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Why Salvation is by Faith Alone

Paul spent about 25 years of his life preaching the Gospel to the pagan world.
Mohammed did about the same, and didn't have any help from those before him.
Everywhere that Paul went the Judaizers were there to persecute him, at one time they left him for dead
Well, that is Paul's version of it. The people correcting Paul's new false religion may have seen it as a new false religion and were trying to correct it.
Jesus was with Paul all of the way.
Now you are just making stuff up.
Your hatred for Paul
I don't hate Paul. Do you hate people that you disagree with?
is really hatred for Christ and his Gospel.
Paul's gospel is not Jesus' gospel. They are nothing alike.
You may fool others, but you cannot fool me.
That ship sailed Bob.
Paul, don't care, but James, what you did was wrong. You have no support for attributing Christ to those works. You may as well have said Santa or Mohammed. You are responsible for your works and you will be judged by them.
Yes we will be judged to whether or not God worked his work of faith or labor of love in us . Why murmur against that power? Jesus did it with delight

Philipian2:13-14 For it is God which worketh in you both to will and to do of his good pleasure. Do all things without murmurings and disputings:
Yes we will be judged to whether or not God worked his work of faith or labor of love in us .
That is not what Jesus taught. Jesus taught that you, and you alone, are responsible for the works that you commit.
Philipian2:13-14 For it is God which worketh in you both to will and to do of his good pleasure. Do all things without murmurings and disputings:
Paul is not Jesus.
Paul, don't care, but James, what you did was wrong. You have no support for attributing Christ to those works. You may as well have said Santa or Mohammed. You are responsible for your works and you will be judged by them.
Its not about James and Paul any more that it would be about Balaam's ass. . God putting prophecy on its tongue it stopped the madness of that false prophet. .

James 2:1 loving commands us (not just a good suggestion) not to have the unseen faith or power of God in respect to any creature seen . God who is of one mind and always does whatsoever His soul desires is not served by the corrupted dying hands as a will period.

And yes we will be judged to see if it was God who empowers us by revealing his will and giving us His power to perform it. (Philippians 2:13

The many in Mathew 7 who did wonderful works were not called By God . He called them workers of iniquity saying I never knew you or I never sent you .He did not say they did not perform .

Better things accompany the salvation of our souls a promise that he will not forget the good works when we offer it according to his power .natural unconverted mankind has no power, being dead in trespasses and sin without God or a living hope

Hebrews6: 9-10 But, beloved, we are persuaded better things of you, and things that accompany salvation, though we thus speak.
For God is not unrighteous to forget your work and labour of love, which ye have shewed toward his name, in that ye have ministered to the saints, and do minister.
That is not what Jesus taught. Jesus taught that you, and you alone, are responsible for the works that you commit.
And how do dying men signified as dead perform it? Jesus said not as I will according to his flesh which he declared profits for zero but you Father the one with Power .
Mohammed did about the same, and didn't have any help from those before him.

Well, that is Paul's version of it. The people correcting Paul's new false religion may have seen it as a new false religion and were trying to correct it.

Now you are just making stuff up.

I don't hate Paul. Do you hate people that you disagree with?

Paul's gospel is not Jesus' gospel. They are nothing alike.

That ship sailed Bob.
You are a sad case. You are without Christ and without hope.
And how do dying men signified as dead perform it? Jesus said not as I will according to his flesh which he declared profits for zero but you Father the one with Power .
Your words make no sense.
Its not about James and Paul any more that it would be about Balaam's ass. . God putting prophecy on its tongue it stopped the madness of that false prophet. .

James 2:1 loving commands us (not just a good suggestion) not to have the unseen faith or power of God in respect to any creature seen . God who is of one mind and always does whatsoever His soul desires is not served by the corrupted dying hands as a will period.

And yes we will be judged to see if it was God who empowers us by revealing his will and giving us His power to perform it. (Philippians 2:13

The many in Mathew 7 who did wonderful works were not called By God . He called them workers of iniquity saying I never knew you or I never sent you .He did not say they did not perform .

Better things accompany the salvation of our souls a promise that he will not forget the good works when we offer it according to his power .natural unconverted mankind has no power, being dead in trespasses and sin without God or a living hope

Hebrews6: 9-10 But, beloved, we are persuaded better things of you, and things that accompany salvation, though we thus speak.
For God is not unrighteous to forget your work and labour of love, which ye have shewed toward his name, in that ye have ministered to the saints, and do minister.
Ya, see reply above.

You can't just juxtapose a bunch of random stuff from all over the different books. Horrific hermunitics.
Ya, see reply above.

You can't just juxtapose a bunch of random stuff from all over the different books. Horrific hermunitics.

Hi thanks for the reply.

You should be able to show what's random and what is not.

The loving commandment (not just suggestion) is . Do not have the faith of Christ in respect to the things seen .

How do you understand that commandment?
Hi thanks for the reply.

You should be able to show what's random and what is not.

The loving commandment (not just suggestion) is . Do not have the faith of Christ in respect to the things seen .

How do you understand that commandment?
Is mankind dead in there trespasses and sin without God and a living hope?
It is your job to speak coherently. Being obtuse does make you a mystic. Please try and frame your thought clearly.