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Biblical Proof that Jesus is God

One of the things that Jesus did was to reveal the Father. That is why he said to Philip, "He that has seen me has seen the Father" John 14:9.
You have an annoyiing habit of not addressing the points people post to you.
One of the things that Jesus did was to reveal the Father. That is why he said to Philip, "He that has seen me has seen the Father" John 14:9.

That’s right. When we see (and hear) Jesus it’s like seeing (and hearing) his God, the one and only God.

Jesus is the one and only God’s shaliach.
Even so, Jesus and the Pharisees were religious people.
There are two kinds of religion. True religion that is of the Spirit and false religion that is of the flesh. It is our Job to know the difference between the two. This is why John said, "Try the Spirits to see if they be of God" 1 John 4:1.
“There are two kinds of religion. True religion … and false religion …”

I believe Jesus’ religion is the true religion.

* A note to readers.

Robert Pate entered hospice care a couple of months ago with a terminal illness. He hasn’t posted for a while (last contact was on March 5) on another forum that I’m on with him. I don’t know his current status but I wanted to take a moment to remember him and to let others who have crossed paths with him and may have lost touch with him know.
There is God the Father, Jesus Christ the Son, the Holy Spirit and then there are angels and humanity.
Biblical proof Jesus is NOT God is he is a man, and a man who died, who taught us to pray not to him but as a brother to our Father.
Biblical proof Jesus is NOT God is he is a man, and a man who died, who taught us to pray not to him but as a brother to our Father.

I feel bad for Robert Pate. He's in the last stages of life and in hospice.

--but that's not why I feel bad for him.