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Is The Bible A Failure?

There is no hacking up families and distributing their virgin girls around to soldiers and the temple to defend. No hearing voices telling people to commit genocide. No bears dismembering children, no talking donkeys, no flood myths, no fire out of the sky, no sacrificing the Son back to the Father to satisfy a Pagan theory. None of the monster God creat3ed by the Israelites who only favors them.
Legroom? Is this example way too extreme? Where did this come from? Point?
There is no hacking up families and distributing their virgin girls around to soldiers and the temple to defend. No hearing voices telling people to commit genocide. No bears dismembering children, no talking donkeys, no flood myths, no fire out of the sky, no sacrificing the Son back to the Father to satisfy a Pagan theory. None of the monster God created by the Israelites who only favors them.
Your's? No fulfilled prophecy, no understanding of human nature, no understanding of sin, no solution to the sin problem, etc. And yet each instance you have given has a much deeper back story to it that you left out, in fact, I think you do not even comprehend the meaning of each of these stories nor could you unless you were willing to study and be taught by God.

You have chosen the smooth talk over the truth. This is not about what I believe, it is about the Truth which is often inconvenient to the sinful human heart. You have followed after the original sin and judged God rather than accepting his judhements.
Legroom? Is this example way too extreme? Where did this come from? Point?
This is a common misunderstanding of the books of History in the OT, which are really a goldmine of truth when understood through the revelations of Jesus Christ.
Taught beside Jesus's feet and filled with the Holy Spirit on the Day of Pentecost: the Apostles. Luke, a canon of the fourfold Gospel (Mat, Mark, Luke and John) also collaborates with Paul on his writings. James, His brother too and his writings, one who heard God's word and put it into practice. There is a link and a thread to evidences the veracity of all of NT Scripture to His will.
Say that about covers the case for Paul, for Luke, for James, (Mat, Mark and John too) for the Apostles- and you might have hit on a really significant point: oral culture at the time was mainstream. Memorising key understandings and dissemination by word of mouth (the memory and verbal archive). Did I leave any of the NT writers out??? Sorry, just aware that one or two might have contentious authorship... but you get my point.
Thanks to God it was written down!
And a big thanks to 1M1S, where thinking critically and without dressing it up cuts to the evidential chase.
I agree, @1M1S, is a straight shooter. The bottom line is that if we exclude God from having guided the writing, copying, canonization and translations of the bible, then who will do it right? Us? We will do what God couldn't or didn't? What? Is God up there yawning on His throne, thinking, oh yeah, I shoulda done that... Oh well, let them figure it out.
I have a progressive revelation more than a religion, so to speak. But to answer your question. The bible did not exist. There were no translation, no canonization, and no new testament, so the question is moot, However; these people tried to work their way to heaven. They were depending upon sight, that is seeing their own good works to recommend themselves to God. Jesus went on to give the reason why this failed. It was not because they did the works or that they did not do enough works. The single key to their salvation was in knowing Jesus Christ and they didn't. So sadly, Jesus said, depart from me. Focus on works as all or part of your salvation gets between you and knowing Jesus Christ. But if you seek first Jesus Christ the gate to God's Kingdom and Jesus Christ's righteousness, then all else will fall in place.
Your's? No fulfilled prophecy, no understanding of human nature, no understanding of sin, no solution to the sin problem, etc. And yet each instance you have given has a much deeper back story to it that you left out, in fact, I think you do not even comprehend the meaning of each of these stories nor could you unless you were willing to study and be taught by God.

You have chosen the smooth talk over the truth. This is not about what I believe, it is about the Truth which is often inconvenient to the sinful human heart. You have followed after the original sin and judged God rather than accepting his judhements.

Psychological Projection = Projection is the process of displacing one’s feelings onto a different person, animal, or object. The term is most commonly used to describe defensive projection—attributing one’s own unacceptable urges to another.
Psychological Projection = Projection is the process of displacing one’s feelings onto a different person, animal, or object. The term is most commonly used to describe defensive projection—attributing one’s own unacceptable urges to another.
This is off-topic. You should join a psychology board where such posts are apropos.
Legroom? Is this example way too extreme? Where did this come from? Point?
Too extreme? How could it be too extreme, they say its "Gods Word" and that God directed the Israelites to do these things? I just happen to be someone who has read the OT whereas many Christians haven't.

Where did this come from? Its plainly written in the Bible

The point? The point is this is a God created in the image of those men who wrote the vastly exaggerated scripture books. Jesus revealed the true father which discredited the writings of those who rejected his original Gospel and had him killed.
Your's? No fulfilled prophecy no understanding of human nature, no understanding of sin, no solution to the sin problem, etc. And yet each instance you have given has a much deeper back story to it that you left out, in fact, I think you do not even comprehend the meaning of each of these stories nor could you unless you were willing to study and be taught by God.
The Jews mistreated and killed their prophets.....latter generations of Holy men incorporated them into their narratives.
Human nature is widely covered in the UB. We have animal instincts because we evolved from animals, that's why we act like them.
Sin is deliberate disloyalty to deity, its a knowing choice but atonement people cop out and can't confess their sin openly and stop doing it. Instead they have Jesus paying their sin debt for them.

The back story is apologetic bs!

You have chosen the smooth talk over the truth. This is not about what I believe, it is about the Truth which is often inconvenient to the sinful human heart. You have followed after the original sin and judged God rather than accepting his judgments.
The truth is that between Abraham and Jesus the Israelites lost their way and went on a national EGO trip. They even killed the Son which you try to justify in your tangles web of mental gymnastics.
The Jews mistreated and killed their prophets.....latter generations of Holy men incorporated them into their narratives.
Human nature is widely covered in the UB. We have animal instincts because we evolved from animals, that's why we act like them.
Sin is deliberate disloyalty to deity, its a knowing choice but atonement people cop out and can't confess their sin openly and stop doing it. Instead they have Jesus paying their sin debt for them.

The back story is apologetic bs!
I need not say more. Your UB has corrupted the very meaning of sin and turned it into something it is not. I know who inspired this. God is gracious in granting us free-will even if it means to chose to believe a lie. There is nothing more that can be done on this point.

The truth is that between Abraham and Jesus the Israelites lost their way and went on a national EGO trip. They even killed the Son which you try to justify in your tangles web of mental gymnastics.
The mixture of error and truth in the UB is the autograph of the author.