Tongues, prophecies and knowledge are not adding to the Bible.
Because they ceased, because the perfect has come.