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Christ was adopted by the Father

whatever the Bible says is True, even when so called "science" says otherwise
People of every religion say that about their scripture. They sincerely believe that. lacking a personal, faith-based relationship with God, people make scriptures into "the Word of God". They become stunted, unable to learn anything new. The people who killed Jesus really did think they were doing a service to God.
People of every religion say that about their scripture. They sincerely believe that. lacking a personal, faith-based relationship with God, people make scriptures into "the Word of God". They become stunted, unable to learn anything new. The people who killed Jesus really did think they were doing a service to God.

EVERY religion is from the devil, as are their books
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שַׂר sar, sar

from H8323; a head person (of any rank or class):—captain (that had rule), chief (captain), general, governor, keeper, lord,(-task-)master, prince(-ipal), ruler, steward.

masculine noun
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שַׂר sar, sar

from H8323; a head person (of any rank or class):—captain (that had rule), chief (captain), general, governor, keeper, lord,(-task-)master, prince(-ipal), ruler, steward.

masculine noun
Prince Minister Leader Sar
Brown-Driver-Briggs makes a very good argument for the word "sar" meaning royalty, in Assyrian. (King) However, using another language to translate a word can be both helpful, and misleading. What they did not take into consideration is the fact that royalty also acted as ministers. (As in, ministering in peace.) Or (Minister of the faith.) The Hebrew word "Sar" is best translated as "Minister." The Hebrew word "Sar" should never be given a translation as having to do with royalty.


שַׂר420 noun masculine chieftain, chief, ruler, official, captain, prince (Late Hebrew especially of angels; Assyrian šarru, king)