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Biblical Proof that Jesus is God

To be born of the Holy Spirit is to be born after God or of God. Everyone else was born after Adam
Agreed. God is the Father of the man Jesus Christ, who was also a prophet.

Are you going to list some of the "insignificant errors" you think are in the Bible?
Now, you are in denial of the death of Christ. The scripture says that he was dead for 3 days. Where does it say Jesus vanished?
It says the human Jesus died, he said he would return ON HIS OWN, he didn't say "kill me and watch my Father bring me back to life".

Since he was in a "new form" that could suddenly appear and vanish at will, he wasn't in the old body.
So are you, since you think Jesus resurrected himself. Dead people cannot resurrect themselves. They can't do anything. They are dead.
The scripture says that he resurrected himself, John 2:19.
Agreed. God is the Father of the man Jesus Christ, who was also a prophet.

Are you going to list some of the "insignificant errors" you think are in the Bible?
No, they are insignificant.
The scripture says that he resurrected himself, John 2:19.
These scripture (and many more) say that God resurrected Jesus Christ from the dead: Acts 2:32; 4:10; 5:30; Rom. 10:9; 1 Cor. 6:14; Gal. 1:1; 1 Thess. 1:9-10;

When one scripture seemingly contradicts what many other scripture plainly say, you need to do a little digging.
These scripture (and many more) say that God resurrected Jesus Christ from the dead: Acts 2:32; 4:10; 5:30; Rom. 10:9; 1 Cor. 6:14; Gal. 1:1; 1 Thess. 1:9-10;

When one scripture seemingly contradicts what many other scripture plainly say, you need to do a little digging.
Technically, since Jesus is also God then saying "God raised him up" is synonymous with saying he returned under his own volition from the death of his mortal flesh.
Technically, since Jesus is also God then saying "God raised him up" is synonymous with saying he returned under his own volition from the death of his mortal flesh.
Yep, that's right. Jesus raised himself from the dead, because he is God.

Jesus has victoriously crucified sinful humanity. By putting it to death in his flesh, Romans 6:6. He resurrected it and created a new humanity, 2 Corinthians 5:17. All that have faith in Christ are part of that new humanity.