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Did Jesus' return happen in 1st century?

The strong evidence that John's quote of Jesus saying, "behold, I come quickly," was written down decades past 70 AD is tossed aside as "wicked" biblical scholarship.
I toss it aside as weaker evidence than it being written earlier.
From what I understand about the whole "John was written around 90Ads", was just a rumor or quote from Eusibus, who knew Poly Carp, who was supposed to know John.

Most of all the Gospels and letters were written between 54AD - 69AD, the Revelation though is highly debated if anything. Thus there are four main views, Historicist view (Which means that the church is going through ages and whatever age you believe you are in is what is happening or something because of the rest of the context of revelation) it is on going history repeating, you have the Idealist view (which means revelation never comes to completion, you have the futurist view (which means people are waiting for Revelation to happen), you also have the preterist (which means everything happened in the past, then there is on other view which is seeing everything fulfilled and it also uses some of preterist views along with of course some historians like Josephus, Tacticus, Suetonius, and Cassio Dio, which all help in seeing the fulfillment of 70AD being the final destruction of Israel for the final and second time, and as the wrath fell down those loyal and faithful Christians in the day in age were looking, watching, waiting for the return and they seen him come save them who was the Bride of Christ in that day in age, fulfilling everything that had be promised when Jesus Christ was on the earth to those people then in that day in age, so that all things would be put underneath his feet, and Jesus would give everything back over to the Father. Having completion, and wrapping the old material age up, by moving in the new spiritual economy that would now follow going on to the Heavenly Realms after dying and passing away. Some to be with God because of faith, and those who did not want anything to do with him, won't be there and won't have anything to do with him because they choose to do so.
It’s all okay. Jesus did return as promised by those angels that spoke to the ones seeing Christ going up into the clouds.
And when he had spoken these things, while they beheld, he was taken up; and a cloud received him out of their sight. And while they looked steadfastly toward heaven as he went up, behold, two men stood by them in white apparel; which also said, Ye men of Galilee, why stand ye gazing up into heaven? this same Jesus, which is taken up from you into heaven, shall so come in like manner as ye have seen him go into heaven.

The manner he went into heaven was rising.

2 Peter 1:19,20
19So we have the prophetic word made more sure, to which you do well to pay attention as to a lamp shining in a dark place, until the day dawns and the morning star arises in your hearts.

20But know this first of all, that no prophecy of Scripture is a matter of one’s own interpretation,

21for no prophecy was ever made by an act of human will, but men moved by the Holy Spirit spoke from God.
those who did not want anything to do with him, won't be there and won't have anything to do with him because they choose to do so.
Last question: Where will they be? In some shadowland?
Is this what you are questioning from your OP?

"Ye men of Galilee, why stand ye gazing up into heaven? this same Jesus, which is taken up from you into heaven, shall so come in like manner as ye have seen him go into heaven.”
Is this what you are questioning from your OP?

"Ye men of Galilee, why stand ye gazing up into heaven? this same Jesus, which is taken up from you into heaven, shall so come in like manner as ye have seen him go into heaven.”
Yes, this is what was being spoken about.
You still just lay aside all those promises for those people in that day and pertain them all to today…
No I don't. I have already said some of what Jesus was discussing pertained to 70 a.d. His second coming did not. He was discussing two things, as two questions were asked. In my view the last days pertain to the time period between His ascension and His second coming. What we see in Rev concerning judgments and tribulations are now taking place, and always have been, to one degree or another, and in one place or another ever since. Including persecution of the church. Immediately before His second coming (and immediately simply means an indeterminate, but determined by God but the final crisis before His return) things will be decidedly worse than ever before, particularly the prevalence of false teaching, deception, apostocy, and persecution of the church, all of it aimed at the church. Plus an increase in lawlessness. And then Christ returns in judgment, satan is thrown into the fire forever, whereas right now he is partially restrained. That is he is still active (look around) but he is not permitted to deceive the nations (that is, cannot stop the gospel from going to the nations.) Along with satan so also go all those who have not been united to Christ through faith. Gone is the man of sin, gone is sin. The redeemed receive resurrected in incorruption bodies. A new heaven and a new earth come down from God, where no wicked do or ever shall dwell. And God is present with us.
Does it threaten your belief system? Having Jesus the victor over all things now today?
It what you say is true, then why is there still all this sin, and wickedness, and evil, and sorrow, and death still here? I have no need to hope for that. We already have it. Jesus accomplished His earthly mission of redeeming His people, a people for God, by taking upon HImself God's just justice against sin for all who would believe on Him. When it says He sat down at the right hand of God, that means mission accomplished. What it does not mean is that He is sitting idly by doing nothing. The next aspect of the fullness of our redemption and the restoration of all things, a new creation, is taking place in the heavenlies.
My only answer would be to encourage you to read Revelation 21, and 22.
I have read them. Many times. The wicked are destroyed. They don't live in a parallel universe or in a land outside the fence.
Everything is predicated on what the Bible states Grace.
No it isn't, that is another lame claim Shawn makes, but the truth is most of the markers of Christ second coming have never happened yet. When did the sun remain dark? When did the stars fall? When did the elements melt with a fervent heat. When did the trump sound and the dead in Christ rise? When did every eye see him and every knee bow. When did the heavens depart as a scroll when did men cry for the rocks to fall upon them.

Shawn, simply skips all of that in order to stick to his fiction.
If you would like to answer the question posed in the first post please feel free to do so.
I wish to let people know the faulty teachings of CULT and its adherence. You never answer the questions I have asked about all of these missing signs of His second coming. And BTW who names their cult CULT?
People don’t like that Jesus has had the victory I guess? To each their own I suppose. It’s from the Bible and what’s helped has been learning what the Bible actually does say and thinking about it as for them in their time.
Many don't and that is why people like Shawn can deceive so many. You must have been and LDS or Catholic. Or maybe both at one time.
Of course you don’t believe it and that is okay my friend.

It’s not just because of Shawn… it’s because of the Bible, man.
Yes, it is because of the bible that I do not believe in the cult CULT. At least Shawn doesn't try to hide what he is creating.