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Our New Tongue

Our woman, the wife of our youth. Mal 2:14-15
See also 1 Cor 7:39
That has nothing to to with the tesching ministry of Christ our teacher guide and comforter. . . the same who brings to our memory the previously thing he has taught.

26 But the Comforter, which is the Holy Ghost, whom the Father will send in my name, he shall teach you all things, and bring all things to your remembrance, whatsoever I have said unto you

Those that are not yet brought out of Egypt, might be offended or confused if they be told they are still in Egypt.
But until they accept they are still in Egypt, they won't follow Moses to be led out of Egypt.
Moses didn't lead anyone out of Egypt.
Its not my Holy Ghost .
Your spirit of grace is not yours?
My Comforter from Jesus is ever present, mine to keep. John 14:16

What does he say?
Only what is already written, but in ways that help me to understand it. Ex 23:22

How would a person do despite to His Spirit of His grace ?
By blaspheming His name, Mark 3:29
and by ignoring what He speaks to us. Ex 23:21

By saying we can with our own power keep the the law without fail?
Without God it is impossible, but with God it is possible. Matt 19:26

How many sins does the grace of Christ labor of love forgive per day. ? 7 times 70?
All of them, on our day of atonement. Lev 16:30
That has nothing to to with the tesching ministry of Christ our teacher guide and comforter. . . the same who brings to our memory the previously thing he has taught.

26 But the Comforter, which is the Holy Ghost, whom the Father will send in my name, he shall teach you all things, and bring all things to your remembrance, whatsoever I have said unto you
I put that for the topic here, our new tongue,
to show the meaning of "woman" in scripture, and in our new tongue. Rev 12:14
Moses didn't lead anyone out of Egypt.
Did you not hear what Moses said to Aaron?
He said, "Let's get the flock out'a here!"

(That's a joke for clown show lovers. :D 🤡)

And here is the scripture for Lord's lovers. Ex 13:9 & Isa 31:1
I put that for the topic here, our new tongue,
to show the meaning of "woman" in scripture, and in our new tongue. Rev 12:14
Who asked for the meaning of woman? She is not the comforter and teacher.
Your usual non-answer reply.

so convenient, claiming to know the scripture which only you and @Studyman know.

You said a similar thing about @Dakk too.

Alas, he abandoned you.

I try to speak as plain as possible so everyone may understand me. Speaking in a poetic biblical way makes people think you have lost it.