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proof of God?

Plenty of passages that speak of God's omnipresence, besides 'omnipresence' is one of the main attributes of 'God' in classical theology and many philosophical systems, along with 'omnipotence' and 'omniscience',.....where have you been hiding? :) - There are dimensions of 'God' and potential 'reality' beyond our narrow prescriptions of 'God' or any other subject, - plus you cant put 'God' in a box, because 'God' is infinite,....unless you also deny the 'infinity' of 'God' too :rolleyes:

You cant put 'God' in a 'box', neither can you assume any one book written by men contains a COMPLETE or FINAL revelation of 'God', thats impossible. - this seems like a hard pill to swallow for some, but its obvious granted the nature of 'God' and progressive revelation.

I'm open to explore the subject of 'God' in both orthodox and non-orthodox terms and possibilities, because I respect 'God' as being all that classical theism describes 'Deity' as, and all my other studies and meditations have discovered 'God' to BE....thus far...and open to change my mind in any way in the continual research of truth and personal experience of Deity. - a seeker after truth, lover of 'God' must always maintain this openness and willingness to discover more about the subject he loves. - thats basic 'scientific method' approach, and it can apply to spiritual knowledge as well (divine science).

as far as omnipresence, can God be omnipresent? yes. is He? no. just because God made the dark that doesn't mean He dwells in the dark, He dwells in the Light, not darkness. 1Jn 1:5-7

and as we know God isn't with the wicked is He? therefore God isn't omnipresent. again can He be omnipresent, sure, because space time energy and matter have no power over Him. but just because He can doesn't mean He is omnipresent.

reason can be a tool for use, but like computer logic its a garbage in garbage out system. revelation is what you need that is of God, to know and or understand God.
as far as omnipresence, can God be omnipresent? yes. is He? no. just because God made the dark that doesn't mean He dwells in the dark, He dwells in the Light, not darkness. 1Jn 1:5-7

and as we know God isn't with the wicked is He? therefore God isn't omnipresent. again can He be omnipresent, sure, because space time energy and matter have no power over Him. but just because He can doesn't mean He is omnipresent.

reason can be a tool for use, but like computer logic its a garbage in garbage out system. revelation is what you need that is of God, to know and or understand God.
The existence of the heavens and the earth, along with Jewish history and the resurrection of Jesus from the dead, are proof enough for me.