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Did Jesus' return happen in 1st century?

Are these things a salvation issue? No they are a Hope issue.

The hope of all the evil being eradicated off the planet and being here in this world when Jesus clearly said “my kingdom is not of this world.”
Are these things a salvation issue? No they are a Hope issue.

The hope of all the evil being eradicated off the planet and being here in this world when Jesus clearly said “my kingdom is not of this world.”
God will just wipe the earth of [old] humanity if it ever stops reproducing and uses nuclear genocide. Something about Gog and Magog and all 4 "corners" of "the earth". Truely, only God can eradicate some evils.
God will just wipe the earth of [old] humanity if it ever stops reproducing and uses nuclear genocide. Something about Gog and Magog and all 4 "corners" of "the earth". Truely, only God can eradicate some evils.

Are you suggesting that God causes genocide?
Just because Jesus has returned doesn’t mean you can’t have fellowship with people. If anything God could use you to liberate people from man made doctrinal religion, to being free in Christ by the spirit. To love God and to love others, while suffering for the sake of Christ on your own decision and behalf.
What you are preaching is a man-made religion with no absolute doctrine other than that orthodox Christian doctrine is false and man-made.

First of all according to CULT's own statement, they start with anyone who professes (specifically and subtly changing confess to profess, in case you missed it) that Christ is the Son of God and was raised from the dead is saved. They have made John 3:16 out to be a formula of magical words. Give mental ascent to it and off you go, no need to actually know who God is, who Jesus is, what Jesus did, why and how He did it. No need to know man's condition of need for, not moral teaching, but an actual Savior. No need to put man in relation to God, and God to man. Creator to creature. The only anchor you are given is morality, and that is not the anchor of Christ. Morality has become your savior. Well---good intentions never pulled anyone out of "dead in tresspasses and sins" ever, and it never will.
What you are preaching is a man-made religion with no absolute doctrine other than that orthodox Christian doctrine is false and man-made.

First of all according to CULT's own statement, they start with anyone who professes (specifically and subtly changing confess to profess, in case you missed it) that Christ is the Son of God and was raised from the dead is saved. They have made John 3:16 out to be a formula of magical words. Give mental ascent to it and off you go, no need to actually know who God is, who Jesus is, what Jesus did, why and how He did it. No need to know man's condition of need for, not moral teaching, but an actual Savior. No need to put man in relation to God, and God to man. Creator to creature. The only anchor you are given is morality, and that is not the anchor of Christ. Morality has become your savior. Well---good intentions never pulled anyone out of "dead in tresspasses and sins" ever, and it never will.
All you can do is simply blame someone else’s teaching which is from the Bible…

I don’t see you go verse by verse teaching the Bible…

All I see you doing is saying “nope Jesus wasn’t promised to return” when given scriptural evidence to prove otherwise.
Well damn all those people were lied to then…

Some God and some Jesus Christ we have who can’t get it all done…

Still waiting…

What failure.

That is my conclusion from people who have a futurist expectation… but by all means believe it, I don’t care personally.

That choice is between you and God.
What it comes down to is the flaw in human nature that desires to see the nation becoming corrupt and obliterated to a point where they finally see Christ.

It’s just a vision they hope and they need to succeed to remain faithful, they need it to happen or all hope is lost.
What a crock!
From my understanding the hope is to one day be with God in the Heavenly Realm.
Ever hear of the new heaven and the new earth?
People don’t like that either they are expecting a renewed earth brand new with Christ reign for 1000 years applying and taking biblical application for what was for them in that day and make it out to themselves…
That is dispensationalism. Not all Christians are dispensationalists.
It’s just human nature from being taught for many years, Jesus is coming back, Jesus is coming back soon, yet he still hasn’t returned?

Wonder what many people felt like near the end of their life expecting Jesus to return only to not have him show up as they close their eyes.
So you missed all those scriptures on not being discouraged, persevere to the end? Those that say God is not slow as we account time, but patient that all His people might come in. That a 1000 year is as one day to the Lord. That He does not operate on our timeline and change His plan and purpose to pacify impatient instant gratification, babies. A Christian does not base all His hope on seeing the return of Christ before they die. When the Christian dies, they go to be with Jesus then. There bodies will be resurrected and changed in due time.
Or they had been preaching about Jesus return and they always questioned by hasnt he come back yet?

There are flaws in the futuristic doctrine and return of Christ which in my estimation.
It is not a question a solid mature Christian asks. They know why. Because it isn't time yet in God's plan. There are flaws in everything. Somethings we cannot not fully know, but we speculate and form opinions anyway. Just as you are doing when you say Jesus already returned, even though it has no basis within the full content of scripture so one might say it is a flaw from top to bottom. But hey---you can believe it if you want. Truth doesn't really matter.
Then what you make out of the Bible is by one’s own imagination, and not actually considering the history and context and contents of the Bible.
I can scarceley believe that you would have the nerve to say such a thing considering.
That is no my fault. It is the faulty interpretation of the user saying “No jesus wasn’t promised to come”, which begs the question who the hell do you listen to?
You are slipping off your moral high ground again.
I don’t have a moral high ground I’m okay where ever the conversation is.

You still just lay aside all those promises for those people in that day and pertain them all to today…

So what is it?

Will Jesus return a third time?

I realize all the promises in the Bible, I’m not discouraged or anything simply because Jesus had already returned.

Does it threaten your belief system? Having Jesus the victor over all things now today?
All you can do is simply blame someone else’s teaching which is from the Bible…

I don’t see you go verse by verse teaching the Bible…

All I see you doing is saying “nope Jesus wasn’t promised to return” when given scriptural evidence to prove otherwise.
Blame? I am pointing out teaching that is blatantly unsupported by scripture.

Where do you want me to start? It begins in Gen 1:1 and ends with the last verse in Revelation. One continuous, always consistent, story.

I gave you scriptures that show He hasn't returned but really you have to have anu understanding of what the second coming is, who Jesus is, what He did, what He is doing, what the endgame is before anything means anything to you. You have the endgame really messed up. But you are not interested in learning anything or changing you mind in any way unless you go farther to the left. So I will leave you in peace.
All people can do is point fingers.

It’s all okay. Jesus did return as promised by those angels that spoke to the ones seeing Christ going up into the clouds.

That’s facts no playing around unless the Bible is a lie… then no need to trust it.
Are you suggesting that God causes genocide?
I am saying if nuclear genocide and mass abortion become the norm, God will just incinerate [quickly] everyone into His Kingdom, and determine who had been naughty and who had been nice.
I am saying if nuclear genocide and mass abortion become the norm, God will just incinerate [quickly] everyone into His Kingdom, and determine who had been naughty and who had been nice.

People have been killing people since the dawn of time. God even wiped them out one time and they still choose darkness.

I personally do not believe we have to worry about nuclear stuff it can do a lot of damage and who is to say someone out there might not go ahead and try to destroy some of America.

When it comes to the world, Jesus Christ was not part of it, though he was in his flesh, but he was waiting for and hoping for more out of his own life by willingly giving it over to be sacrificed.

He was willingly to, that is the key here, Jesus Christ was willingly to die for the entire world... when he did not have to, he could have chose to do his own thing and sometimes I believe we tend to forget that.

Therefore this world, sure we are part of it, it hurts when we feel pain, it doesn't feel good to be sick, we cry when someone we love passes away.

The thing about these thing even though they can hurt for a short while, or perhaps even the rest of ones life, there is true hope found in Christ, that there is something more after this life, and one day we will transfer over to the realm were God dwells, and everyone will be given a resurrected body. Those who wanted something to do with God they will go be with Him, those who did not want to be with God won't be.

It seems people focus to much on this world, yes there is pain, and hurt, and loss, however in the future one day none of that will be in the Kingdom of Heaven, Heavenly Jerusalem where God dwells.

Jesus never really focused on this world, as much as his focus was to come and do the Fathers will willingly and that is pretty much what is asked of us as Christian, to pick our cross, deny ourselves and follow after him.