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How Does Jesus Save Us?

In the judgment trying to keep the commandments is not going to be good enough.
You can do better than if you are keeping His commandments?

For the Son of man shall come in the glory of His Father with His angels;
and then He shall reward every man according to his works.

Matthew 16:27
In the judgment trying to keep the commandments is not going to be good enough.

No retrials

By the letter of the law Death (thou shall not or you will die) has failed. Failed the judgmnet .We are living out the consequenes living in a dying body that will die and return to dust when a person takes ther last breath and never rise . All are guilty .Its appointed for mankind to die once No false hope im limbo or puragtory.

Beleivers that are given a new born again soul and new heart they will raise on the last day to receive ther promised inccoruptible bodies
And Cain knew his wife; and she conceived, and bare Enoch: and he build a city, and called the name of the city, after the name of his son, Enoch.

You take great liberties with interpretation and add to the book which you claim no one can add to.
What liberties? What was added? What is it that other cannot do? Interpret the scriptures ? Make it a goal to rigthly divide the parables which without Christ spoke not.?
What liberties? What was added? What is it that other cannot do? Interpret the scriptures ? Make it a goal to rigthly divide the parables which without Christ spoke not.?
Oh that’s right, you make everything in the Bible a parable so that you can add and subtract from what you call sola scripture.

You said Cain wanted the death penalty and was a loner the rest of his life. That’s complete bull crap! That’s not anywhere in the narrative!
Oh that’s right, you make everything in the Bible a parable so that you can add and subtract from what you call sola scripture.

You said Cain wanted the death penalty and was a loner the rest of his life. That’s complete bull crap! That’s not anywhere in the narrative!
Subtracting from prophecy would be to deny sola scriptura .

Parables are prophecy the signifed or poetic tongue of God by which he conceals to those out side of his kingdom of faith at the same time revealing it to new creatures . Giving Christians his children the honour to seek the gospel understanding.

Proverbs are moral parables eveyone of them

Proverbs 25:2 It is the glory of God to conceal a thing: but the honour of kings is to search out a matter.
Subtracting from prophecy would be to deny sola scriptura .

Parables are prophecy the signifed or poetic tongue of God by which he conceals to those out side of his kingdom of faith at the same time revealing it to new creatures . Giving Christians his children the honour to seek the gospel understanding.

Proverbs are moral parables eveyone of them

Proverbs 25:2 It is the glory of God to conceal a thing: but the honour of kings is to search out a matter.
You convert the errors in the scriptures into parables so you don't have to face the false claim of a sola scriptura God.
You convert the errors in the scriptures into parables so you don't have to face the false claim of a sola scriptura God.
Hi Thanks for the reply.

You should be able to prove that. Each word used in a comparison has a spiritual meaning hid according to the teaching law of parables.

Two kinds of wisdoms of God not seen . . . and of mankind seen.

1 Corinthians 2:13 Which things also we speak, not in the words which man's wisdom teacheth, but which the Holy Ghost teacheth; comparing spiritual things with spiritual. But the natural man receiveth not the things of the Spirit of God: for they are foolishness unto him: neither can he know them, because they are spiritually discerned

Parables are designed to tech us how to walk by faith the unseen things hid in parable . . .again which without Christ spoke not
Hi Thanks for the reply.

You should be able to prove that. Each word used in a comparison has a spiritual meaning hid according to the teaching law of parables.

Two kinds of wisdoms of God not seen . . . and of mankind seen.

1 Corinthians 2:13 Which things also we speak, not in the words which man's wisdom teacheth, but which the Holy Ghost teacheth; comparing spiritual things with spiritual. But the natural man receiveth not the things of the Spirit of God: for they are foolishness unto him: neither can he know them, because they are spiritually discerned

Parables are designed to tech us how to walk by faith the unseen things hid in parable . . .again which without Christ spoke not
No, it's just that religious fanatics make up stuff that their friends in their Bible circle think are true!
Real parables do teach truths but you make anything you want into a parable. That twisted logic you made up about Cain was laughable!
No, it's just that religious fanatics make up stuff that their friends in their Bible circle think are true!
Real parables do teach truths but you make anything you want into a parable. That twisted logic you made up about Cain was laughable!
If you have that confidence You should be able to untwist it .

I still say the mark is not literal just as the buying and selling. Forehead through the bible as a metaphor represent the mind. . hand carrying out the will of mind .

And besides that Jesus already declared no sign (none nada zero) was given and that its natural man (666) called the evil generation that does seek after them in the first place .

The mark is prophecy whatsoever God say comes to pass. God said live by the sword die by the sword. Kill Cain I will kill you. God declared the kind of justice

Cain suffered his whole life with a burden greater than he can bear “the chain gang” he declared My punishment is greater than I can bear. . . the increases sufferings of hell in a dying body .
If you have that confidence You should be able to untwist it .

I still say the mark is not literal just as the buying and selling. Forehead through the bible as a metaphor represent the mind. . hand carrying out the will of mind .

And besides that Jesus already declared no sign (none nada zero) was given and that its natural man (666) called the evil generation that does seek after them in the first place .

The mark is prophecy whatsoever God say comes to pass. God said live by the sword die by the sword. Kill Cain I will kill you. God declared the kind of justice

Cain suffered his whole life with a burden greater than he can bear “the chain gang” he declared My punishment is greater than I can bear. . . the increases sufferings of hell in a dying body .
More creative writing from a vivid imagination.