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Why Salvation is by Faith Alone

Jesus was a teacher of the law. The purpose of the law is to reveal sin. The law does not save or justify, Paul said, "By the deeds of the law (what you do) no flesh will be justified in his sight" Romans 3:20. The words of Jesus do matter, because they are Spirit and life.

The purpose of the law is to reveal sin condemn no flesh will be justified in his sight". Its all one and the same thing thing.
Jesus was a respecter of persons, he had respect unto Abel and his offering.

So is that loving commandment a commandment of man or of God?
We are not to obey comandments of men . If its God word its his comandment .
The purpose of the law is to reveal sin condemn no flesh will be justified in his sight". Its all one and the same thing thing.
Those that are trying to be justified by the law (works and religion) are of the flesh.