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Preaching the Gospel

A recap of the conversation.
2.What if they ask what it means that this father draws to him?
Your answer.
It is my Faith that the God and Father of the Lord's Christ is Faithful to reveal Himself to those who truly "Seek His Kingdom, and His Righteousness." I would advise a person who asked me this question, to place their Faith in Him and Trust in His Word, to define for him what HIS Word's mean. But to "Take Heed" of other voices, especially those who come in Christ's Name, as Jesus was especially concerned about these voices deceiving His People.

1. What if they ask you who Jesus is?
Your answer.
I was born into a world in which images of a handsome man called "Jesus", are plastered all other the place. Where dozens of differing religious businesses, create Shrines of Worship, and place them in every city, in every town, on almost every street corner of this world I was born into. Where high days created by men, for the express purpose of worshiping this image, are observed by the entire world. All these differing religions competing for membership with different doctrines and religious philosophies, all designed to entice men to come and support their religious philosophy for salvation, in order to fill the seats of these man made Shrines of Worship without which these religious businesses would fail. All preaching a different gospel, all promoting a different "truth", and all convincing others to preserve and promote their particular religious sect or franchise.

3. What if they ask who the prophets are? Or how and what do we hear, and how do we hear it? Or what do I have to hear and why if it is this father who draws me?
Your answer.
The Oracles of God have been made available to anyone who is interested in HIM, in this world I was born into. My 9 year old grandson could look at His Picture Bible for 10 minutes and know who the Prophets are. The idea that there exists one adult, in all of North America, who hasn't heard of Jesus or Moses, or God or the Prophets is absurd, in the year 2022.

I would point them to these Same Oracles, to learn about God and His People. I would not send them to the many religions of this world to define His Word's for them. As Peter said to the New Converts in Acts 15.

How does any of that constitute answers to direct questions? The person would be glancing at their watch and say "Sorry, gotta go." Rolling their eyes at the cashier on the way out. @Studyman
A recap of the conversation.

How does any of that constitute answers to direct questions? The person would be glancing at their watch and say "Sorry, gotta go." Rolling their eyes at the cashier on the way out. @Studyman

I made a mistake Arial, one that I should have known in my past experience with you. I actually believed you.

"This is a survey to see the various ways the gospel is preached, as I am curious to view the different approaches. If I do not respond to them, it is not because I am ignoring them, but because my purpose at this point is not to debate it but see it, though others are welcome to debate among themselves.

As this post clearly shows, I answered your posts from my heart, even explaining why, believing that "you were "curious" to view different approaches".

What a crock.
I believe I did tell you Arial. I guess I didn't give the answer you were wanting. In the Bible, which I believe to be inspired by the Great God of Abraham, it is written;
See recap.
It is God who adds to His Church, not you or me. Jesus sent both the multitude and His Disciples to "hear Moses". Peter kept the New Converts away from the Pharisees religion, and steered them to Moses "being read every Sabbath Day". Paul directed them to the Law and Prophets, where it is written "the Just shall live by Faith".
Yes, it is God who adds to the church. But they have to hear the gospel first.
You don't believe the disciples shared with others, what Jesus showed them in the Holy scriptures?

But the Word's of the Prophets that they spoke to them, are now written for all to see and hear. They didn't have a copy to share with others "who are worthy". But I do, and so do you. Why are you so against sharing the actual Scriptures with those who want to know who Jesus Is?
Of course, I believe that. That does not absolve us of the responsibility of being prepared to do the same. Mark 16:15-16 (This is not for the apostles only as they could not possibly go into all the world and preach the gospel to every creature.) 2 Tim 4:2
That I believe there is a God, and that HE had a Book Written for our Admonition, to teach those who are "Hungering and thirsting" for righteousness where to go. I wouldn't send them to the Pharisees, or Catholic's or Baptists. Rather, I would direct them straight to God and His Word, because God is certainly faith to reveal Himself to those who Seek Him.
2 Tim 4:2
The Gospel of God/Christ, AKA "the Gospel of Peace", is found and defined in the Holy Scriptures, by the God who created it, in my understanding. At least, this is my belief. I would never presume to know the Gospel of God, better than God who created it. Since HE has made His Definition and descriptions of sad Gospel available for all people, as Prophesied, it seems foolish for me to go, or send others anywhere else.
You should know it though and be able to articulate it. 2 Tim 4:2 In this hypothetical situation the unbeliever has come up against yet another person who claims to be a Christian who can in no way defend or articulate the beliefs they are trying to convince him of.
I believe we should let God's Word answer our questions. It has been my experience that HE is Trustworthy, "and is no respecter of persons". I am a man, and I have biases. If he asks me, I would seek the answer with him in the Holy Scriptures.
2 Tim 4:2
Your religious views and opinions notwithstanding, I would tell a man to Trust the Word's of God, not religious men simply because they call Jesus Lord, Lord.
Unbelievers do not believe the Bible is the word of God.
Actually, Jesus said we can't know the Father unless we know Jesus. John 8:19. All you do is point. Have you no voice with which to say who Jesus is. and what He did?
He chose Disciples and Apostles to Preach His Gospel, and we have their written testimony. HE warned against listening to "many" who come in His Name to deceive. It's in your own Bible.
Mark 16:15-16; 2Tim 4:2
I do answer questions asked in sincerity. But most often, I prefer to let the Spirit of God inspired Scriptures answer questions. I place my faith in Him, not me.
We are most certainly must get what we say from scripture, but if we are preaching the gospel, we are speaking to someone who does not know or believe the Bible. So now what?
Who doesn't have a Bible in their home? Who doesn't have available to them in all of North America, the Holy Scriptures? What you are talking about is spreading "Your" adopted religion. The Pope works to spread "Catholicism", SDA works to spread "Adventism", and so on.
I have known many people who don't have Bible's in their homes, and many more who have one because someone gave it to them, or they thought probably they should have one, but it sits alone and dusty on the shelf, unloved, unread. What I am talking about is spreading the gospel as it is presented in scripture. There is actually such a thing as objective and knowable truth.
I truly believe there is a need to distinguish between these religions and the Written Gospel of Christ found in the Holy scriptures. To do this, one must "Hear" them, preferable by someone "SENT" by God. It is my belief that the Authors of the Bible were "Sent by God". Therefore, in my understanding, spreading the Gospel is advising folks to "hear" the Holy Scriptures. Not random religious men of this world we were born into.
You do not appear to even have a gospel that you know and are able to articulate.
It is my belief that we need to distinguish the difference between the Christ of the Bible, and the image of Christ created by this worlds religions. Especially if someone comes and asks me "Who is Jesus"?
That is not necessary if we simply present Jesus as who He is in the Bible and in reality. By the way---who is Jesus? Can you answer that?
We can fellowship one on one with God Himself, not having to pick between the smorgasbord of differing religions and philosophy. Sure, this understanding isn't good news for the religious businesses of this world, who need to fill seats in their man made shrines of worship to survive.
This is called deflection. Yet again.
If we are spreading the Holy Scriptures, we are Spreading the Gospel of Christ.
What do you mean by that. Distributing Bibles?
Yes it wil be at hand till the last day under the sun. Any time we mix faith the unseen eternal things of God with the things of men seen the temporal (parables) and do not harden our heart we can rest in him yoked with him he makes our burden lighter.

Hebrews 4:1-2 King James Version Let us therefore fear, lest, a promise being left us of entering into his rest, any of you should seem to come short of it.For unto us was the gospel preached, as well as unto them: but the word preached did not profit them, not being mixed with faith in them that heard it.
Amen. ❤️

Ye shall keep My statutes.
Thou shalt not let thy cattle gender with a diverse kind:
thou shalt not sow thy field with mingled seed:
neither shall a garment mingled of linen and woollen come upon thee.

Leviticus 19:19
I made a mistake Arial, one that I should have known in my past experience with you. I actually believed you.

"This is a survey to see the various ways the gospel is preached, as I am curious to view the different approaches. If I do not respond to them, it is not because I am ignoring them, but because my purpose at this point is not to debate it but see it, though others are welcome to debate among themselves.

As this post clearly shows, I answered your posts from my heart, even explaining why, believing that "you were "curious" to view different approaches".

What a crock.
That's what happens when we are gullible.

I have been cautioning you so it would not happen so often.

but it seems you don't trust me.

I will still keep on encouraging you, brother.
The notion of going up to people in a diner, or door knocking, or street preaching,
has done far more harm than good.

Going up to people and preaching the cross to them, turns more away from the Bible than brings people in.

And maybe it is meant to be that way, I don't know.
(Scripture says, the disobedient also were appointed.)

It was this manner of preaching by many Christians had me seeking everywhere except for in the Bible,
for most of my life.
For fear of ending up a Christian, and walking about preaching, "Jesus is God and He died for us".
That's what happens when we are gullible.

I have been cautioning you so it would not happen so often.

but it seems you don't trust me.

I will still keep on encouraging you, brother.

I am careful not to take to serious one person’s opinion of others. Not because I don’t trust them. But because I would want others to k ow of me firsthand, and not from others. So I try to do unto others, you know.

I do appreciate your care. I hope you understand.
And as I said earlier, I rather come and preach here,
because here is a place where "the lost children of the house of Israel" might be.

But I am not about to preach, but give witness.

I was a pretty angry and depressed man, and the town knew me, and knew my missus had betrayed me,
ended up with the house, then selling it and taking off with our daughter.
So I groaned to Jesus after that, and that's when He blessed me.
And the town saw it, that I was a changed person, and that I had been changed by God.
There are no Atheists in this town, because they all saw God doing something.
So then they started coming to me.

I didn't preach to them, I didn't tell them what to do or what they had to believe, instead I listened.
I listened prayerfully to their issue until I could name their devil that was plaguing them.
It is hard to describe, but by listening closely to what they are saying,
I can eventually discern the lie they are keeping, and telling them self, that is causing their issue.

Then I have to figure out how to speak to it.
How to gently make that person realize the saying they keep is a lie, and to let it go.
So Jesus can then cast that devil out and off of them.

The moral is, God sends them to me,
He doesn't send me to them.

I tend to believe that everyone we meet in the life is an angel sent from God.
Some are angels of light with something to teach us,
and some are dark angels, teaching us how not to be.
And learning is living.

I am careful not to take to serious one person’s opinion of others. Not because I don’t trust them. But because I would want others to k ow of me firsthand, and not from others. So I try to do unto others, you know.

I do appreciate your care. I hope you understand.
Yes. I like to give everyone the benefit of the doubt.
Don't dismiss people because someone badmouthed them.
It is more often the badmouthers who are the wicked ones.

The notion of going up to people in a diner, or door knocking, or street preaching,
has done far more harm than good.

Going up to people and preaching the cross to them, turns more away from the Bible than brings people in.

And maybe it is meant to be that way, I don't know.
(Scripture says, the disobedient also were appointed.)

It was this manner of preaching by many Christians had me seeking everywhere except for in the Bible,
for most of my life.
For fear of ending up a Christian, and walking about preaching, "Jesus is God and He died for us".
The moral of the story might be, "Don't throw the baby out with the bathwater." Those street preacher, as you call them, are only doing what they think they should do. A great many of them are brand new Christians themselves, full to bursting with joy and zeal, wanting to give to everyone what they have been given, but not yet knowing much themselves. For there is great joy in coming to Christ. People don't like it because of their own attitude, and their resistance to being told they are insufficient in themselves. It is our natural enmity with God showing with barred fangs.

But there is a problem with seasoned Christians not being able to defend the faith or contend for it---meaning even if they have been Christians for a number of years, they still cannot answer questions, and have not probed the surface of what they believe and why they believe it, and certainly cannot articulate it. I am not a street preacher. I do not approach strangers. That is not my wheelhouse, not the position or gift I have been given. I do some here, in the course of discussions, and have found it to be profitable for my training, though not for anyone else, unless God should so use it. Though most people say they are willing to learn and listen, I find on the forum, that mostly they are not. They ask. Then ignore the answer without even discussing it. Just use it as a springboard to say their piece. And I will deliver the gospel in a situation where it seems appropriate.

That is really what I was curious about here, because I have seen other surveys that show a shockingly large number of Christians, if asked what the gospel is, don't really know, and could not answer questions that might be asked by a non believer. I wanted to know if that was true. The deafening silence speaks more than the responses given.
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I made a mistake Arial, one that I should have known in my past experience with you. I actually believed you.

"This is a survey to see the various ways the gospel is preached, as I am curious to view the different approaches. If I do not respond to them, it is not because I am ignoring them, but because my purpose at this point is not to debate it but see it, though others are welcome to debate among themselves.

As this post clearly shows, I answered your posts from my heart, even explaining why, believing that "you were "curious" to view different approaches".

What a crock.
I have still not been debating it. I have been asking you questions, that you won't answer, and adding my input here and there. You did not answer my posts from your heart or anything else. You simply took yet another opportunity to preach long sermons of your religious philosophy that had nothing to do with how you would preach the gospel. You could have just said, "I wouldn't preach the gospel. I would give them a Bible and tell them to read it." That would have been the honest thing to do.

And even if I did decide to debate at some point, that is my perogative. I did not take a vow to not debate. Threads go how they go. But to jump up and down in glee, joyful for once, but at someone else's expense, at thinking you found as opportunity to call me a liar, is just another way of saying you have no answers and no gospel.

How is post #49 in any way shape or form a debate? It is a response to you saying you answered my questions, with your own posts, in order to show YOU, that you didn't.
Though most people say they are willing to learn and listen, I find on the forum, that mostly they are not.
This is true. Most people who participate on forums aren’t searching, they already know what they believe, and are confident in it. It’s the lurkers who may be searching.