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Biblical Proof that Jesus is God

So God died?
Jesus, who is humanities representative died. When Jesus died all of humanity died with him, Romans 6:6. This is why Paul said, "I have been crucified with Christ, nevertheless I live" Galatians 2:20. The law says.... "The soul that sins must die" Jesus took our death for us.
Jesus, who is humanities representative died. When Jesus died all of humanity died with him, Romans 6:6. This is why Paul said, "I have been crucified with Christ, nevertheless I live" Galatians 2:20. The law says.... "The soul that sins must die" Jesus took our death for us.
You think Jesus Christ is God. Did God die?
You think Jesus Christ is God. Did God die?
The second person of the Godhead died. The physical Christ that represented humanity died. He died for us and atoned for our sins and the sins of the whole world, 1 John 2:2.
The second person of the Godhead died. The physical Christ that represented humanity died. He died for us and atoned for our sins and the sins of the whole world, 1 John 2:2.
When the "Second Person of the Blessed Trinity" died, was he dead? Did 1/3 of God die?
When the "Second Person of the Blessed Trinity" died, was he dead? Did 1/3 of God die?

Jesus was dead for 3 days. Jesus was God and man. It was the physical part of the Godman that died, Romans 6:6.
Jesus was dead for 3 days. Jesus was God and man. It was the physical part of the Godman that died, Romans 6:6.
Which part was the "real" Jesus? If the real Jesus didn't die, then was Jesus really dead? If he wasn't really dead, did he truly atone for our sins?
Which part was the "real" Jesus? If the real Jesus didn't die, then was Jesus really dead? If he wasn't really dead, did he truly atone for our sins?
Jesus was God and man in one person. The man part of Jesus was our humanity, Jesus was the representative of the human race, just as Adam was the representative of the human race, "For as by one man's disobedience (Adam) many were made sinners (all of humanity) so by the obedience of one (Christ) many (All of humanity) shall be made righteous" Romans 5:19. Jesus has provided salvation for everyone, Hebrews 2:9. But nothing is ours until it is received by faith.

The law says, "The soul that sins must die". Jesus died for us. All sin has been atoned for. Did the God part of Jesus die? No, because he resurrected himself, John 2:19. Humanity has been put to death and resurrected in Jesus Christ. All things have been accomplished in Jesus Christ.
The second person of the Godhead died.

As R.C. Sproul wisely said, [trinitarians] should shrink in horror at the thought of such an absurdity. The second person of the Trinity doesn’t die in historical trinitarian theology. Even common sense, which Sproul also appealed to, should tell us that.

The physical Christ that represented humanity died. He died for us and atoned for our sins and the sins of the whole world, 1 John 2:2.

Human persons die. Jesus was, contrary to what historical orthodox trinitarianism says, a human person.

“Biblical proof” that Jesus is God functionally, representationally, agentivally - not literally.
Dead people don’t resurrect themselves.

The one God resurrected the dead Jesus.

Once again Jesus is claiming to be God.

Jesus said to the Jews, "Destroy this temple (his body) and in three days I WILL RAISE IT UP" John 2:19.

He didn't say God will raise it up. He said that he will raise it up, making himself God.
Jesus was God and man in one person. The man part of Jesus was our humanity, Jesus was the representative of the human race, just as Adam was the representative of the human race, "For as by one man's disobedience (Adam) many were made sinners (all of humanity) so by the obedience of one (Christ) many (All of humanity) shall be made righteous" Romans 5:19. Jesus has provided salvation for everyone, Hebrews 2:9. But nothing is ours until it is received by faith.

The law says, "The soul that sins must die". Jesus died for us. All sin has been atoned for. Did the God part of Jesus die? No, because he resurrected himself, John 2:19. Humanity has been put to death and resurrected in Jesus Christ. All things have been accomplished in Jesus Christ.
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