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Defining the godhead - an open discussion on Unitarianism, Binitarianism and Trinitarianism

A Jesus who points people to a deity which isn’t his God is not the historical Jesus.

A Jesus who rejects Yahweh and his prophets is “another Jesus,” a counterfeit, an imposter.
Yahweh is Jesus’ God.

Jesus isn’t anti-Yahweh; the devil is.

Please, dear readers, I implore you. Don’t ever join yourself to anyone who is anti-Yahweh.
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Different God, or different UNDERSTANDING of God? (the same God, different views)


The easy-out would be to say-- Same God, different idea of Him.

But that's not what Jesus taught. Jesus taught that there were in fact two Fathers. His, and theirs. Theirs was the devil himself. His was the only true God.
Those sho are anti-Yahweh in scripture are in league with the devil.

As in scripture, so also throughout this present evil age.
Those sho are anti-Yahweh in scripture are in league with the devil.

As in scripture, so also throughout this present evil age.

That's the opposite of what Jesus taught. He said those who follow the devil's God are sons of the devil.
The easy-out would be to say-- Same God, different idea of Him.

But that's not what Jesus taught. Jesus taught that there were in fact two Fathers. His, and theirs. Theirs was the devil himself. His was the only true God.
I would say that they were unwittingly serving the devil.
They were insulted by Jesus statement, right?
Did they agree with Jesus? Pretty sure they were greatly offended.
(the desired effect)

They thought they were serving the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob.
The God of the Israelites. That's the true God, correct?

I love this one. (never heard of the Exodus?) - LOL

John 8:33 NRSVue
They answered him,
“We are descendants of Abraham and have never been slaves to anyone.
What do you mean by saying, ‘You will be made free’?”

But what words are spoken as a person is being baptized?
In whose name? By what authority?
There is no but. Another back door attempt to rationalize your doctrine.

The ultimate authority is Jesus’ God. Although we call the law, “the law of Moses” it is actually given by God’s authority. So, don’t confuse the servant through whom God communicates with God, himself.

Jesus said he does not speak on his own authority. So, we ought not imbue his name with undue authority but the one who gave him authority; namely, YHWH, the Father of us all.

Just because you are baptized in the name of Moe, Larry and Curly does not mean they are God. Back door shut.
Trinitarianism - claims to be pro-Yahweh.

Binitarianism - claims to be pro-Yahweh.

Unitarianism - claims to be pro-Yahweh.

Jewish monotheism - is pro-Yahweh.

Gnosticism - is blatantly and unashamedly anti-Yahweh.

Jesus of Nazareth - the Messiah, the Son of the living God / the Son of Yahweh.

Anti-Yahweh = anti-God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob = anti-Moses and all of the other prophets of Yahweh = anti-Christ = anti-the one true God = pro Satan.
Can idolators be Christ followers?

IDOLATRY is one of the hardest things to recognize, like pride. This is partly due to the fact that there is worship in practice that one does not state in theory. No one would admit worshipping sex, money or other manmade things.

Yet, it is our actions that reveal our IDOLATRY.

I’m reading book now called No More Christian Nice Guy. The author states our feminized society has replaced the real Jesus with IDOL, a nice guy Jesus, lacking power and passion. What do you think?
Trinitarianism - claims to be pro-Yahweh.

Binitarianism - claims to be pro-Yahweh.

Unitarianism - claims to be pro-Yahweh.

Jewish monotheism - is pro-Yahweh.

Gnosticism - is blatantly and unashamedly anti-Yahweh.

Jesus of Nazareth - the Messiah, the Son of the living God / the Son of Yahweh.

Anti-Yahweh = anti-God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob = anti-Moses and all of the other prophets of Yahweh = anti-Christ = anti-the one true God = pro Satan.

You’ve aligned yourself with the ones Jesus lined up against. You should recognize that.
“1. The one God. (a) theos is the most frequent designation of God in the NT. Belief in the one, only, and unique God (Matt. 23:9; Rom. 3:30; 1 Cor. 8:4,6; Gal. 3:20; 1 Tim. 2:5; Jas. 2:19) is an established part of Christian tradition. Jesus himself made the fundamental confession of Jud. his own and expressly quoted the Shema (Deut. 6:4-5; see Mk. 12:29-30; cf. Matt. 22:37; Lk. 10:27). This guaranteed continuity between the old and the new covenants. The God whom Christians worship is the God of the fathers (Acts 3:13; 5:30; 22:14), the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob (Acts 3:13; 7:32; cf. Matt. 22:32; Mk. 12:26; Lk. 20:37), the God of Israel (Matt. 15:31; Lk. 1:68; Acts 13:17), and the God of Jesus Christ (2 Cor. 1:3; Eph. 1:3; 1 Pet. 1:3).”

(New International Dictionary of New Testament Theology, Abridged Edition, p. 244)

The Shema -> the creed of Judaism -> the creed which Jesus, naturally, being himself a pious and observant Jew, confessed and made his own.

The one God of the Shema -> Yahweh.

Yahweh -> the God of the old covenant and the new covenant -> the God whom Christians worship -> the God of the fathers -> the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob -> the God of Israel -> the God of Jesus Christ.

Readers are encouraged to search the scriptures to see if what is said by this source is true.

Test the spirit. Listen to a gnostic speak. A gnostic will contradict these assertions and affirmations made in scripture as part of his or her adamant opposition to Yahweh.

“Yahweh is the devil,” a common gnostic speaking point, is a dead giveaway for those having eyes that see and ears that here.