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Does God Love You Personally?

You know you can reach out to people all day, but God and the Lord Jesus Christ will always be there for you. They are always right there in the heart.

I wonder if there are people out there who have a real desire to learn the word of God and grow in their knowledge and by the spirit as life goes on.

I don’t have many people I come in contact with who desire to do Bible study or anything with, but maybe God will continue to lead me in the direction to be able to have that connection with other like minded people one day; which was the main cause of the depression…

You can reach out to people all the day long but at the end of the day it will be between you and God. Some will encourage to seek the Lord and remind you what really matters, and some may try to supplement fix’s that only last a short moment.

In love,
Matthew Gallagher
I want to leave a thought about depression, do with it as you will.

If we remember Job, Job 3:11 we see that Job wanted to kill himself, that is depression and yet in all these things he did not sin. Romans 14:23 says everything not done in faith is sin. So it would appear we can live in faith and still be depressed.

One day I discovered the difference between faith/trust and acceptance. I can no longer get around without a walker. One day our son wanted to go somewhere so we dropped everything to take him. I had asked him several times to move his shoes from my pathway to the door and if you haven't guessed by now, he didn't. I tripped, cut my foot, and almost fell over those darn shoes. I frustration I let out something between a yell and a cry and sat down in what felt like defeat but was really depression at my current condition. It was then that I realized that my emotions at the time were about not accepting that God wanted this to happen for whatever reason. IOW's God wanted me to learn something. Not about depression and sin but about accepting what He gives no matter the cost, even if the cost is depression.

Just my two cents.
One day I discovered the difference between faith/trust and acceptance. I can no longer get around without a walker. One day our son wanted to go somewhere so we dropped everything to take him. I had asked him several times to move his shoes from my pathway to the door and if you haven't guessed by now, he didn't. I tripped, cut my foot, and almost fell over those darn shoes. I frustration I let out something between a yell and a cry and sat down in what felt like defeat but was really depression at my current condition. It was then that I realized that my emotions at the time were about not accepting that God wanted this to happen for whatever reason. IOW's God wanted me to learn something. Not about depression and sin but about accepting what He gives no matter the cost, even if the cost is depression.
Why do you think God wanted it to happen?
Hello Godstruth,

I have a strong desire to be transparent with you,
I think God put it on your heart.
Just today I had an episode of depression.
I'm starting to think that it is just a normal part of life, a certain amount anyway.
In truth my flesh still constantly is in battle with the darkness in it, fighting against the spirit.

A friend encouraged me to pray never ceasing, and rejoice in the Lord. He was right, it did help.
Sometimes I think about how as human beings it is good let known our vulnerable side.
I have a major problem with doing that, but am so grateful that others can do that.
The reason is because it reminds me of that fact I’m still a living breathing human beings with emotions, and have feelings that come about in and through my flesh.
Some people don't have anyone to share such things with. So glad to hear that you have someone so special. You are blessed with such a friend.
The anger (which is not as bad it use to be).
The sadness or even depression (it shows up sometimes rearing it’s ugly head up from the grave).
I think I was born sad, and sometimes I feel ashamed for feeling sad, because I know others have more of a reason to be sad than I have. Some people have it better in life, but some people have it so much worse. It is a battle with me.
Greed and envy, not so much, though I sometimes desire a wife although not out of envy or greed.
Lust comes about with the desire of releasing hormones (it comes about every now and then which can leave you drained and lead back down to sadness and depression).
So true, we have these bodies with hormones, hormones that cause hunger for food, and for desires that only a spouse can fulfill.
We are all human beings dealing with our emotions; and one of them can be pride. Pride is something I sometimes ask God to tear down, even if it is a bit of haughtiness he sees in me if he ever arises.

I do not desire to be seen as better than anyone else, though I use to see myself better than others. I do desire to be heard though, at most.
I think my issues have been more of an opposite problem, I don't know what to call it, maybe more like feeling lesser than others, which has its own problems. Sometimes I feel all the negativity from everyone, all around me, and it is hard to shake it. Does that make sense?
Now I understand how flawed I am because of what Jesus had taught me about me as a human beings.

My overall desire is to teach Gods word to others, by having love for God first, and to love others, and put myself last but treat myself well in compassion, mercy and in understanding of Gods grace which leads to me treating others the same way with putting God first.
As I have said here before, I believe we are all on a site like this because we love God and want to help others. We are bound to each other in that way. Sometimes I feel overexposed, like I shared too much, because I didn't get the feed back that I thought it would bring, and sometimes I feel like I have been online too much and for too many years, and what did it really do for anyone else, and that no one seems to care anything about me after all, even after being around so long, for so many years, they still don't like me or my beliefs, no matter how much I opened up. I can't stand the feeling like a fool. But then every once in a great while, I meet someone like you and it makes all the difference, but it is so rare, too rare.
I long sometimes to leave here as I mentioned in the beginning; depression of Ie: the desire of leaving this body, but while I’m here there is still work to keep doing, and I have a friend to thank in reaching out in which we both in turn give the Glory to God, for what he has done for the world, in and through his son.
That sounds so beautiful and so wonderful that you have someone so special in your life. Do you have a volunteer type of business? I know that can really make someone have a more meaningful life.
In love,
Matthew Gallagher
Love to you, Matthew, I have tears streaming down my face. My problem is that if my spouse saw these tears, it wouldn't get a very good reaction, no getting comfort, I would get a strange look and be asked if I had a drink or if something was wrong with me. I can't thank you enough for sharing so much with me.
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You know you can reach out to people all day, but God and the Lord Jesus Christ will always be there for you. They are always right there in the heart.

I wonder if there are people out there who have a real desire to learn the word of God and grow in their knowledge and by the spirit as life goes on.

I don’t have many people I come in contact with who desire to do Bible study or anything with, but maybe God will continue to lead me in the direction to be able to have that connection with other like minded people one day; which was the main cause of the depression…

You can reach out to people all the day long but at the end of the day it will be between you and God. Some will encourage to seek the Lord and remind you what really matters, and some may try to supplement fix’s that only last a short moment.

In love,
Matthew Gallagher
So much words of wisdom and encouragement. I think you really picked up on my distress that has been coming on me hard lately. I am getting older now, and have come across posts on the Internet I made like over 12 years ago, so much time has gone by, so many posts, so much passion to talk about God. I have hundreds of pages of journals at home that I made about every topic you can think of concerning the Bible, and once in a while I go through them to add things to them or try to correct grammar mistakes, and recently it hit me hard---who is ever going to read these anyway, so what does it matter? I don't have a big family and the few family members I have aren't into the Lord like I am, and when I leave this world, what is going to become of all the writings I leave behind. lol I'm not sure right now what is going on with me I want you to know that I love everything that you said, and especially, "You know you can reach out to people all day, but God and the Lord Jesus Christ will always be there for you. They are always right there in the heart." As for you, you are still young, and I have watched some of your videos and you have a really comforting voice and way about you, and so much wisdom in the Lord. I hope the best for you and so much blessings. Thanks again, Matthew.
I want to leave a thought about depression, do with it as you will.

If we remember Job, Job 3:11 we see that Job wanted to kill himself, that is depression and yet in all these things he did not sin. Romans 14:23 says everything not done in faith is sin. So it would appear we can live in faith and still be depressed.

One day I discovered the difference between faith/trust and acceptance. I can no longer get around without a walker. One day our son wanted to go somewhere so we dropped everything to take him. I had asked him several times to move his shoes from my pathway to the door and if you haven't guessed by now, he didn't. I tripped, cut my foot, and almost fell over those darn shoes. I frustration I let out something between a yell and a cry and sat down in what felt like defeat but was really depression at my current condition. It was then that I realized that my emotions at the time were about not accepting that God wanted this to happen for whatever reason. IOW's God wanted me to learn something. Not about depression and sin but about accepting what He gives no matter the cost, even if the cost is depression.

Just my two cents.
It has been so long since I read Job and almost forgot about those scriptures. When I was a baby Christian I had so much comfort in Job and Psalms. I have to get back to it. Sorry to hear that you have a hard time getting around and need a walker. Just like a child of God to look for a lesson in everything and try to learn and grow from harships.
So much words of wisdom and encouragement. I think you really picked up on my distress that has been coming on me hard lately. I am getting older now, and have come across posts on the Internet I made like over 12 years ago, so much time has gone by, so many posts, so much passion to talk about God. I have hundreds of pages of journals at home that I made about every topic you can think of concerning the Bible, and once in a while I go through them to add things to them or try to correct grammar mistakes, and recently it hit me hard---who is ever going to read these anyway, so what does it matter? I don't have a big family and the few family members I have aren't into the Lord like I am, and when I leave this world, what is going to become of all the writings I leave behind. lol I'm not sure right now what is going on with me I want you to know that I love everything that you said, and especially, "You know you can reach out to people all day, but God and the Lord Jesus Christ will always be there for you. They are always right there in the heart." As for you, you are still young, and I have watched some of your videos and you have a really comforting voice and way about you, and so much wisdom in the Lord. I hope the best for you and so much blessings. Thanks again, Matthew.

Burn them.

I mean that with the greatest respect. It's wonderful to take, and make notes and to journal as you journey. I have several of my old Bibles, that I treat as notebooks and I fill the margins with little thoughts as I underline and highlight text that jumps out at me at certain moments. It always amazes me when that happens and while it's nice to be able to refer back to those 'moments' the original amazement is sometimes diminished because my perspective has changed. I don't literally mean burn your notes.... but I do mean set them aside. Look for new understanding and a fresh set of eyes. A blank page and truth that is new every morning. Sometimes folks get stuck in the past and unable to move forward because they have all these wonderful notes and notebooks and journals of ideas that came to you once upon a time and they don't recognize that time marches on... So they have to carry these 'treasures' with them where ever they might go, not realizing they weigh you down, hinder your progress and prevent you from picking up anything new. Just my thoughts.
So much words of wisdom and encouragement. I think you really picked up on my distress that has been coming on me hard lately. I am getting older now, and have come across posts on the Internet I made like over 12 years ago, so much time has gone by, so many posts, so much passion to talk about God. I have hundreds of pages of journals at home that I made about every topic you can think of concerning the Bible, and once in a while I go through them to add things to them or try to correct grammar mistakes, and recently it hit me hard---who is ever going to read these anyway, so what does it matter? I don't have a big family and the few family members I have aren't into the Lord like I am, and when I leave this world, what is going to become of all the writings I leave behind. lol I'm not sure right now what is going on with me I want you to know that I love everything that you said, and especially, "You know you can reach out to people all day, but God and the Lord Jesus Christ will always be there for you. They are always right there in the heart." As for you, you are still young, and I have watched some of your videos and you have a really comforting voice and way about you, and so much wisdom in the Lord. I hope the best for you and so much blessings. Thanks again, Matthew.

You are welcome, may you continue to seek out the Lord, and trust and have faith that God is there to provide for you.

Also for all people here, give the glory to God.

in faith and love,

Matthew Gallagher
You are welcome, may you continue to seek out the Lord, and trust and have faith that God is there to provide for you.

Also for all people here, give the glory to God.

in faith and love,

Matthew Gallagher
Aren’t you glad God doesn’t wait, but seeks you out.