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Does God Love You Personally?

No, it is simply that they feel that in order for God to be fair, He does not know what decisions they are going to make.
God is not a man so as to repent. They don't believe that God created evils because it was the right thing to do.
A deeper truth than the truth? No such thing. As for the humility you speak of, you want to tell me you have given up a false denomination you have spent over 24 years practicing? I had to admit my Catholic life wasn't God's truth, and then in my search for Him I had to repent of another false denomination I got into. I had to give up family and friends and admit my studies in it were all not truth. Some people have never done it once, let alone twice. So you asked me a question and I have answered you. I have passed your test of humility. Have you ever done that? So why are you and others here teaching their beliefs? I am doing it more kindly than most, and you don't like my confidence in the Lord that I speak?
Your words say humility, the attitude of your response says pride.

So very quickly then I will leave it to the rest of you all to fight it out. Some things that are important to know about what I believe and why.
1. I always assume I could have it wrong and that if I am wrong, God will reveal that to me through any one of a variety of way.
2. The pastor I grew up under always taught us to not take his work for it, but to study it for ourselves, allowing the HS to teach us. Our current pastor teaching something very similar though he uses different wording.
3. I am passionate about knowing all of God I can know which is why I never assume I know something, but it is also why I always study scripture rather than listening to and following teachers.
A. to that end, my study has built into it checks and balances to make use that I am rightly dividing the word of God.
B. ONE of the many checks and balances is to open my teaching to challenge. Truth should be able to hold up to challenge.
Thus, my answer to the question I asked you is that I assume I could be wrong which is why I study scripture full time (since I can and God called me to it) Because truth is not about whether or not you had to change your mind on something but rather truth is whether or not you can allow God to consume you enough to accept who He is even when it is uncomfortable... that humility to accept our limitations and need for the body to learn all that God wants us to learn is the goal we should be seeking, you know, the humility of Christ that accepted God's words no matter the cost.

Enjoy your discussion, I know better than to challenge your understanding
I believe that the words of the bible must be given meaning and this either happens by our own logic or by the Holy Spirit.
If a person does not get understanding the way God says to get it, then they will have a false understanding.

God tells us exactly how to get understanding. He says plainly that He gives it to those who get his teachings and obeys them.
As I submit to the Holy Spirit He grants understanding of the text.
Submitting is to obey.
A good example would be when the text says that Jesus instructs a person with a wicked hand that causes him to sin to cut it off. I do not understand that literally.
It is literally.

I do not believe that Jesus was saying that our body parts can cause us to sin and amputation is the cure. I go beyond the written word by the enlightenment of the Holy Spirit.
So then, what do you think it means?

This is what Jesus revealed to me it means:

It means Jesus is serious about our obeying him, and that those who believe Jesus' words, they will repent of their sins and stop sinning---so they won't need to cut off their hands.

See the wisdom from God?

If you would actually cut off your hand that is causing you to sin---then JUST STOP SINNING instead of cutting off your hand.

According to Paul the natural man cannot hear or understand the things of God. I accept that.
Not everyone is only trying to please their flesh.

We are flesh and spirit.

It is unavoidable. There was a strange religious sect that crawled around on the floor, drooling and wearing diapers because the texts said that Jesus said unless you become like little children you can't enter the kingdom of God. I certainly believe that you interpret that passage differently than they do. But you can see how they came to behave that way in their zeal to obey Jesus.
That is insanity. We can't add or subtract or go beyond what God says. Jesus does not say to put on a diaper and crawl on the floor. We have to do what Jesus says. Jesus says you will not enter if you are not humble and do everything he says.
Did God repent that He had made man? If He did, what implications does that have for who God is, and how does that impact the doctrine of omnipotence?
God doesn't have sins to repent of, we humans have to do that.
I certainly can't argue that He didn't but I also realize that that doesn't jibe with, Is 46:10 Declaring the end from the beginning and from ancient times things not yet done, saying, ‘My counsel shall stand, and I will accomplish all my purpose,’
How do you think that disproves what I said?
Yes, that is the natural man in a nutshell and we are all born that way. In Adam, all have died. You interpret the text as "won't" but the text actually says, "can't." This is a prime example of how we all interpret the scriptures.
Not all only want what their flesh desires.
There is no scripture anywhere that says God saves unbelievers.
We must believe and repent to get saved.

That is probably true, however; there is no record of Him doing so.
Yes there is! It is scripture. He admitted his sin on the cross. He confessed and repented of his sin in front of Jesus on the cross.
This is another example of how we interpret scriptures and go beyond the text.

Since the Holy Spirit convicts of sin, I believe that the Holy Spirit had been striving with the souls of the men and women who John Baptized long before John started preaching.
We have to only go by God's Word.
Your words say humility, the attitude of your response says pride.
You are a false judge. You don't even have the humility and attitude of love that would cause you to thank me for caring about your infliction of the flesh you spoke about earlier.

Since you had no intention of speaking about the scriptures with me, how about you keep your meanness about me to yourself?