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Does God Love You Personally?

Ezekiel 34:11
For thus says the Lord God, “Behold, I Myself will search for My sheep and seek them out.

Psalm 119:176
I have gone astray like a lost sheep; seek Your servant,
For I do not forget Your commandments.

Ezekiel 34:16
“I will seek the lost, bring back the scattered, bind up the broken and strengthen the sick; but the fat and the strong I will destroy. I will feed them with judgment.

Luke 19:10
For the Son of Man has come to seek and to save that which was lost.”

Matthew 18:12
“What do you think? If any man has a hundred sheep, and one of them has gone astray, does he not leave the ninety-nine on the mountains and go and search for the one that is straying?

Isaiah 62:12
And they will call them, “The holy people,
The redeemed of the Lord”;
And you will be called, “Sought out, a city not forsaken.”

These verses describe my experience. Perhaps for you, it was different and that is OK too. God saves us individually. Our names are written on the palms of His hand.
I explained to you before that the Jews who belonged to God are His sheep.
When Jesus started his earthly ministry, he came first for the sheep. He came first for those who already belonged to God by faith.
I explained to you before that the Jews who belonged to God are His sheep.
I don't see it that way. I have always believed that God knew who was his and who was not before He even created the world. That is because I believe God is omnipotent. I could be wrong and that would not be a big deal since I am a fallible mortal man. But the fact that bible has verses like the following seems to support my belief.

Revelation 13:8​

and all who dwell on the earth will worship it, everyone whose name has not been written before the foundation of the world in the book of life of the Lamb who was slain.

1 Peter 1:19-20​

but with the precious blood of Christ, like that of a lamb without blemish or spot. He was foreknown before the foundation of the world but was made manifest in the last times for the sake of you

Ephesians 1:4​

even as he chose us in him before the foundation of the world, that we should be holy and blameless before him. In love

I am not saying that you are wrong. You could be right. I am not God.
I don't see it that way.
Do you want to see it God's Way?
I have always believed that God knew who was his and who was not before He even created the world.
That doesn't mean they were sheep before they were sheep.
That is because I believe God is omnipotent.
That is not the point.
I could be wrong and that would not be a big deal since I am a fallible mortal man.
It is a big deal though. To know God is to know His Truth. If you are being shown the truth and someone is trying to help you, why not consider it more carefully? Do you want God's Truth, or man's truth?
But the fact that bible has verses like the following seems to support my belief.

Revelation 13:8​

and all who dwell on the earth will worship it, everyone whose name has not been written before the foundation of the world in the book of life of the Lamb who was slain.
That does not mean we who are written in the book are sheep before we even believe in God.

1 Peter 1:19-20​

but with the precious blood of Christ, like that of a lamb without blemish or spot. He was foreknown before the foundation of the world but was made manifest in the last times for the sake of you

Ephesians 1:4​

even as he chose us in him before the foundation of the world, that we should be holy and blameless before him. In love

I am not saying that you are wrong. You could be right. I am not God.
Wow. That is so good to hear you say that. It takes humbleness like that to come to a knowledge of the truth. The thing though is, how much do you want God's Truth and not man's truth? I know I only wanted God's Truth. I hope you do too.
That is a rare plan. Paul still had to obey Jesus and repent of his sins.

Jesus draws all men, but they still cannot be saved unless the person humbles themselves and repent and believe.

His benefits? How did you seek Him? We seek God by getting Jesus' teachings and we find Him by doing what Jesus says.
I just don't like the sound of "had to" or "have to" because it connotates an adversarial relationship in my mind. It probably doesn't in yours. The bottom line is that all those who love God will obey him. All those who love God will repent, repent, and repent as they grow to recognize sin more clearly.

For me, it is not a matter of "have to" but I understand that it might have been in your case. I can't judge your experience. But in my case, it was "want to." I was thirsty for it and as a deer pants for water in a dry place, my soul panted for the Lord.

I gave total credit to the Lord for my salvation. The only possible thing I did was not resist the master's hand. He began a good work in me and is completing it. I praise Him. I do not disagree with you that you may have had to seek God by getting Jesus' teachings and doing what He said, but that was not the case for me. In the end, we end up in the same place. Obeying and loving Jesus with new hearts.
Do you want to see it God's Way?

That doesn't mean they were sheep before they were sheep.

That is not the point.

It is a big deal though. To know God is to know His Truth. If you are being shown the truth and someone is trying to help you, why not consider it more carefully? Do you want God's Truth, or man's truth?

That does not mean we who are written in the book are sheep before we even believe in God.

Wow. That is so good to hear you say that. It takes humbleness like that to come to a knowledge of the truth. The thing though is, how much do you want God's Truth and not man's truth? I know I only wanted God's Truth. I hope you do too.
I have no fear because I fully trust God to complete the good work He has begun in me. Knocking down the stupidity of my selfishness. I view you much differently now because of God's work in me. You know that God loves you personally and I know that therefore we must show agape to each other. We are of the same Father and siblings in God's family. This is all from God and not of myself lest I should boast.
I want to say something to you first before I reply to your comments below.
You know how Paul wasn't seeking God when Jesus appeared to him...well, the Gentiles didn't either. The old testament scriptures has God saying He is going to be God to a people who did not seek Him. That is about the Gentiles while the foundation was being laid. However, the foundation is laid and all must seek Him now.
Paul was an apostle unnaturally born. Paul was not with Jesus while Jesus was a man on earth.

I just don't like the sound of "had to" or "have to" because it connotates an adversarial relationship in my mind.
I know exactly what you mean. However, we really do have to do what Jesus says to get saved. Jesus tells us exactly what to do to be saved.
It probably doesn't in yours.
I will tell you though, I kept humble. I knew Jesus said to be humble, so that is something I was determined to do, so nothing really was too offensive to me. Do you understand what I mean?
The bottom line is that all those who love God will obey him. All those who love God will repent, repent, and repent as they grow to recognize sin more clearly.
We are talking about how Jesus teaches it. It is about the scriptures. We are talking about the Way, not about a way, for there is only one Way for all.
For me, it is not a matter of "have to" but I understand that it might have been in your case. I can't judge your experience. But in my case, it was "want to." I was thirsty for it and as a deer pants for water in a dry place, my soul panted for the Lord.
So you say you wanted it more than anything, right? So, why wouldn't you be willing to do anything that Jesus says to do to get it? Jesus says we must humble ourselves as a little child or we will never enter. So if you hear that 'must', why let your heart be hardened, when Jesus said you must be humble? To harden your heart would prevent you from entering, so stay humble, right?
I gave total credit to the Lord for my salvation. The only possible thing I did was not resist the master's hand. He began a good work in me and is completing it. I praise Him. I do not disagree with you that you may have had to seek God by getting Jesus' teachings and doing what He said, but that was not the case for me.
Everyone might have a different life experience, but no one is saved differently. If one can be saved differently, then it makes Jesus' words nullified. For instance, Jesus says you must humble yourself as a child or you will never enter. Let's say you claim no, that you entered and were saved and didn't humble myself as a child---you then just nullified Jesus' words.
In the end, we end up in the same place. Obeying and loving Jesus with new hearts.
The truth and the Way matters. If you are corrected in the truth, why not be glad for it?
I have no fear because I fully trust God to complete the good work He has begun in me. Knocking down the stupidity of my selfishness. I view you much differently now because of God's work in me. You know that God loves you personally and I know that therefore we must show agape to each other. We are of the same Father and siblings in God's family. This is all from God and not of myself lest I should boast.
That sounds wonderful, however, don't you believe the scripture where Paul says to correct some brothers for their false teachings?
I want to say something to you first before I reply to your comments below.
You know how Paul wasn't seeking God when Jesus appeared to him...well, the Gentiles didn't either. The old testament scriptures has God saying He is going to be God to a people who did not seek Him. That is about the Gentiles while the foundation was being laid. However, the foundation is laid and all must seek Him now.
Paul was an apostle unnaturally born. Paul was not with Jesus while Jesus was a man on earth.

I know exactly what you mean. However, we really do have to do what Jesus says to get saved. Jesus tells us exactly what to do to be saved.
I believe that that is your experience but I would be lying if I said it was mine.

I will tell you though, I kept humble. I knew Jesus said to be humble, so that is something I was determined to do, so nothing really was too offensive to me. Do you understand what I mean?
See, I couldn't do that, you must have had great strength to accomplish such a feat. In fact, the harder I tried, the more proud I became of being humble until I realized I had no clue as to what humbleness really was. God changed my heart and the new heart saw the old heart and went, "Eeeeewwww."

We are talking about how Jesus teaches it. It is about the scriptures. We are talking about the Way, not about a way, for there is only one Way for all.
I don't know about a single way God reaches people. I know that there is one salvation but what leads people to that salvation seems to be individualized. Even the disciples came to Jesus differently.

So you say you wanted it more than anything, right? So, why wouldn't you be willing to do anything that Jesus says to do to get it? Jesus says we must humble ourselves as a little child or we will never enter. So if you hear that 'must', why let your heart be hardened, when Jesus said you must be humble? To harden your heart would prevent you from entering, so stay humble, right?
Because I couldn't. My old heart sadly which still hangs around and causes a war to be in my members had no ability to even understand the things of God let alone do them. I was like a newborn child cast into a field wallowing in my own natal blood. Going to die for sure when God saw me and had pity on me.

Everyone might have a different life experience, but no one is saved differently.
Yeah, that is what I believe also.
That sounds wonderful, however, don't you believe the scripture where Paul says to correct some brothers for their false teachings?
I don't think that was meant for the layman. It was instructions to Timothy a Pastor in training. But Paul did say to try to turn a person away from open obvious sin.

Certainly, we can also debate teachings, but I don't trust myself to condemn anyone anymore for their beliefs like I used to.
I believe that that is your experience but I would be lying if I said it was mine.
I can give you the scriptures if you are ever interested in keeping this deep discussion going. I am enjoying it so much, so I hope you will continue.
See, I couldn't do that, you must have had great strength to accomplish such a feat.
Well I wanted to enter. You have to be humble if you are going to enter.
In fact, the harder I tried, the more proud I became of being humble until I realized I had no clue as to what humbleness really was.
Well humbleness is not pride-fullness.
God changed my heart and the new heart saw the old heart and went, "Eeeeewwww."
Not sure how God showed you that. Can you give a scripture that says how that happens? Do you remember the exact moment and feel like sharing it?
I don't know about a single way God reaches people. I know that there is one salvation but what leads people to that salvation seems to be individualized. Even the disciples came to Jesus differently.
They still had to do what Jesus said to do to be saved.
Because I couldn't. My old heart sadly which still hangs around and causes a war to be in my members had no ability
Let me ask you this---to this day is it still like that?
to even understand the things of God let alone do them.
The scriptures say God gives understanding after we obey.
I was like a newborn child cast into a field wallowing in my own natal blood. Going to die for sure when God saw me and had pity on me.
But we are like a newborn child after we are saved. That is what scriptures say.
Not sure how God showed you that. Can you give a scripture that says how that happens? Do you remember the exact moment and feel like sharing it?
Ez 26:36 I will give you a new heart and put a new spirit in you; I will remove from you your heart of stone and give you a heart of flesh.

There have been many moments. God has been leading me up the stairs.
Let me ask you this---to this day is it still like that?
Sure, but the new heart now dominates the old heart. But the old heart gets its licks in. The old heart treated you poorly. The new heart doesn't.