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What Is Faith In the Bible?

We are saved by grace, through faith---so if salvation is the gift, so is faith. It is Christ's faith that caused Him to resist all temptation, to obey all of the law and to die on that cross. I covered that in the OP. We must have this same type of faith that Jesus is truthful and faithful to all that is said about Him and us. We can't just decide to have it or take it for ourselves. It is a faith that is beyond our sinful abilities. It must be given.
Yep, saved by grace through trust in God and Christ. Eternal life is the gift of God - (Rom. 6:23); justification is a free gift - (Rom. 5:16); righteousness is a free gift; God's grace is said to be a gift - (Eph. 3:7) and of course many verses regarding the gift of holy spirit but I can't seem to find scriptural reference to faith/trust being a gift. Yes, Jesus is truthful and faithful. How do I know that? Because I believe all that is written concerning him.
You have a really hard time understanding what I mean by what I say. I am not putting that forth as an accusation, but just a fact. We think differently---in different ways. And to even try and untangle that will no doubt, and I fear it, for it is very uncomfortable, only result in further misunderstanding, and eventually, where we always end up for this very reason. The faith we do not have and need God places in us. The new heart. And then it is genuine faith in Jesus. That is the best I can do with the distortion made.
I agree, we think quite differently. I will probably misunderstand again but if, as we seemed to agree - faith means trust and trust means the firm belief in the reliability, truth, ability, or strength of someone or something and God gives that to me - how is that actually me trusting Him?

It is not my aim to distort what you are saying - if it was I wouldn't follow up with questions.
It was Christ's complete trust in what God sent Him to do that motivated His obedience as Son of man. He did it for God. He did it for us. Covered in the OP.
I will agree that Christ's complete trust in his Father gave him the strength to walk in total obedience - Not my will but as you will. (Matt. 6:39, John 5:30, 6:38) Yes, he did it for us.
What I put forth in the OP has been a long time coming, and I have been able to see it from familiarity with the Bible. It is not my own understanding; it is what is there.
Of course, it comes from His word. Where else would it come from?
Everyone who reads the Bible has those same witnesses. Not all have faith in Christ. And yes, they are there for our assurance and confidence, and is where our hope is placed. They may very well be what leads someone to Christ, but not until their eyes and ears have been opened, the heart softened. How a thing looks to us, is not always how a thing is. And it doesn't matter in the long run and is not really what the thread is about. I was trying to point out what was lost in the garden, and how we get it back. Lack of trust in God alone is the bain of man's existence without Christ. It is the very root and cause of all sins
True, not all will trust what they hear - that is a given. It is the word of God that opens eyes, ears, and hearts - that's where trust comes from when it's mixed with trust in what is heard.

Yes, trust was lost in the garden and we get it back through trust in God and our Lord Jesus Christ and all that was accomplished through his death and resurrection.
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We are saved by grace, through faith---so if salvation is the gift, so is faith.
No it isn't. Salvation is the gift, given when a person chooses to have faith in the gospel, something anyone can decide to do.
It is Christ's faith that caused Him to resist all temptation, to obey all of the law and to die on that cross.
Yes. Jesus Christ trusted God.
I covered that in the OP. We must have this same type of faith that Jesus is truthful and faithful to all that is said about Him and us. We can't just decide to have it or take it for ourselves. It is a faith that is beyond our sinful abilities. It must be given.
We are to have faith in the gospel, that Jesus Christ died for our sins, that he is our Lord, and that God raised him from the dead. When a person does that, he receives the gift of holy spirit, sealing him unto the day of redemption.
No it isn't. Salvation is the gift, given when a person chooses to have faith in the gospel, something anyone can decide to do.

Yes. Jesus Christ trusted God.

We are to have faith in the gospel, that Jesus Christ died for our sins, that he is our Lord, and that God raised him from the dead. When a person does that, he receives the gift of holy spirit, sealing him unto the day of redemption.
Are you trusting in Christ or are you counting on you deciding to believe Him. Think it through. Don't just give a quick answer. Follow the logic.
I can't seem to find scriptural reference to faith/trust being a gift. Yes, Jesus is truthful and faithful. How do I know that? Because I believe all that is written concerning him.
Eph 2.
I agree, we think quite differently. I will probably misunderstand again but if, as we seemed to agree - faith means trust and trust means the firm belief in the reliability, truth, ability, or strength of someone or something and God gives that to me - how is that actually me trusting Him?
If God gives you something it becomes yours. You did not manufacture it--it was given. Even the word used there in the Greek carries the idea of something coming from outside of us---from the divine.
It is not my aim to distort what you are saying - if it was I wouldn't follow up with questions.
I know it is not your intention. Which is why I don't desire to give it a foothold by reexplaining in many different ways. But it is what happens because we process thoughts and ideas differently.
True, not all will trust what they hear - that is a given. It is the word of God that opens eyes, ears, and hearts - that's where trust comes from when it's mixed with trust in what is heard.
True, it has to come from the word---that is the means God uses. But how do you explain that some believe, and some do not? That some can understand and some not? There is a bit of a clue in the reason Jesus gave His disciples of why He so often spoke in parables.
One of the causes of sin is separation from God. But heh, many people claim God to be one who talks to themselves on a regular basis.
That mistrust of God in Eden is what separated us from God. It was mistrust that caused them to sin.
Are you trusting in Christ or are you counting on you deciding to believe Him. Think it through. Don't just give a quick answer. Follow the logic.
It's not that difficult, Arial. I decided to trust in Christ. So did everyone who is a Christian.

This was to patience:
But how do you explain that some believe, and some do not?
Free will. There are a lot of people out there who do not believe in God. They could....
That some can understand and some not?
Anyone has the capacity to understand. People who are worldly-minded won't, but they could choose to stop being so worldly minded, and humble themselves. It's the meek who will inherit the earth (be saved).
The faith that saves as stated in Eph 2:6-10 is better understood if we get to the very root of what the Bible is referring to when it so frequently mentions faith or its absence, even in the OT. It starts in the Garden of Eden and Eve's temptation, Adams sin. That is the very place faith in God was broken, and was passed on to us all. It is more why they disobeyed God's command, than the simple fact that they did. In Gen 1 we see God creating the earth and all that is in it and pronouncing it good meaning perfect, self sustaining through the wisdom and power of God, and supplying every need for both vegetation, animal, and man. In verses 26-31 we see God creating Adam and giving him dominion over the earth and all that was on it. (We see too the complete absence of death or violence, even in the animal kingdom against one another and us against them, them against us.) In Gen 2:16 God gave a command to Adam. And the Lord God commanded the man, saying, "You may surely eat of every tree of the garden, 17 but of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil you shall not eat, for in the day that you eat of it you shall surely die."

In Gen 3 we read of Eve's being deceived and we see why she ate. 6 So when the woman saw that the tree was good for food, and that it was a delight to the eyes, and that the tree was to be desired to make one wise, she took of its fruit and ate, and she also gave some to her husband who was with her, and he ate. Whereupon they realized they were naked and immediately tried to hide from God, and cover the evidence their own disobedience. God in His mercy, supplied them with a better covering, one made from the first death to enter creation. The beginning of a life for a life that ends with the sacrifice of Jesus.

So what happened here? Even though everything was perfectly provided for them by God, and He walked with them, His presence with them, they failed to trust Him when something they didn't have was forbidden. They wanted that thing.

Everytime the Bible speaks of persons in the OT as having faith, or having a heart after God, it is speaking of those who put full trust in God to be who He says He is and to do what He says He will do. That was the difference between David, a man after God's own heart, and Solomon, who God said was not as his father David. The difference? David never failed to trust in God and their covenant relationship with its promises. Solomon, even though his reign as king began right and he was blessed with wisdom and prosperity and peace, eventually wanted other things too. Other gods, forbidden things, and went after them. He was trusting in other than God. No faith that God was all He needed or wanted.

The faith that saves is the same type of faith. Jesus had it, as Son of man, trusting in the Father. Other faithful men, sinned, stumbled, repented, but did not lose faith. Jesus never stumbled in His faith in God to do what He said He was going to do, nor did He ever sin against Him. It was this trust in God, that even though Jesus was going to have to suffer unimaginably, even to the point of God forsaking Him, that God would raise Him to life again; and that He was doing it for a people that God was giving to Him to redeem from the power of sin and death that came in Eden. He did it for the Father, and He did it for those people. He trusted God to do what He said He would do, and so obeyed Him at every point. It is this faith of Christ, through absolute trust (faith) in Jesus to be who He says He is, and to have done what He said He would do, and to do what He says He will do in the future, that is the faith that gives eternal life through forgiveness of sins. We will never find this faith within ourselves, we are too sinful and fallen to do so. It is given by God and by His grace. He gives us the momentous faith of the Son and imputes to us, His perfect righteousness, and we believe.

And though we will not find this faith within ourselves, we can and should ask for it.
No worry there for God has given every and the faith needed. Rom 12:3.."For I say, through the grace given unto me, to every man that is among you, not to think of himself more highly than he ought to think; but to think soberly, according as God hath dealt to every man the measure of faith."

Eph. 2 speaks about being reconciled through salvation.
If God gives you something it becomes yours. You did not manufacture it--it was given. Even the word used there in the Greek carries the idea of something coming from outside of us---from the divine.
Well, I did give you the definition of the word "faith" (pistis) (you called it "worldly definition") and it held nothing about the idea "of something coming from outside of us---from the divine".
I know it is not your intention. Which is why I don't desire to give it a foothold by reexplaining in many different ways. But it is what happens because we process thoughts and ideas differently.

True, it has to come from the word---that is the means God uses. But how do you explain that some believe, and some do not? That some can understand and some not? There is a bit of a clue in the reason Jesus gave His disciples of why He so often spoke in parables.
Jesus and the disciples: Matt. 21:21,22 How did the fig tree wither at once? And Jesus answered them, . . . if you have faith and do not doubt . . . IF you have faith - if you trust. In Mark 11:22 - Jesus tells them to "Have faith in God." And in Luke 8:25 when Jesus calms the storm, he asked them - "Where is your faith?" Wouldn't God have given the disciples "the gift of faith"? Seems "trust" is not a gift magically bestowed within us but something we exercise.

For good news came to us just as to them, but the message they heard did not benefit them, because there were not united by faith (trust) with those who listened. For we who have believed enter that rest . . . . (Hebrews 4:2) They simply do not trust nor believe what they hear.
Eph. 2 speaks about being reconciled through salvation.
How is the work of Jesus applied to a person?
Jesus and the disciples: Matt. 21:21,22 How did the fig tree wither at once? And Jesus answered them, . . . if you have faith and do not doubt . . . IF you have faith - if you trust. In Mark 11:22 - Jesus tells them to "Have faith in God." And in Luke 8:25 when Jesus calms the storm, he asked them - "Where is your faith?" Wouldn't God have given the disciples "the gift of faith"? Seems "trust" is not a gift magically bestowed within us but something we exercise.

For good news came to us just as to them, but the message they heard did not benefit them, because there were not united by faith (trust) with those who listened. For we who have believed enter that rest . . . . (Hebrews 4:2) They simply do not trust nor believe what they hear.
How does one make themself trust? You either do or you don't. And of course, it is in the word that we find what and who to trust, and through the word it grows, but is trusting a decision we make? Is it natural when it come to the things of God, or utterly unnatural given that not even Adam and Eve did. We are by nature at enmity with God.
It's not that difficult, Arial. I decided to trust in Christ. So did everyone who is a Christian.

This was to patience:

Free will. There are a lot of people out there who do not believe in God. They could....

Anyone has the capacity to understand. People who are worldly-minded won't, but they could choose to stop being so worldly minded, and humble themselves. It's the meek who will inherit the earth (be saved).
I see here a person who is trusting in themselves, their own abilities, their own wisdom and intellect. One who thinks they operate entirely independently of God, who can and does, get where they want to go all by themselves. God need give nothing but the sacrifice for you. And even that is something you appropriate in a way that requires no God at all, only the wise decisions of Shroom. The star of his own show is Shroom. It is very reminiscent of the same view that tempted our first ancestors that threw us into this captivity.
Jesus and the disciples: Matt. 21:21,22 How did the fig tree wither at once? And Jesus answered them, . . . if you have faith and do not doubt . . . IF you have faith - if you trust. In Mark 11:22 - Jesus tells them to "Have faith in God." And in Luke 8:25 when Jesus calms the storm, he asked them - "Where is your faith?" Wouldn't God have given the disciples "the gift of faith"? Seems "trust" is not a gift magically bestowed within us but something we exercise.

I would offer faith is the power of God as a work or labor of love.

Faith is one of those doctrines inspired from heaven that teach us how to walk or understanding in an agreement with two. God the teaching master and the disciple seeking His approval .

Faith as it is written (Christ’s)

His faithfulness will not give up on us slower learners. If he has begun that good teaching work in us he will continue all the days of our lives.

Philippians 6 Being confident of this very thing, that he which hath begun a good work in you will perform it until the day of Jesus Christ:

The “Good work” of faith in us .Again Faith is a work or labor of love of our faithful Creator.

One thing I am learning about faith, (the power to hear and believe God not seen) is it as it is written. . . . is not the opposite of doubt.

That’s a lie from the father of lies, the accuser of the brethren by which he accuses Christian’s day and night. Robbing some of their confidence .

All believers doubt or hesitate before choosing between two thoughts or wills.

Jesus said; not a I will but as you the father the one with power to bring it to an end (“Let there be” and “it was good”) That law of faith it produces a testimony.

Making doubt the opposite of faith as to the danger It can be seen by that which some call Thomas. “Doubting Thomas” rather than that which is true. . “Faithless, unbelieving Thomas”. And rather than teaching mankind it took physical evidence to prove God is speaking , that parable teaches us just the opposite.

The faith to hear God came through his prophet and apostles Jesus who revealed the thoughts coming from the father.

It . . .Bringing light into darkness (No faith) Thomas. In effect following the law of faith (believing) "It is the spirit that produces new spirit life ; the flesh profiteth nothing: the words that I speak unto you, they are spirit, and they are life.

The loving commandment was not “do not doubt” But rather; "do not be faithless" then commanded light out of darkness "be not faithless" The fruit of confession or testimony of faith from that prophet. . . , My Lord and my God.

John 20 27 Then saith he to Thomas, Reach hither thy finger, and behold my hands; and reach hither thy hand, and thrust it into my side: and be not faithless, but believing. And Thomas answered and said unto him, My Lord and my God.

Faith is a work of God, a labor of his love giving us His understanding or called ears to hear what the Holy Spirit says .

We are given little faith a portion of His called a golden measure .He is the storeroom.

Natural converted mankind has none zero no faith that could please our father .

Romans 11:31-33King James Version Even so have these also now not believed, that through your mercy they also may obtain mercy.For God hath concluded them all in unbelief, that he might have mercy upon all. O the depth of the riches both of the wisdom and knowledge of God! how unsearchable are his judgments, and his ways past finding out!
How is the work of Jesus applied to a person?

How does one make themself trust? You either do or you don't. And of course, it is in the word that we find what and who to trust, and through the word it grows, but is trusting a decision we make? Is it natural when it come to the things of God, or utterly unnatural given that not even Adam and Eve did. We are by nature at enmity with God.
The work that Jesus accomplished is applied to those who believe in him. But now the righteousness of God has been manifested apart from the law, although the Law and the Prophets bear witness to it----the righteousness of God through faith (trust) in Jesus Christ for all who believe . . . (Rom. 3:21,22)

You either believe in the works of Jesus Christ which = trust in the works of Jesus Christ for salvation or you don't. We are at enmity with God through the judgment placed upon Adam - the judgment of death through sin. We are reconciled to God by the death of his Son (Rom. 5:10)
For the judgment following one trespass brought condemnation, but the free gift following many trespasses brought justification. . . For as by the one man's disobedience the many were made sinners, so by the one man's obedience the many will be made righteous. (Rom. 5:16,19) Which is why we are told that God sent his only Son, that whosoever believes in him should not perish but have eternal life. Eternal life = the gift of God. (Rom. 6:23)