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What Is Faith In the Bible?

This is what I mean about thinking on two completely different levels. All those grammar lessons you give and you ask what I mean by a qualifier. I have you the qualifier. "Choose" to believe is what is absent from those scriptures that you slip in there, at least in your head.

I'll have to get to the rest later. I need a break.
Oh, be sure I looked it up - qualifier - 1) one that satisfies requirements or meets a specified standard [qualifies for a competition or its final rounds]
2) [Grammar] a word (such as an adjective) or word group that limits or modifies the meaning of another word (such as a noun) or word group [Merriam-Webster] A qualifier is a word that limits or enhances another word's meaning. Qualifiers affect the certainty and specificity of a statement. [grammarly.com]

And as usual your meaning of qualifier is totally different. "you" is a qualifier?

The word "choose" does not have to be present to be implied. If a verse says "whoever believes" or "all who believe" - believe is to accept something as true, to be sure of the truth of something - choice would of course be involved. And if I were to choose a "qualifier" from John 3:16 and Rom. 3:22 - it would be "whoever" and "all".
One was a lie, the other wasn't.

Gen 3:22 And the LORD God said, Behold, the man is become as one of us, to know good and evil: and now, lest he put forth his hand, and take also of the tree of life, and eat, and live for ever:
True. My point was "You shall be like God" they grasped at equality with God - I guess I should have worded it differently.
True. My point was "You shall be like God" they grasped at equality with God - I guess I should have worded it differently.
Yes, Adam and Eve grasped at equalty with God. Jesus Christ didn't. Phil 2:6 (almost any translation except the KJV..)
Qualifiers affect the certainty and specificity of a statement.
How difficult would it be for those statements of believing to to read "All those who choose to believe" or "all those who decide to believe"? It would take all the guesswork out of it wouldn't it? So why doesn't it add those words? Why is it that in all of Jesus' teaching and that of the apostles, never once is there a discussion about making a choice or decision? And yet free willers cannot ever have the discussion of coming to Christ without making a point of using them? Without making a production of free will in all its glory. Those "whosoever" scriptures and all the others you put forth are stating simply the simple means of salvation.
And as usual your meaning of qualifier is totally different. "you" is a qualifier?
The word "choose" does not have to be present to be implied. If a verse says "whoever believes" or "all who believe" - believe is to accept something as true, to be sure of the truth of something - choice would of course be involved. And if I were to choose a "qualifier" from John 3:16 and Rom. 3:22 - it would be "whoever" and "all".
That a person is in a sense choosing, (and I have never said people don't choose, that is how humans operate. The difference between you and I, is WHY a person chooses Christ.) You say "I did it. No help from God needed." Which naturally surmises that you have something more and better than those who do not "do it." I say they heard, and when they heard, they believed, and naturally one chooses what one believes. I say they believe when they hear because of a glorious work of grace in the heart of the one hearing. An opening up of the ears to hear, the eyes to see.
How difficult would it be for those statements of believing to to read "All those who choose to believe" or "all those who decide to believe"? It would take all the guesswork out of it wouldn't it? So why doesn't it add those words? Why is it that in all of Jesus' teaching and that of the apostles, never once is there a discussion about making a choice or decision? And yet free willers cannot ever have the discussion of coming to Christ without making a point of using them? Without making a production of free will in all its glory. Those "whosoever" scriptures and all the others you put forth are stating simply the simple means of salvation.
What "guesswork"? Considering that it takes some type of action from the "whoever" and from the "all" - which is to "believe" - would make it a choice to take that action - believe the gospel or reject the gospel. I would say that it is a free choice - open to whoever and all. There are lots of verses that tell us to believe, not just those. I don't believe I am making a "production of free will in all its glory". Yes, the means of salvation - the one who believes = eternal life - the one who rejects = death - a choice no matter how you look at it.
That a person is in a sense choosing, (and I have never said people don't choose, that is how humans operate. The difference between you and I, is WHY a person chooses Christ.) You say "I did it. No help from God needed." Which naturally surmises that you have something more and better than those who do not "do it." I say they heard, and when they heard, they believed, and naturally one chooses what one believes. I say they believe when they hear because of a glorious work of grace in the heart of the one hearing. An opening up of the ears to hear, the eyes to see.
"You say "I did it. No help from God needed. Which naturally surmises that you have something more and better than those who do not "do it."
That is what you are reading into what I am saying (don't you just hate when people do that!) When have you ever heard me say that "God has nothing to do with it?

God persuades (draws) us through His word (Rom. 10:17) - we hear the word of truth, the gospel of our salvation, and believe (have faith/trust) in him (Christ) and when we do - we are sealed with the promised Holy Spirit (the gift of holy spirit). (Eph. 1: 13)
I say we believe when we hear the word of God "which is living and active, sharper than any two-edged sword, piercing to the division of soul and of spirit, of joints and marrow, and discerning the thoughts and intentions of the heart". IOW, the word of God clears out all the bull of the world and helps a person see where they are at - to see how evil the world is - to see how miserable their life is - and they desire to be closer to the One who can and will walk beside them guiding them, strengthening them, loving them - they realize that they are sick and tired of being sick and tired! So, the difference between us is the way in which God reaches us - either He gives us the "faith" to believe or we believe upon hearing His word. (Just a little side note: What I found interesting is that these words faith, trust, and believe are all relative even in the Greek - faith - noun (pistis); believe - verb (pisteuo); both these words stem from peitho (v) from which trust, confidence is translated from.)
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What "guesswork"?
There is guesswork in the church. Otherwise we would not be on opposite sides of that fence. Try to track.
Considering that it takes some type of action from the "whoever" and from the "all" - which is to "believe" - would make it a choice to take that action - believe the gospel or reject the gospel. I would say that it is a free choice - open to whoever and all. There are lots of verses that tell us to believe, not just those. I don't believe I am making a "production of free will in all its glory". Yes, the means of salvation - the one who believes = eternal life - the one who rejects = death - a choice no matter how you look at it.
If one rejects the gospel it is because they don't believe it. That is the definition of rejecting it. Not because they decided to not believe it---that would mean they did believe it but then decided not to. (I already know you will not be able to follow that line of thought and have something cute to say about it.) And it doesn't matter how many times one denies they are glorifying free will---when they refuse to give it up, when they "stamp their feet" at the mere suggestion that their will is not free---they are glorifying free will. There will, above God's will. But a side note; here you make a point of choosing to believe (believing) as being a work---an action---and at the same time deny that it is a work, an action, on our part that contributes to our salvation apart from the work of Christ. You will also find a way to again deny that you (and all freewill gurus) do it. So when I finish with this post, I am out of the conversation. It has returned to where it always returns. Pure repetitive bickering.
"You say "I did it. No help from God needed. Which naturally surmises that you have something more and better than those who do not "do it."
That is what you are reading into what I am saying (don't you just hate when people do that!) When have you ever heard me say that "God has nothing to do with it?
I am reading nothing into it. I am understanding far better than you yourself do, the implications of what you teach. You admit it took Christ and His work to provide salvation, but it takes you and your choices, to make it valid for you, that God has nothing to do with that part, it is up to you.
I say we believe when we hear the word of God "which is living and active, sharper than any two-edged sword, piercing to the division of soul and of spirit, of joints and marrow, and discerning the thoughts and intentions of the heart". IOW, the word of God clears out all the bull of the world and helps a person see where they are at - to see how evil the world is - to see how miserable their life is - and they desire to be closer to the One who can and will walk beside them guiding them, strengthening them, loving them - they realize that they are sick and tired of being sick and tired! So, the difference between us is the way in which God reaches us - either He gives us the "faith" to believe or we believe upon hearing His word.
If it is His word Patience, it is HIM. All you have to do is stop adding the "I" do it.
(Just a little side note: What I found interesting is that these words faith, trust, and believe are all relative even in the Greek - faith - noun (pistis); believe - verb (pisteuo); both these words stem from peitho (v) from which trust, confidence is translated from.)
No one is arguing now or ever was over the definition of faith.
There is guesswork in the church. Otherwise we would not be on opposite sides of that fence. Try to track.

If one rejects the gospel it is because they don't believe it. That is the definition of rejecting it. Not because they decided to not believe it---that would mean they did believe it but then decided not to. (I already know you will not be able to follow that line of thought and have something cute to say about it.) And it doesn't matter how many times one denies they are glorifying free will---when they refuse to give it up, when they "stamp their feet" at the mere suggestion that their will is not free---they are glorifying free will. There will, above God's will. But a side note; here you make a point of choosing to believe (believing) as being a work---an action---and at the same time deny that it is a work, an action, on our part that contributes to our salvation apart from the work of Christ. You will also find a way to again deny that you (and all freewill gurus) do it. So when I finish with this post, I am out of the conversation. It has returned to where it always returns. Pure repetitive bickering.

I am reading nothing into it. I am understanding far better than you yourself do, the implications of what you teach. You admit it took Christ and His work to provide salvation, but it takes you and your choices, to make it valid for you, that God has nothing to do with that part, it is up to you.

If it is His word Patience, it is HIM. All you have to do is stop adding the "I" do it.

No one is arguing now or ever was over the definition of faith.
As much as the concept is anathama to you, God does require something from people in order for them to be saved.
As much as the concept is anathama to you, God does require something from people in order for them to be saved.
Then you believe in works righteousness which is against what scripture teaches. Whether it is 10 works or a thousand or one---is is works. At least now you have admitted it.
Then you believe in works righteousness which is against what scripture teaches. Whether it is 10 works or a thousand or one---is is works. At least now you have admitted it.
Faith is not works.
Faith is not works.
Choosing is. Does the choosing come from you? Then you have offered something to God in order to merit salvation. It only takes that one tiny thing to completely remove grace from the equation.
There is guesswork in the church. Otherwise we would not be on opposite sides of that fence. Try to track.
This is the context of how you used "guesswork" which doesn't sound like you were speaking collectively to the "church". "How difficult would it be for those statements of believing to to read "All those who choose to believe" or "all those who decide to believe"? It would take all the guesswork out of it wouldn't it?"
If one rejects the gospel it is because they don't believe it. That is the definition of rejecting it. Not because they decided to not believe it---that would mean they did believe it but then decided not to. (I already know you will not be able to follow that line of thought and have something cute to say about it.) And it doesn't matter how many times one denies they are glorifying free will---when they refuse to give it up, when they "stamp their feet" at the mere suggestion that their will is not free---they are glorifying free will. There will, above God's will. But a side note; here you make a point of choosing to believe (believing) as being a work---an action---and at the same time deny that it is a work, an action, on our part that contributes to our salvation apart from the work of Christ. You will also find a way to again deny that you (and all freewill gurus) do it. So when I finish with this post, I am out of the conversation. It has returned to where it always returns. Pure repetitive bickering.
Correct, if they don't believe the gospel - they don't believe it!! They did make the choice or decision to not believe it. They rejected it - never believed it, denied it, turned away from the gospel by not receiving or even considering it.

(I already know you will not be able to follow that line of thought and have something cute to say about it.) - I do not need your snide off-line remarks -- thank you.

The whole key to receiving salvation, i.e. entering the Kingdom, eternal life, is placing your trust (also a verb, an action) in someone - which is the same as believing in someone and is the same as having faith is someone. That's God's plan - who are we to argue with it?

You do this with me a lot - start a discussion and then you get to a point where the discussion is bickering, arguing over petty or trivial matters. To me, I am still just discussing! And it's funny how you continue to enter into the threads regarding the law, time after time - you talk about bickering - it is all over the place in those threads!
I am reading nothing into it. I am understanding far better than you yourself do, the implications of what you teach. You admit it took Christ and His work to provide salvation, but it takes you and your choices, to make it valid for you, that God has nothing to do with that part, it is up to you.
You only read through the lens of your reformed theology way of thinking and there is nothing I can do about it but reaffirm and stand for what I believe with the same conviction that you state your belief. It takes my choice to believe in Jesus Christ - God does the rest. Jesus tells me that I must be born again of the Spirit to enter the kingdom of God. God's plan is set up in a way that whoever believes in his Son, Jesus Christ receives eternal life, i.e. enters the kingdom of God. God's plan is set up in a way that "all" who believe receive the righteousness of God through faith in His Son. God gives His gift of eternal life through faith, belief and trust in all that His Son has accomplished.

Sirs, what must I do to be saved? Believe in the Lord Jesus Christ, and you shall be saved, you and your household.
. . .
If it is His word Patience, it is HIM. All you have to do is stop adding the "I" do it.
If faith comes from hearing and hearing from the word of God - wouldn't I be doing the hearing, accepting, believing, trusting in that word? - How can one remove the "I" when "I" am involved?
No one is arguing now or ever was over the definition of faith.
Correct, I was just showing you something I found interesting.