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Jesus' Testimony

As you know, I was affirming a biblical Unitarian view, but expanding on that, since it is clear and logical that a biblical Unitarian view of 'God' and 'Christ' is rational and appropriate in the grand context of things, theologically speaking - on this note, Arius and other Arian Christological views are just as plausible as various trinitarian ones,....just depends on what you want to believe and what makes more sense to you, - all is subject to our own limited, biased or preferred perceptions and beliefs, until we open to continued revelation and learning about the subjects at hand.....all viewpoints and assumptions are subject to change with new and better information, as we grow in knowledge. Only 'God' alone is absolute.

As far as 'Jesus' being the ONLY WAY, or the only way somehow that a soul can be 'saved' is wholly a matter of personal belief and what theology you subscribe to, your own belief-system and interpretation of scripture, and so on :) - it depends on WHO you ask doesnt it? and how you interpret the Bible. I dont see 'God' limited to a bible or any book or one religious tradition, since his infinity outshines and transcends all human knowledge and definition. Jesus of course is awesome to follow and use his life as an example and pattern for your own, for all human beings. If that path really does good and kindness to yourself and others, then by all means live that way and be open to MORE as well.

In any case, my pointing was to the Universal Father as the 'God' and 'Father' of all things and beings. All means all! This fundamental truth cannot be bypassed or dismissed as the fountain-head for all that exists, since this Source and Center is forever the Original SOURCE of all, the infinite HEART of all that exists to infinity. - this centering PRESENCE is that which emenates and generates all substance and form. - all else is a relative extension, product or offspring of the First Father.

So, I agree with Jesus of course, as pointing to his Father as the One Universal Source and Creator, whose essence and power alone is the creative force and consciousness that upholds all and brings all things into existence. This view is the only one that honors and affords 'God' the title and description of actually being a Father in relational context to all other beings and personalities. The First Father is unbegotten, while all sons have a time of 'begetting'. - this was the main contention in the Arian Controversy.

A Re-appraisal of Arian Christology

This thread is about "Jesus is the only way to the Father".

It is Christians' faith, not your view.
In the beginning was the Word and the Word was with the Spirit and the Word was Spirit.

Of course the Word comes from the Spirit, the Spirit doesn't come from the Word.

So shall my word be that goeth forth out of my mouth: it shall not return unto me void, but it shall accomplish that which I please, and it shall prosper in the thing whereto I sent it. Isa 55:11

In the beginning was the Word and the Word was with God ad the Word was God.
And the Word became flesh and dwelt among us.

The Son came from the Father and entered the world.

John 17:5/Is 55:11? What is your point?
In the beginning was the Word and the Word was with God ad the Word was God.
And the Word became flesh and dwelt among us.

The Son came from the Father and entered the world.

John 17:5/Is 55:11? What is your point?
This thread is about specifically about this testimony of Jesus:
John 20:17
Jesus said, “Do not hold on to me, for I have not yet ascended to the Father. Go instead to my brothers and tell them, ‘I am ascending to my Father and your Father, to my God and your God.’”

This post is for everyone who is changing the OP.

I personally like how the Rabbis think there is no virgin birth in some of the New Testament, when they cannot understand the term sons of God.

With the birth of Jesus being on this wise, that his mother, Mary while espoused to Joseph, before they came together that Mary was found with child of the Holy Ghost, it is the fundamental sacrament of the faith. What it means, and how it works belongs to those who it is revealed. How it is revealed is hidden within the wisdom of the thing called a principle, yet those who have not been taught, can't see it; and those who experienced it can't hear it; nor does either come to the knowledge of it because they aren't able to perceive it.

Yet the scriptures reveal that the even then the Jews knew in part regarding the virgin birth as evident by their response "We be not born of fornication; we have one Father, even God." However, the stumble on being in bondage in Egypt claiming that they not been in bondage to any man yet they were subjects to divine right of Pharaoh and didn't even know it. (After the fall of the Republic of Rome in 44 BC, Octavian defeated Cleopatra and Mark Anthony and obtain rule over Egypt in 31 BC and was designated by the priests as their Pharaoh. When the Roman Empire emerged from the fallen Republic, Octavian was selected by the Roman Senate as Emperor and given the name Augustus in 27 BC)

Pilate saith unto them, Shall I crucify your King? The chief priest answered, We have no king but Caesar. John 19:15

Bonus points: Do you know whose wreath is symbolized on the United Nations flag?
But I think the OT that we have is also errant and too short in many places.
I don't know what to say, since man does not live by the scriptures alone but by every word that proceedeth from the mouth of the LORD doth man live, other than to say that I think you might be on to something that is definitely worth considering.
With the birth of Jesus being on this wise, that his mother, Mary while espoused to Joseph, before they came together that Mary was found with child of the Holy Ghost, it is the fundamental sacrament of the faith. What it means, and how it works belongs to those who it is revealed. How it is revealed is hidden within the wisdom of the thing called a principle, yet those who have not been taught, can't see it; and those who experienced it can't hear it; nor does either come to the knowledge of it because they aren't able to perceive it.

Yet the scriptures reveal that the even then the Jews knew in part regarding the virgin birth as evident by their response "We be not born of fornication; we have one Father, even God." However, the stumble on being in bondage in Egypt claiming that they not been in bondage to any man yet they were subjects to divine right of Pharaoh and didn't even know it. (After the fall of the Republic of Rome in 44 BC, Octavian defeated Cleopatra and Mark Anthony and obtain rule over Egypt in 31 BC and was designated by the priests as their Pharaoh. When the Roman Empire emerged from the fallen Republic, Octavian was selected by the Roman Senate as Emperor and given the name Augustus in 27 BC)

Pilate saith unto them, Shall I crucify your King? The chief priest answered, We have no king but Caesar. John 19:15

Bonus points: Do you know whose wreath is symbolized on the United Nations flag?

I don't know what to say, since man does not live by the scriptures alone but by every word that proceedeth from the mouth of the LORD doth man live, other than to say that I think you might be on to something that is definitely worth considering.
Please stay on the topic.
Jibberish. nothing personal, but that is jibberish.
Only to those who believe their God impregnated a female that gave birth to male child.

They can't understand how the Gods in Genesis 1 become the LORD God in Genesis 2 and how these two Spirits became one LORD when the Woman of flesh who gave birth to the living child of flesh and said, I have gotten a man from the LORD.

Do I have any expectation that they might consider that the marriage bed doesn't defile the male and female who procreate during marriage, but it is the LORD that puts life into that flesh before the two become one flesh by the birth of the child, nah.
Not all of His testimony.

Just an op-verse.
What, Jesus telling them not to pick up the Bible till the Spirit of truth comes to teach them? Well, its a little late to tell them now isn't it.

17 Even the Spirit of truth; whom the world cannot receive, because it seeth him not, neither knoweth him: but ye know him; for he dwelleth with you, and shall be in you.
18 I will not leave you comfortless: I will come to you.
John 14:17-18

Two spirits can't occupy the same body of mass at the same time :LOL:
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Two spirits can't occupy the same body of mass at the same time :LOL:
According to scripture it can happen.
Unclean spirits could occupy the body of a man, leave it, and enter the bodies of pigs.
This thread is about specifically about this testimony of Jesus:
John 20:17
Jesus said, “Do not hold on to me, for I have not yet ascended to the Father. Go instead to my brothers and tell them, ‘I am ascending to my Father and your Father, to my God and your God.’”

This post is for everyone who is changing the OP.

You are obviously using this scripture as a proof text regarding your opinion of the trinity. So what is it you are asking for?
Only to those who believe their God impregnated a female that gave birth to male child.

They can't understand how the Gods in Genesis 1 become the LORD God in Genesis 2 and how these two Spirits became one LORD when the Woman of flesh who gave birth to the living child of flesh and said, I have gotten a man from the LORD.

Do I have any expectation that they might consider that the marriage bed doesn't defile the male and female who procreate during marriage, but it is the LORD that puts life into that flesh before the two become one flesh by the birth of the child, nah.
Spirits aren't words. And words aren't spirits. That sounds like a logos doctrine where words have force.