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Greetings meshak and Greetings again Pipiripi,
Yes, it is in the OT which many Christians disagree.
And I have write it, and nobody has commented nothing about it. Because they know that it is Biblical!!
Wisdom is a personification of God the Father's wisdom. Wisdom is personified as a Wise Woman who was with God the Father in the creation. Jesus is not a female gender, and at the time of Solomon's writing Jesus, he (she) was not standing on the street corners or market places calling unto the crowd to seek wisdom and understanding. "Wisdom" was revealed in person by using Solomon and other wise individuals and prophets to give the counsel of wisdom. This is "Biblical" to use your quant expression, but you are doing reasonably well with your English, eg "I have write it" - I have written it, at least here we understand what you are saying.

Kind regards
Hi TrevorL!
Sorry!! Everywhere people understand me, because when it is about to me, to write something in English, I used the easier words that I can remember, and specifically for write it thanks to my phone it helps me out.

Now do you have read my threads about Jesus is "wisdom" in Proverbs 8? Do you have catch what is written? Do you know that Jesus was the one that was taking in the Old Testament? Can you still don't understand in my debate about John writings? Even if I have wrote from the Bible with scriptural support, nobody has the understanding like Meshak has understand it.

Again Jesus Christ Words come before my eyes and Meshak!


This is the reason I am only between the rest of the Sunday keepers, and all days keepers.
Greetings meshak and Greetings again Pipiripi,

Wisdom is a personification of God the Father's wisdom. Wisdom is personified as a Wise Woman who was with God the Father in the creation. Jesus is not a female gender, and at the time of Solomon's writing Jesus, he (she) was not standing on the street corners or market places calling unto the crowd to seek wisdom and understanding. "Wisdom" was revealed in person by using Solomon and other wise individuals and prophets to give the counsel of wisdom. This is "Biblical" to use your quant expression, but you are doing reasonably well with your English, eg "I have write it" - I have written it, at least here we understand what you are saying.

Kind regards
Greetings meshak and Greetings again Pipiripi,

Wisdom is a personification of God the Father's wisdom. Wisdom is personified as a Wise Woman who was with God the Father in the creation. Jesus is not a female gender, and at the time of Solomon's writing Jesus, he (she) was not standing on the street corners or market places calling unto the crowd to seek wisdom and understanding. "Wisdom" was revealed in person by using Solomon and other wise individuals and prophets to give the counsel of wisdom. This is "Biblical" to use your quant expression, but you are doing reasonably well with your English, eg "I have write it" - I have written it, at least here we understand what you are saying.

Kind regards
Who was brought forth before creation? Salomon!!
Yes, it is in the OT which many Christians disagree.
Many teach no one had the Holy Spirit and kept it until Pentecost. Same ones that refuse to acknowledge the first century reformation occurred and the government of God was restored to before their were kings in Israel (the abomination of desolation ) When God reigned from heaven moving his apostles like Samuel, Debeorah, Abel the first or Zipporah to preach the gospel.

Called those prophets Judges
But nobody is following Jesus Christ here completely. Just because of a lack knowledge, you people shall perish. Jesus is saying with His own mouth: "THINK NOT" but you people are thinking the opposite!! That means you are hypnotized by Satan to not understand what means "think not" Matthew 5:17.
The only way to cure of your hypnotized mind is only reading Matthew 5:17 about a week. Your Bible should be open and highlight that you cannot see any other verses. And fast for about 2 days.

Not sure what you mean by hypnotized mind?

Its not the believer that is following the knowledge of Christ that will perish .But those that do not believe it as it is written

Its think not they will not perish.

.There are many think not commandments God is not a man
Not sure what you mean by hypnotized mind?
People that are not guide by the Holy Spirit of God, are in the traps of Satan. Let me show you from the Bible Words self. Isaiah 44:18-2; Thessalonians 2:8-12. There are many more. This people have hardened their hearts for the truth. My friend just think. You have a Bible and you are living alone far from human and contacts outside. What should you do by reading the Bible? Go plucking verses here and there or read the whole story and try to understand what has happened in this story? So, it is the same. People mind are blocked by follow their pastors blindness without digging in the Bible.
Its not the believer that is following the knowledge of Christ that will perish .But those that do not believe it as it is written
Yes, but believers that doesn't obey God's Word, is the same as an Atheist!!
Those believers that have seen the truth and ignore it, is more sinner then the one that just believe and do nothing.
Its think not they will not perish.
Disobeying God means that you are not His children. Revelation 12:17 and Revelation 14:12
.There are many think not commandments God is not a man
Many think that Jesus Christ is just a man like us. But in the same way they think that God the Father is Jesus Christ Himself. So a completely CONFUSION in this end time of this world. Exactly in Noah's day.
eople that are not guide by the Holy Spirit of God, are in the traps of Satan. Let me show you from the Bible Words self. Isaiah 44:18-2; Thessalonians 2:8-12. There are many more. This people have hardened their hearts for the truth. My friend just think. You have a Bible and you are living alone far from human and contacts outside. What should you do by reading the Bible? Go plucking verses here and there or read the whole story and try to understand what has happened in this story? So, it is the same. People mind are blocked by follow their pastors blindness without digging in the Bible
I would think if the Spirt of Christ who indwells all believers is working with comforting them they will have rest yoked with Christ from their own works. Seeing if any man has not the Holy Spirit of God then they do not belong the Christ . Great parable in Isaiah 44 thanks.

What did occur I beleive is when I read the bible as living words of God. I was drawn or empowered to understand according to the living, loving commandment found in 2 Timothy 2:15 the gospel as the power unto salvation .

2 Timothy 2:15 Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth.

How did the father draw you so you also could seek His living approval ?
I would think if the Spirt of Christ who indwells all believers is working with comforting them they will have rest yoked with Christ from their own works. Seeing if any man has not the Holy Spirit of God then they do not belong the Christ . Great parable in Isaiah 44 thanks.

What did occur I beleive is when I read the bible as living words of God. I was drawn or empowered to understand according to the living, loving commandment found in 2 Timothy 2:15 the gospel as the power unto salvation .

2 Timothy 2:15 Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth.

How did the father draw you so you also could seek His living approval ?
The same way that you are doing. Digging deeper with all you have. You have the true Holy Spirit in you. And this Holy Spirit is Jesus and the Father living in you. They have a god holy spirit, that is not Jesus Christ and not Jehovah God. They have a strange spirit in their body.

Don't stop searching for the truth!! Bless!