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What to be born again for

so strange logic.

That's Calvinism logic.

You are so devoted and blind to deceptive teaching..

so sad.

this is my observation of your overall faith.
Don't ask me to answer questions as though you really wanted to know if all you are going to do when I do answer, is insult me.

You have no observation of my faith. All you have is judgement that I don't believe as you do.
Yes you do. Every time scripture tell us what is contained in saving faith---repentance, accepting, receiving, believing, you add the word "choose" or some form of it.
Luke 13:3 I tell you, Nay: but, except ye repent, ye shall all likewise perish.

It does not say that God must first give them the ability to repent.

Why don't you tell me about His character, and support your claim. That would be a discussion.
There have been bits and pieces discussed.
Then everything that the Bible tells us about the nature and character of mankind is a lie. "All our righteousness is as filthy rags." "All have fallen short of the glory of God." "No one seeks God, no not one." "We are dead in tresspasses and sins." for starters.
Previously discussed. Most of those OT quotes are concerning fools and the wicked.
Try and understand what I am saying.

Of course you do not say we worship three Gods, because you know we say we don't. That does not change the fact that you can only argue against this theology by treating it as though we do.
I do not treat the theology as worshiping three Gods.
Man IS autonomous. It's part of the image of God that we are created in. While we do have a sin nature, we know both good and evil, and can choose between the two.
God is autonomous. He cannot create another autonomous being as that would be a contradiction, and there would be no basis for anyone to submit to Him or even a basis for God requiring that anyone submit to Him. Submission removes autonomy. To say autonomy is a part of His image in which we are created is to not understand that bearing His image does not make us exactly like Him at any point. He is transcendent. To bear His image is to imitate His character. He cannot create something that is equal to Himself for He is not a creation.

And saying that our will is not free does not mean that we do not know good from evil, and it is not saying that we never choose good over evil.
God is autonomous. He cannot create another autonomous being as that would be a contradiction, and there would be no basis for anyone to submit to Him or even a basis for God requiring that anyone submit to Him. Submission removes autonomy. To say autonomy is a part of His image in which we are created is to not understand that bearing His image does not make us exactly like Him at any point. He is transcendent. To bear His image is to imitate His character. He cannot create something that is equal to Himself for He is not a creation.
We are to imitate God's character (Eph 5:1). Autonomy means free to choose. We can say "yes" or "no" to God.

And saying that our will is not free does not mean that we do not know good from evil, and it is not saying that we never choose good over evil.
Nor is it saying that we cannot choose to believe the gospel.
Don't ask me to answer questions as though you really wanted to know if all you are going to do when I do answer, is insult me.

You have no observation of my faith. All you have is judgement that I don't believe as you do.
There are too many posters including you that how I observe is accurate or not because it is never clear.

Or you will come back with that's not what you believe.
There are too many posters including you that how I observe is accurate or not because it is never clear.

Or you will come back with that's not what you believe.
If you paid attention to what we say, it might be more clear.
We are to imitate God's character (Eph 5:1). Autonomy means free to choose. We can say "yes" or "no" to God.
That is not what autonomy means.
Autonomy: the right or condition of self government. Freedom from external control or influence; independence.

Ps 135:6-7; Acts 17:28; Job 33:4; Ps 103:19; Dan 4:35; Prov 21:1; 2 Chron 20:6
Open theism ignores the most elemental and first self-identification of God. How can you expect any soundness to come out of it.
Nor is it saying that we cannot choose to believe the gospel.
We can choose it but we won't, because we don't want to. We cannot stomach God's autonomy and want our own. We delude ourselves into thinking that we can ignore Him without consequences, and to do so, create an image of Him that allows us to do this. Or simply deny His existence. Open theism is a clear cut case of doing the former. This God, the one it defines in it's own self preserving way, they can seek and choose. But it is not God as He is. We are all in the same boat. "None seek after God, no not one." All are dead in their trespasses and sins.

It takes God Himself to intervene on our behalf, to break down this wall of enmity that we have against Him. "I will do it," He says over and over in the prophets. Those who demand their autonomy over God or equal to God, do not even want Him to do this for them. They want to have done it THEMSELVES.
Arial is a dedicated Calvinist. People have no free will to choose to believe. God does it all.
I know but she seems to deny it.

that's why circular arguments never stop.

she cannot make up her mind.