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What Is Faith In the Bible?

The work that Jesus accomplished is applied to those who believe in him. But now the righteousness of God has been manifested apart from the law, although the Law and the Prophets bear witness to it----the righteousness of God through faith (trust) in Jesus Christ for all who believe . . . (Rom. 3:21,22)

Yes, all born again new creatures that are given the power of His faith acording to his labor of love as that neded to rise to newnes of spirit life. . Not of our own self lest any man boast in false pride.

Better things than cruicfying Christ over and over ever time they sin as if once was not enough . The better things that accompany salvation, receiving the end of faith that comes from hearing God the salvation from the beginning it accompanies savation . A etetanal propmise that he will not forget the good works we have performed acording to the power of His Holy name Savior
Hebrews 6:9-10 But, beloved, we are persuaded better things of you, and things that accompany salvation, though we thus speak.
For God is not unrighteous to forget your work and labour of love, which ye have shewed toward his name, in that ye have ministered to the saints, and do minister.
The work that Jesus accomplished is applied to those who believe in him. But now the righteousness of God has been manifested apart from the law, although the Law and the Prophets bear witness to it----the righteousness of God through faith (trust) in Jesus Christ for all who believe . . . (Rom. 3:21,22)
Of course, that is a true statement but where does it say anything other than "all those who believe? Where is the qualifier of choosing or deciding to believe?
You either believe in the works of Jesus Christ which = trust in the works of Jesus Christ for salvation or you don't. We are at enmity with God through the judgment placed upon Adam - the judgment of death through sin. We are reconciled to God by the death of his Son (Rom. 5:10)
For the judgment following one trespass brought condemnation, but the free gift following many trespasses brought justification. . . For as by the one man's disobedience the many were made sinners, so by the one man's obedience the many will be made righteous. (Rom. 5:16,19) Which is why we are told that God sent his only Son, that whosoever believes in him should not perish but have eternal life. Eternal life = the gift of God. (Rom. 6:23)
Again, true words, but where is the qualifier of choosing or deciding to believe in Him?

But we are going off track here. Let's go back to the garden. The subject is not really where faith comes from, but what it is and what it means that it was lost---this trust in God and all He says, and tells us, and tells us to do. Eve was deceived and Adam fell in step, when she saw there was something that God had not given her, and it seemed to her that she would be better off, if she had this forbidden thing. Knowledge and wisdom that was kept from her. Which is saying God is not sufficient. This thought process is at the root of every sin we commit. This is the enmity with God we inherit. Can we change us to remedy this? Can a leopard change its spots?

God has to do it. And the remedy is only in trusting the person and work of Jesus, thereby being united with Him. His trust in God in doing the work is a much a part of His perfect righteousness as keeping the Law is. He did what Adam did not do, and what none of us do or can do since. It is this very faith in God, the ability to have and exercise it, that is imputed with all His righteousness. It is found in trusting Christ alone for salvation, because of who He is and what He did. Jesus destroyed the power of that sin which leads to all sins, therefore destroyed the power of all sin to condemn us and separate us from God.

And when one says that this good thing called faith does not come from God, that it is not given by grace--it is to say that some good things come from us, not from God. (James 1:17) Your daily bread comes from Him. Your job, your family, home. clothes, car, everything is a gift from Him.
Sure, a sermon I've often heard. Very apropos for sinners...

I offered something other for your consideration...something apropos for creation and the fall.

A dialogue exchanging ideas is great, yes?
Sorry. It sounded like a contradiction put forth to what I said, without actually addressing what I said. And if it struck you as a sermon often heard, that would be because you did not understand what I was saying and what I was bringing forth as an angle to view from. No problem.

What you posted is the sermon often heard which skates the surface of truth---gives the facts. which of course are vitally important---but does not go farther by putting things together with what happened in the beginning, or in other places, to find the root, and explore the mines of the word. That is not necessary to do, but I find it is what I do. Just thought I would share.
I see here a person who is trusting in themselves, their own abilities, their own wisdom and intellect. One who thinks they operate entirely independently of God, who can and does, get where they want to go all by themselves. God need give nothing but the sacrifice for you. And even that is something you appropriate in a way that requires no God at all, only the wise decisions of Shroom. The star of his own show is Shroom. It is very reminiscent of the same view that tempted our first ancestors that threw us into this captivity.
Take your Calvinist blinders off, Arial. I trust in God and the Lord Jesus Christ for my salvation.

For some reason you cannot or will not accept or understand that God gave people free will.
Take your Calvinist blinders off, Arial. I trust in God and the Lord Jesus Christ for my salvation.

For some reason you cannot or will not accept or understand that God gave people free will.
If you would take your liberal Christianity blinders off, you would see the damage that has been done to Christ's church and the foundation the apostles laid, by that one thing: abandonment of Reformed theology in favor of Finneyism. That arrogant and meaningless banner "Free Will for Me and You." The Bible says our will in in bondage to sin. Is that free? Liberal Christianity is one of the damages done, and from the gate being swung wide open, come every varying interpretation of scripture, conflicting theologies, the unholy separation of the Holy Spirit from His word, new revelation, new apostles and prophets, all preaching their own gospel. A rampant inability to correctly interpret scripture or to defend the faith, at certain points, because the foundational truth of who God is has been pulled out from under the people. We are scarcely in a better place today than we were pre-Reformation. You will not even give any consideration as to the truth of what I say because of it. Yet your only defense is to attribute it to Calvinism as if that were all it takes to make it false. People pretty much just follow their itching ears today.

So, carry on in your many deceptions and consider them truth simply because you choose to believe them. I am not debating with someone who has the word Calvinism as his major weapon.

And your definition of free will as either free or no will at all is as simple minded as all the others who have no capacity to make distinctions. And there is no point in trying to reason or use reason with one who denies the deity of Christ and the Holy Spirit, denies the sovereignty of God, who believes all good things come from himself. It is cultish, and cultishly learned, and that barrier placed over one's mind can only be broken by God Himself, if He so desires.
If you would take your liberal Christianity blinders off, you would see the damage that has been done to Christ's church and the foundation the apostles laid, by that one thing: abandonment of Reformed theology in favor of Finneyism. That arrogant and meaningless banner "Free Will for Me and You." The Bible says our will in in bondage to sin. Is that free? Liberal Christianity is one of the damages done, and from the gate being swung wide open, come every varying interpretation of scripture, conflicting theologies, the unholy separation of the Holy Spirit from His word, new revelation, new apostles and prophets, all preaching their own gospel. A rampant inability to correctly interpret scripture or to defend the faith, at certain points, because the foundational truth of who God is has been pulled out from under the people. We are scarcely in a better place today than we were pre-Reformation. You will not even give any consideration as to the truth of what I say because of it. Yet your only defense is to attribute it to Calvinism as if that were all it takes to make it false. People pretty much just follow their itching ears today.

So, carry on in your many deceptions and consider them truth simply because you choose to believe them. I am not debating with someone who has the word Calvinism as his major weapon.

And your definition of free will as either free or no will at all is as simple minded as all the others who have no capacity to make distinctions. And there is no point in trying to reason or use reason with one who denies the deity of Christ and the Holy Spirit, denies the sovereignty of God, who believes all good things come from himself. It is cultish, and cultishly learned, and that barrier placed over one's mind can only be broken by God Himself, if He so desires.
Yet another scathing response from you. If you must disagree with me, at least stop lying. I have never said, or alluded, that I believe all good things come from myself.

You won't listen today. One day you will.
Yet another scathing response from you. If you must disagree with me, at least stop lying. I have never said, or alluded, that I believe all good things come from myself.

You won't listen today. One day you will.
So scathing is ok if it comes from you, but not if it comes from me?
I will never listen to deceptions.
I did not lie. You simply do not follow through with your beliefs and statements to see what lies beneath the spiritual sounding words. You make statements and profess truths, that if you didn't stop with your leaned proclamation, and instead followed the thread to its conclusion----used reason and logic iow---you would see that you (and all men iyv) above God. You live in self deception, tough that is probably the fault of your leaders. And that what you teach diminishes the power and glory of God, Son and Holy Spirit, by elevating man. No person will be able to break down the cult walls you live behind and the day you begin to question your absolute rightness on all things will be the day that marks God beginning to pull down the bricks. You will not even ask Him to. You do not want to see the God who may be on the other side. So, what does that say?
So scathing is ok if it comes from you, but not if it comes from me?
I will never listen to deceptions.
Too late for you to make that pronouncement.
I did not lie.
You did.
You simply do not follow through with your beliefs and statements to see what lies beneath the spiritual sounding words. You make statements and profess truths, that if you didn't stop with your leaned proclamation, and instead followed the thread to its conclusion----used reason and logic iow---you would see that you (and all men iyv) above God.
No man is above God. But what you fail to grasp, for whatever reason, is that God gave people free will, the ability to choose. And don’t come back with the Calvinist false assertion that man will never choose God.
You live in self deception, tough that is probably the fault of your leaders.
Apply that to yourself.
And that what you teach diminishes the power and glory of God, Son and Holy Spirit, by elevating man.
What I believe and teach in no way diminishes the power and glory of God, or His Son Jesus Christ, or the gift of holy spirit that is given to people who choose to believe the gospel.
No person will be able to break down the cult walls you live behind and the day you begin to question your absolute rightness on all things will be the day that marks God beginning to pull down the bricks. You will not even ask Him to. You do not want to see the God who may be on the other side. So, what does that say?
Apparently no person is yet able to break down the cult walls of Reformed theology that you live behind and so vehemently defend. One day God and Jesus Christ will, whether you ask them to or not.
Of course, that is a true statement but where does it say anything other than "all those who believe? Where is the qualifier of choosing or deciding to believe?

Again, true words, but where is the qualifier of choosing or deciding to believe in Him?
qualifier? Who "qualifies" to believe? Maybe you can explain what you mean
But we are going off track here. Let's go back to the garden. The subject is not really where faith comes from, but what it is and what it means that it was lost---this trust in God and all He says, and tells us, and tells us to do. Eve was deceived and Adam fell in step, when she saw there was something that God had not given her, and it seemed to her that she would be better off, if she had this forbidden thing. Knowledge and wisdom that was kept from her. Which is saying God is not sufficient. This thought process is at the root of every sin we commit. This is the enmity with God we inherit. Can we change us to remedy this? Can a leopard change its spots?
I thought we previously stated what faith means and we were in agreement? Adam and Eve believed two lies - "You will not surely die" and also - "you will be like God knowing good and evil". They believed the lie and also grasped at equality with God. So, I don't know if I would say faith was lost but their standing or relationship to God was lost.
God has to do it. And the remedy is only in trusting the person and work of Jesus, thereby being united with Him. His trust in God in doing the work is a much a part of His perfect righteousness as keeping the Law is. He did what Adam did not do, and what none of us do or can do since. It is this very faith in God, the ability to have and exercise it, that is imputed with all His righteousness. It is found in trusting Christ alone for salvation, because of who He is and what He did. Jesus destroyed the power of that sin which leads to all sins, therefore destroyed the power of all sin to condemn us and separate us from God.
God did have to be the one to restore that relationship between Him and mankind which He did through His plan of salvation by sending His only Son so that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life. Faith is not imputed to us . . .but justification, sanctification, righteousness and true holiness are imputed to us through belief in His Son. That belief in Christ is trust in him - belief and trust go hand in hand - you can't have one without the other. Why would one place their belief (faith/trust) in someone who wasn't trustworthy (faithful)?
And when one says that this good thing called faith does not come from God, that it is not given by grace--it is to say that some good things come from us, not from God. (James 1:17) Your daily bread comes from Him. Your job, your family, home. clothes, car, everything is a gift from Him.
Salvation is given by grace through faith (belief/trust) [Eph. 2:5,8] = the new birth, being born of the Spirit [John 3] = It is not of ourselves = we did not produce this new birth resulting in the promise of eternal life [John 1:12,13] = it is the gift of God [Rom. 6: 23] = through belief in His Son. [John 3:16] I thank God every day for the many blessings He has bestowed upon me.

We see Christ and his accomplishments in much the same way but we just won't see eye to eye on this matter.
qualifier? Who "qualifies" to believe? Maybe you can explain what you mean
This is what I mean about thinking on two completely different levels. All those grammar lessons you give and you ask what I mean by a qualifier. I have you the qualifier. "Choose" to believe is what is absent from those scriptures that you slip in there, at least in your head.

I'll have to get to the rest later. I need a break.
...Adam and Eve believed two lies - "You will not surely die" and also - "you will be like God knowing good and evil". They believed the lie and also grasped at equality with God. So, I don't know if I would say faith was lost but their standing or relationship to God was lost.
One was a lie, the other wasn't.

Gen 3:22 And the LORD God said, Behold, the man is become as one of us, to know good and evil: and now, lest he put forth his hand, and take also of the tree of life, and eat, and live for ever: