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Open Theism

He knows everything that is possible in thought or deed and He can react to anything done in thought or deed.
God could not change His mind about anything if every detail done was set in stone because He knew it before it happened.
And we know from scripture that there were times He did change His mind.
Perhaps you are mistaking the son for the father.
It means that no matter what move creation makes, God can make a move to counter it.
And God need not know in advance every single move creation will actually make in order to do so.
His plan covered all possible moves creation could choose to make.
This is why I don't go in for fullness in any of the isms.
Open theism rejects God being a puppeteer.
Yet what would you call it when God hardens one's heart?
I would be interested in the origin of it

It seems like “did Pharaoh harden his heart, or did God harden his heart, or both?

There are times in the Bible when God said “I will go down and see (whether Sodom is as bad as I have heard)

Why did he have to “go down and see”?
1M1S -

Maybe we can call it “Partial Puppeteering”
Like Partial Preterism as opposed to Full Preterism.
After reading about the alleged origins of Open Theism, I declare myself a Partial Puppeteer
Would you say that God was “surprised” when He repented that He had made man and flooded the earth?
Gene Wilder (playing a rabbi) was insisting to the Indian Chief that GOD DID NOT MAKE RAIN

There had been a long drought and the Chief insisted Wilder’s God make it rain

Wilder insisted HE DOES NOT MAKE RAIN!!!

BOOM went the thunder…
Wilder said “and sometimes -just like THAT (snaps his fingers)

“He changes His mind”
Spoken like a true Calvinist. That's not an insult, but a statement of fact. You are a firm adherent to Reformed theology.

And either I am Calvinist or Reformed. Make up your mind about how you classify me. They are not the same thing.