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Our New Tongue

Many words sometimes have the same meaning.

For example God's word is called Bread, Meat, flesh, milk, living water, fine flour, unleavened bread, manna from heaven.
Moses said we are to go out and gather a certain rate every day,
Jesus said, give us this day our daily bread.

And God's blood is called wine, new wine, water, oil, anointing, His righteousness, the rain of heaven, the former rains and the latter rains.
His doctrine shall drop as the rain, and distil as the dew.

The word "spirits" has many synonyms as well.
Mainly to denote the character of the spirit being spoken of.
Devils, nations, bullocks, rams, goats, Israelites, tribes and all the names of the different tribes,
such as Philistines, Caananites, Hivites, Edomites, and many more.
And never to forsake or leave out, the Levite. Our spirit from God.

All these spirits are inhabitants of the land.
The land being the kingdom of God within us.
Everyone of us are a collection of many spirits.
Don't allow the Canaanites to rule the land, but let the mighty men of Israel rule over your land within.
"woman" or "wife" or "wife of our youth" or "helpmeet".

This is our "mate" that God made from our rib.
"bone of our bone, and flesh of our flesh"
Do not treat Her treacherously,
and don't eat Her apples, but subject Her to the law.
This is the law of Jealousy.
God will give Her a pair of wings so She can fly to the place where She shall be nourished from the face of the serpent.

Everyone seems to know, blood is the life in the flesh.
But now we know that "flesh" is word (from my study above).
Our word is our [spiritual] flesh, just as Jesus' word is His flesh.
So what is the life of words?
The life is the meanings given to the words.

People might have a different meanings for the same words of a saying.
Then their [spiritual] blood is different to another's blood for the same saying.
Not "spiritual flesh" The corrupted dying flesh profits for nothing.

The life of the flesh is in the blood. That life is spiritual unseen.

Blood is used as a metaphor to represent spirit life just as water is used to represent the same unseen work of Christ. That life is spiritual called the breath of life. .

Literal blood without the spirit must be poured out so that it might return to dust or clay. It has no literal value.
What is meant by that?
My apology, Mr Lee, there is a typo in my writing there. I left out the word 'you'.

I meant to say, I never heard you use any of the names Jesus used for the Spirit He grants us,
so I was wondering if you were referring to the same spirit, or if you believed the spirit of grace was a different spirit.

And because I baptize in the name of the Holy Ghost, rather than baptize in the name of the spirit of grace as you do,
you keep saying I despite the spirit of grace.
But we just call the same spirit by different names.
That's all.

Bless Jesus.
"woman" or "wife" or "wife of our youth" or "helpmeet".

This is our "mate" that God made from our rib.
"bone of our bone, and flesh of our flesh"
Do not treat Her treacherously,
and don't eat Her apples, but subject Her to the law.
This is the law of Jealousy.
God will give Her a pair of wings so She can fly to the place where She shall be nourished from the face of the serpent.
??????? What was offering in regard to?

Its not rib, but the whole person. Bone of our bone, and flesh of thier flesh "one creation". Unlike the other beast of the field he made them male and female seperately
My apology, Mr Lee, there is a typo in my writing there. I left out the word 'you'.

I meant to say, I never heard you use any of the names Jesus used for the Spirit He grants us,
so I was wondering if you were referring to the same spirit, or if you believed the spirit of grace was a different spirit.

And because I baptize in the name of the Holy Ghost, rather than baptize in the name of the spirit of grace as you do,
you keep saying I despite the spirit of grace.
But we just call the same spirit by different names.
That's all.

Bless Jesus.
Same one Spirit of one God .
Not "spiritual flesh" The corrupted dying flesh profits for nothing.
Correct. Our word [yes our spiritual flesh] does not profit when we quicken our spirit in Jesus' words [which are spirit and life].

I replaced all my corrupt and dying sayings with Jesus' sayings,
by washing my garment, that I be clothed upon with God's word. Rev 7:14
That is how I got my new tongue.

The life of the flesh is in the blood. That life is spiritual unseen.
True again.
That is why there is often confusion between us believers.
One person gives a different life than another gives, for the same words or saying.

Then, when speaking to each other, they presume they meant one thing when they actually meant something else,
because the saying has a different meaning (life) for them.

Hence the commandment to not stand against a neighbor's blood. Lev 19:16
See also Hosea saying how blood touches blood. Hos 4:2

Blood is used as a metaphor to represent spirit life just as water is used to represent the same unseen work of Christ. That life is spiritual called the breath of life. .
Thank you, I agree,
and I had forgotten about God's breath, being another synonym for the life. Isa 30:28
Thank you for the addition ( and that's why I do this).

Literal blood without the spirit must be poured out so that it might return to dust or clay. It has no literal value.
When you say literal blood, do you mean carnal blood? of an animal or person.

And can you also explain why it must be poured out on the ground,
wrung out at the base of the altar, as God says it. Lev 5:9
and sprinkled upon the altar, and against the sides of the altar,
and put on our thumb to touch it on the horns of the altar?

And a big thank you, for being so brave to engage me on this topic, sir.
Much respect and appreciation.
??????? What was offering in regard to?
Our woman, the wife of our youth. Mal 2:14-15
See also 1 Cor 7:39

Its not rib, but the whole person. Bone of our bone, and flesh of thier flesh "one creation". Unlike the other beast of the field he made them male and female seperately
He made us male and female, and called us Adam. Gen 5:2
And the woman from our rib. Gen 2:22

(Why rib? I don't know. That has not been revealed to me.
But my woman has been revealed to me. I put Her under the law.) Num 5:29-30
Yes. Thank you. Hopefully we are on the same page now. Ex 23:20

Do you still think I do despite to your Holy Ghost? Ex 23:21
Its not my Holy Ghost . What does he say?

How would a person do despite to His Spirit of His grace ? By saying we can with our own power keep the the law without fail? How many sins does the grace of Christ labor of love forgive per day. ? 7 times 70?