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"Thin-terpretations"--passages poorly supported in popular usage

In a desert, a shepherd still has to make sure the water is not toxic. The footage of THAT THE WORLD MAY KNOW showed examples. The example was given of the cattle drive from TX to COL in which the pointman had to quickly determine toxicity and divert 5000 head.
I lived many years in the desert. The problem wasn't toxic water, it was water period. Hard to find. Also, there were no green pastures. What make you think Pslam 23 is about the desert? The entire Psalm is portraying the Shepherd as bountiful provider and protector, referring to covenant people as His flock---as scripture often does.

Not only that, but on the farm I lived on growing up we had a small flock of sheep. There was a pond in the pasture. In the same pasture, northwest of the pond was a creek, fed by an artesian spring, that also fed the pond. Below the dam was another artesian spring, that kept that area swampy, so the sheep would not drink from that. Neither would they drink from the creek, even though it was narrow and shallow and slow moving. They drank from the pond only.
I lived many years in the desert. The problem wasn't toxic water, it was water period. Hard to find. Also, there were no green pastures. What make you think Pslam 23 is about the desert? The entire Psalm is portraying the Shepherd as bountiful provider and protector, referring to covenant people as His flock---as scripture often does.

Not only that, but on the farm I lived on growing up we had a small flock of sheep. There was a pond in the pasture. In the same pasture, northwest of the pond was a creek, fed by an artesian spring, that also fed the pond. Below the dam was another artesian spring, that kept that area swampy, so the sheep would not drink from that. Neither would they drink from the creek, even though it was narrow and shallow and slow moving. They drank from the pond only.

was your farm in a middle east desert? all shepherding in the ancient near east was free range. Check with David about fighting wild animals, etc. The grammar and the interviews of Beduoins is the source. What is wrong with "avoiding toxic water" as a word-picture? I don't get the problem. It's great!
I lived many years in the desert. The problem wasn't toxic water, it was water period. Hard to find. Also, there were no green pastures. What make you think Pslam 23 is about the desert? The entire Psalm is portraying the Shepherd as bountiful provider and protector, referring to covenant people as His flock---as scripture often does.

Not only that, but on the farm I lived on growing up we had a small flock of sheep. There was a pond in the pasture. In the same pasture, northwest of the pond was a creek, fed by an artesian spring, that also fed the pond. Below the dam was another artesian spring, that kept that area swampy, so the sheep would not drink from that. Neither would they drink from the creek, even though it was narrow and shallow and slow moving. They drank from the pond only.

Protector! Yes! Protecting from toxic water. I lived on the south edge of the Sahara for 2 years and the Islamic tribesmen mentioned the same things and the dust in addition. They have to avoid still water because of 'harmattan' dust that accumulates all over. 1/8" per month in dry season.
was your farm in a middle east desert? all shepherding in the ancient near east was free range. Check with David about fighting wild animals, etc. The grammar and the interviews of Beduoins is the source. What is wrong with "avoiding toxic water" as a word-picture? I don't get the problem. It's great!
Nothing is wrong with it. What is wrong with the natural preference of sheep in relation to still water?
Nothing is wrong with it. What is wrong with the natural preference of sheep in relation to still water?

Nothing wrong unless the term meant toxic, which all shepherds watch out for.
Nothing wrong unless the term meant toxic, which all shepherds watch out for.
Keep in mind the Psalm is not actually about sheep. It is an analogy of the relationship of Shepherd (the Lord) to His flock (His covenant people.) So there really is no need to obsess over toxic or still, or to make an issue out of one being right and the other wrong. It is saying the same thing either way.
Keep in mind the Psalm is not actually about sheep. It is an analogy of the relationship of Shepherd (the Lord) to His flock (His covenant people.) So there really is no need to obsess over toxic or still, or to make an issue out of one being right and the other wrong. It is saying the same thing either way.

Unless it is not about the sheep preference, which it is not. It is about his leading protection from a danger, as the word-choice (past is not to or alongside or beside) and the Bedouin interviews bear out.
Unless it is not about the sheep preference, which it is not. It is about his leading protection from a danger, as the word-choice (past is not to or alongside or beside) and the Bedouin interviews bear out.
Whatever! As long as you are right about everything, and no one is under the delusion otherwise. Talk about majoring in minors. :ROFLMAO: Swallowing gnats.
The shepherds actually made still water areas for their sheep to drink from.

Source? This wasn't shown in the footage, but could be true. The point was it wasn't toxic, and 'beside' is actually 'to go past' because it is a problem, a danger.
The text says they are being led.
This would most likely refer to them being on a trip.
Not on a farm or rest stop.
We lead sheep to and from pasture every day past the pond we had created for them to drink from.