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Does God Love You Personally?

God loves all people unconditionally,
The word ridiculous may be too harsh but it comes to mind...
Leviticus 20:23 Moreover, you shall not follow the customs of the nation which I will drive out before you, for they did all these things, and therefore I have abhorred them.

abhorred is stronger than hate and is the opposite of love. Period.

Some people have gone so far past the fence HE no longer loves them so they are CONDEMNED ALREADY!!!, Jn 3:18.

Leviticus 26:30
Psalm 5:5 The boastful shall not stand before Your eyes;
You hate all who do iniquity.

Thinking HE loves those HE hates and abhors smacks of self delusion, sorry.
Everyone looks at the world through their own knot hole.
We don’t see things as they are. We see them as we are.

This is exactly where the logic for the law of noncontradiction comes from....Things cannot be A (HE loves) and not A (HE hates) in the same way at the same time !
I had some very low points and at the lowest God's saved me.
I just don't hear such openness about such things and wasn't sure I was reading right. I think the part that confused me was the part where you said there were times you wished he hadn't. Do you deal with sadness?
Although it should not be a surprise, it always comes as one when someone espousing a way to "get" saved cannot tell you if they are saved or not. Even more surprising is that some of them cannot even utter or type the words, "God loves me personally."

What is your testimony? Does God Love You?

If so in what ways has He demonstrated His love to you personally?
Without doubt God Loves me personally. That said I don't always "feel" it or "recognize" it partly because of who I am and partly because of how I was raised. The obvious answer to the how does He demonstrate that is salvation but there is so vastly much more. For example, He provides for me, H equips me, He strengthens me, and comforts me. And the list goes on and on. His Love is a lavished Love if we just take time to see through the eyes of the spirit rather than the flesh.

Now to read the rest of your responses.
I just don't hear such openness about such things and wasn't sure I was reading right. I think the part that confused me was the part where you said there were times you wished he hadn't. Do you deal with sadness?
No, I leave that to God. Everything is new for me in Christ, thank God. That is something we have in common.
No, I leave that to God. Everything is new for me in Christ, thank God. That is something we have in common.
I think sometimes that there is a measure of sadness in those who long for a heavenly country, know what I mean? But I know some people have depression and it has nothing to do with longing for a heavenly country.

Hebrews 11:16 Instead, they were longing for a better country—a heavenly one. Therefore God is not ashamed to be called their God, for he has prepared a city for them.
I think sometimes that there is a measure of sadness in those who long for a heavenly country, know what I mean? But I know some people have depression and it has nothing to do with longing for a heavenly country.

Hebrews 11:16 Instead, they were longing for a better country—a heavenly one. Therefore God is not ashamed to be called their God, for he has prepared a city for them.
You are right. I used to look at depression as coming from a lack of faith but then I began to realize that it is part of the human experience and it is no more from a lack of faith than a headache is from a lack of faith.
You are right. I used to look at depression as coming from a lack of faith but then I began to realize that it is part of the human experience and it is no more from a lack of faith than a headache is from a lack of faith.
I know Jesus miraculously heals people of things sometimes, and some don't get such a healing, for reasons only God knows.
I know Jesus miraculously heals people of things sometimes, and some don't get such a healing, for reasons only God knows.
Yeah, it is like the difference between Peter's and John The Baptist's prison experience.
I think sometimes that there is a measure of sadness in those who long for a heavenly country, know what I mean? But I know some people have depression and it has nothing to do with longing for a heavenly country.

Hebrews 11:16 Instead, they were longing for a better country—a heavenly one. Therefore God is not ashamed to be called their God, for he has prepared a city for them.

Hello Godstruth,

I have a strong desire to be transparent with you,

Just today I had an episode of depression.

In truth my flesh still constantly is in battle with the darkness in it, fighting against the spirit.

A friend encouraged me to pray never ceasing, and rejoice in the Lord. He was right, it did help.

Sometimes I think about how as human beings it is good let known our vulnerable side. The reason is because it reminds me of that fact I’m still a living breathing human beings with emotions, and have feelings that come about in and through my flesh.

The anger (which is not as bad it use to be).
The sadness or even depression (it shows up sometimes rearing it’s ugly head up from the grave).
Greed and envy, not so much, though I sometimes desire a wife although not out of envy or greed.
Lust comes about with the desire of releasing hormones (it comes about every now and then which can leave you drained and lead back down to sadness and depression).

We are all human beings dealing with our emotions; and one of them can be pride. Pride is something I sometimes ask God to tear down, even if it is a bit of haughtiness he sees in me if he ever arises.

I do not desire to be seen as better than anyone else, though I use to see myself better than others. I do desire to be heard though, at most.

Now I understand how flawed I am because of what Jesus had taught me about me as a human beings.

My overall desire is to teach Gods word to others, by having love for God first, and to love others, and put myself last but treat myself well in compassion, mercy and in understanding of Gods grace which leads to me treating others the same way with putting God first.

I long sometimes to leave here as I mentioned in the beginning; depression of Ie: the desire of leaving this body, but while I’m here there is still work to keep doing, and I have a friend to thank in reaching out in which we both in turn give the Glory to God, for what he has done for the world, in and through his son.

In love,
Matthew Gallagher