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Why God is No Respecter of Persons

Calvin is dead .We have the same scriptures . (sola scriptura)

I do not think they are seperating themselves in that way. God does the seperating acording to his grace or work of faith . Goats un-redeemed the sheep redeemed.

Those of the number make thier ownselves as if they were the favorties of God He iforms us they have recicved there reward of false fame. .Our Father the Potter in heaven has no favorite lump of clay but chooses as many as the Father gave to the Son .

The names of the redeemed were written down from the foundation of the world .The six days God did work .The books (two) One the book of life and two. . . . the lamb of God slain from that foundation book of life .They will be opened on the last day under the Sun when the redeemed are seperated from those not redeemed or born again

Note . . . .(PURPLE) my understanding or offering.

Faithless no faith coming from God's understanding as it is written (sola scriptura) They serve another kind of authority other than the word of God. The oral traditons of "I heard it through the fathers grape vine" . no man can serve two good teaching masters as one Lord as God

2 Corinthians 10:12 For we dare not make ourselves of the number,(faithless Pharisees with Saducees ) or compare ourselves with some that commend themselves:(faithless Pharisees with Saducees ) but they (Pharisees with Saducees ) measuring themselves by themselves,(faithless Pharisees with Saducees ) and comparing themselves among themselves, (Pharisees with Saducees ) are not wise
There is a lot to be learned about the Pharisees and their relationship with Jesus. The Pharisees were super religionist, they even tithed down to the mint in their gardens, Matthew 23:23. Every Christian should read the 23rd chapter of Matthew, where Jesus called the Pharisees hypocrites seven times. This is recorded so that we know what displeases Jesus, The Pharisees did a lot of works, but no faith. Their faith was in their religion, just like most.
Of course you believe that you are "special certain person". All Calvinist believe that they are "special certain persons". This is what makes Calvinism what it is. You believe that God chose you to be saved before the foundation of the world, because of one scripture, Ephesians 1:4. What you don't understand is that the "us" in Ephesians 1:4 is everyone. Jesus is the head and the representative of the human race. He is the new Adam. Listen to what the scripture says.

God gives us ears to hear his understanding and not that of our own understanding . We walk or follow after his voice that works in us as it is written. And hopefully will not follow the voice of a stranger ."Did God really say you will die?

The Son of man, Jesus was a prophet sent with words of his father defining apostleship. How beatiuful are their feet of clay shod with the gospel of faith, the gospel of peace. .
Note. . . (PURPLE) my understanding

Acts 2:22 Ye men of Israel, hear these words; Jesus of Nazareth, a man approved of God among you by miracles and wonders and signs, which God (unseen) did (revealed) by him in the midst of you, as ye yourselves also know:

As ye yourselves also know. . . having the same spirit of witness working from within

He warns of of those who say they do ned a earthly man to teach us guide us confort and bring to our memory the things he has taught us . In that way His name is Jealous he will not shre his glory with the clay

1 John 2:26 These things have I written unto you concerning them that seduce you. But the anointing which ye have received of him abideth in you, and ye need not that any man teach you: but as the same anointing teacheth you of all things, and is truth, and is no lie, and even as it hath taught you, ye shall abide in him.
Your lack of scripture is an indication that you don't really care what the Bible says. You don't want to discuss theology; you just want to talk about your beliefs about Calvinism. You didn't answer my question as to why you think that you are a certain special person. God apparently saw some something special about you before the foundation of the world and said, "I am going to save that one". You lucky, lucky person.
Why do you insist on making such a joke out of yourself.
I answered the question. I don't think I am a certain special person.
And I challenge you to ask anyone on this forum whether or not I use scripture (none in your post, and when you do use scripture, you misuse it) or whether or not I care what the Bible says. Ask anyone. Everyone.

But you still haven't been able to give an actual answer or response to anything I say.
Here are a couple of scriptures for you. Romans 9:20; Prov 29:1; Jeremiah 7:24; Prov 12:22
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Why do you insist on making such a joke out of yourself.
I answered the question. I don't think I am a certain special person.
And I challenge you to ask anyone on this forum whether or not I use scripture (none in your post, and when you do use scripture, you misuse it) or whether or not I care what the Bible says. Ask anyone. Everyone.

But you still haven't been able to give an actual answer or response to anything I say.
Here are a couple of scriptures for you. Romans 9:20; Prov 29:1; Jeremiah 7:24; Prov 12:22
God is sovereign, but only within his just, righteous nature. God does not create evil people so that he can damn them to hell. Romans 9:20 concerns people that want to blame God for their evil ways. Proverbs 29:1 concerns people that harden their hearts against God. Fallen man has the ability to do that by his own free will. Jeremiah 7:24, Is about the same kind of disobedient people. Proverbs 12:22, Are about people that tell lies. None of those scriptures are about me. I will admit that I am a sinner saved by grace and not by being predestinated.

Here is my question for you. How do you know for sure that you have been predestinated to be saved?
God is sovereign, but only within his just, righteous nature. God does not create evil people so that he can damn them to hell. Romans 9:20 concerns people that want to blame God for their evil ways. Proverbs 29:1 concerns people that harden their hearts against God. Fallen man has the ability to do that by his own free will. Jeremiah 7:24, Is about the same kind of disobedient people. Proverbs 12:22, Are about people that tell lies. None of those scriptures are about me. I will admit that I am a sinner saved by grace and not by being predestinated.

Here is my question for you. How do you know for sure that you have been predestinated to be saved?
It was not the plan of God that mankind to hear and obey the voice of a stranger according to the letter of the law “death” never to rise to new life..

God does not create evil people so that he can damn them to hell. We suffer the pangs of hell daily living in a body of death. We have no power of our own to make the suffering burden hell lighter. Yoked with Christ reduces the daily suffering the pangs of hell.

The idea of life after we take our last breath was passed down from the Pharisee with Sadaucesss to the Catholic fathers (orasl traditions as comandments of men in the new testament as that they must call limbo or purgatory .

What I would call. The wondering, wondering, wondering, doctrine that never comes to the end of faith the salvation of ones soul

In that way they teach that only a Queen Mother of heaven did receive the fullness of Christ grace the price of salvation, every other human a unknown remnant and more and more suffering .

Jesus said a man must be born again, wonder or marvel not. Wondering is not believing as anchor to our new soul . No suffering in the grave.
Romans 9:20 concerns people that want to blame God for their evil ways. Proverbs 29:1 concerns people that harden their hearts against God. Fallen man has the ability to do that by his own free will. Jeremiah 7:24, Is about the same kind of disobedient people. Proverbs 12:22, Are about people that tell lies. None of those scriptures are about me. I will admit that I am a sinner saved by grace and not by being predestinated.
I clear case of a person who cannot be corrected, not even my God's word. All the negatives apply to other people, not you, and you twist what you read to make it so.
Here is my question for you. How do you know for sure that you have been predestinated to be saved?
Because I am saved. By grace and through faith and it is the hearing of the word that I believe. Because I know that Jesus, The Son come as man from the Father, to live a perfect, righteous life, lay down His perfect life in my place on the cross as though He were the sinner and not me, dying for me, facing the wrath of God that He did not deserve and that I do deserve; if He had not done this, then been raised from the dead and returned to the Father where He is now as my High Priest interceding for me; and if the Holy Spirit had not worked within me to soften my hard heart, applying this work of Jesus to me, I never would have believed these things. Without Jesus I am wretched and treasoness against God, alone in the world and desperate without God. I know I am saved because I know my hopelessness and helplessness and my need of this Savior. And know that I only believe these things of Jesus because the Bible tells me that I can not, and will not, believe on my own but that that too is the power, and grace, and love, and glory of God. It is God from beginning to end, none of me.

You know Robert, For the first 23 years of my life in Christ, I too thought it was because I made that decision on my own. That is all we hear these days, all we are taught. Even though the closest I got to "confessing" that is said to be necessary, was a "just in case." It was within the Bible itself that I began to question and search this "choosing" method. There were many things that sounded like the case may be otherwise. That, and because I am a curious person, and because I am one who wants to know the truth the whole truth and nothing but the truth, whether I like this truth or not, this is what led me to investigate Reformed theology. And the last 15 years have been growing years. Not so stagnant and shallow. It is not an easy theology, and not for everyone that is for sure, you can't go into it skating the surface, as it is basically the study of God---not man. But I have found it exceedingly rewarding in getting to know my God and His Son better and more to their glory.
@robert pate
This is an addition to post #18

The reason you insist that those who believe in predestination think they are "certain special people" is, I gather, because that is the way you think. All the while you are taking full credit in your own superiority over the unbeliever, for your salvation. You don't take credit for the work that Jesus did, but you take credit for choosing Him and making His work effective for yourself.

The one who believes in predestination, if they understand it in the way that it is, takes no credit for their salvation anywhere or at any point but gives all the credit to the power and glory and love of God. It is knee buckling and incredibly humbling. And because of getting ourselves out of the way, we are better able to yield to the Holy Spirit, and hear Him, when He illumines the word of God, to gain understanding and access the wisdom of God, all which are things available to us only in Christ. And our love for Him and awe of Him deepens and grows, like the flowers of His garden that we are, roots firmly embedded in Him, watered by His grace, joyful, and bringing our Lord rejoicing, His bride. (Song of Solomon.)

And lest you decide to rebuke all I say on the grounds that I quote no scripture----that is scripture. Quoting scripture and using it in an incorrect way to prove something that isn't true, (what you do) is useless.
@robert pate
This is an addition to post #18

The reason you insist that those who believe in predestination think they are "certain special people" is, I gather, because that is the way you think. All the while you are taking full credit in your own superiority over the unbeliever, for your salvation. You don't take credit for the work that Jesus did, but you take credit for choosing Him and making His work effective for yourself.

The one who believes in predestination, if they understand it in the way that it is, takes no credit for their salvation anywhere or at any point but gives all the credit to the power and glory and love of God. It is knee buckling and incredibly humbling. And because of getting ourselves out of the way, we are better able to yield to the Holy Spirit, and hear Him, when He illumines the word of God, to gain understanding and access the wisdom of God, all which are things available to us only in Christ. And our love for Him and awe of Him deepens and grows, like the flowers of His garden that we are, roots firmly embedded in Him, watered by His grace, joyful, and bringing our Lord rejoicing, His bride. (Song of Solomon.)

And lest you decide to rebuke all I say on the grounds that I quote no scripture----that is scripture. Quoting scripture and using it in an incorrect way to prove something that isn't true, (what you do) is useless.
All of that and again no scripture, just a bunch of subjective B.S.

Salvation has always been by grace through faith. Calvinism replaces faith alone with predestination, so that the believer is trusting in predestination instead of the work and person of Jesus Christ. Calvinist do not believe the Gospel, they do not believe that Jesus has reconciled us and the world unto God, 2 Corinthians 5:18, 19. Nor do they believe that Jesus has atoned for the sins of the whole world, 1 John 2:2. The reason that you don't quote scripture is because you don't believe the Bible, instead you believe the heretic John Calvin.
@robert pate
This is an addition to post #18

The reason you insist that those who believe in predestination think they are "certain special people" is, I gather, because that is the way you think. All the while you are taking full credit in your own superiority over the unbeliever, for your salvation. You don't take credit for the work that Jesus did, but you take credit for choosing Him and making His work effective for yourself.

The one who believes in predestination, if they understand it in the way that it is, takes no credit for their salvation anywhere or at any point but gives all the credit to the power and glory and love of God. It is knee buckling and incredibly humbling. And because of getting ourselves out of the way, we are better able to yield to the Holy Spirit, and hear Him, when He illumines the word of God, to gain understanding and access the wisdom of God, all which are things available to us only in Christ. And our love for Him and awe of Him deepens and grows, like the flowers of His garden that we are, roots firmly embedded in Him, watered by His grace, joyful, and bringing our Lord rejoicing, His bride. (Song of Solomon.)

And lest you decide to rebuke all I say on the grounds that I quote no scripture----that is scripture. Quoting scripture and using it in an incorrect way to prove something that isn't true, (what you do) is useless.
That makes good biblical sense. Called in Hebrews 6 "the better thing that acompanies salvation" clearing the path of thorns and thistles some are slower like myself we have an open book test.

A beautiful parable. .

Hebrew 6:7-11 For the earth which drinketh in the rain that cometh oft upon it, and bringeth forth herbs meet for them by whom it is dressed, receiveth blessing from God: But that which beareth thorns and briers is rejected, and is nigh unto cursing; whose end is to be burned. But, beloved, we are persuaded better things of you, and things that accompany salvation, though we thus speak. For God is not unrighteous to forget your work and labour of love, which ye have shewed toward his name, in that ye have ministered to the saints, and do minister. And we desire that every one of you do shew the same diligence to the full assurance of hope unto the end:

Thorns and briers would seem to draw attention to ones own pain. Yoked with Christ we suffer with him not as him the one with power
All of that and again no scripture, just a bunch of subjective B.S.

Salvation has always been by grace through faith. Calvinism replaces faith alone with predestination, so that the believer is trusting in predestination instead of the work and person of Jesus Christ. Calvinist do not believe the Gospel, they do not believe that Jesus has reconciled us and the world unto God, 2 Corinthians 5:18, 19. Nor do they believe that Jesus has atoned for the sins of the whole world, 1 John 2:2. The reason that you don't quote scripture is because you don't believe the Bible, instead you believe the heretic John Calvin.

The word faith (power) must be defined. . from who it comes from and who it works in as a witness.

What you call Calvinism .. . . Calvin is dead.

Faith as a labor of love (work of faith) is never alone . "Let there be" (faith working) must have a testemony and it the work of faith "it behold was very good

The law of faith .

My wife sent faithfully sent me to the grocery store with a list that could not be altered . knowimng my outcome I did the good work she intrusted to me as a withnes of faith .A slice of apple pie the reward of faith
The word faith (power) must be defined. . from who it comes from and who it works in as a witness.

What you call Calvinism .. . . Calvin is dead.

Faith as a labor of love (work of faith) is never alone . "Let there be" (faith working) must have a testemony and it the work of faith "it behold was very good

The law of faith .

My wife sent faithfully sent me to the grocery store with a list that could not be altered . knowimng my outcome I did the good work she intrusted to me as a withnes of faith .A slice of apple pie the reward of faith
There is no condemnation for those that are in Jesus Christ, Romans 8:1.

My wife frequently asks me to go to the store and pick up some things. I tell her to make me a list, write down the name brands and the quantities. Sometimes I screw up. She knows that after 53 years of marriage that I will screw up. I don't get any pie.
All of that and again no scripture, just a bunch of subjective B.S.
I never make theological points without it being based entirely upon scripture----and also I quite often quote scripture, and I always address those scriptures you quote. In fact my first post here was almost entirely scripture, the parts that you left out in order to make an isolated verse mean what you think it means, and you have yet to address any of it. You just repeat yourself and restate you belief that completely lacks any ability to actually comprehend what the scriptures I quoted mean. So why quote scripture to you if you are not even going to address it. You don't even address what I say. A person quoting scripture does not prove a point. As is the case with those that you quote, you have a completely wrong interpretation of them, so the only thing they show is your own ignorance of the correct interpretation. You are unable to even see that the way you interpret them if carried farther than the nose on your face, contradicts practically all of scripture. And the only argument you have with anyone is "You didn't quote any scripture!"
Calvinism replaces faith alone with predestination,
Show me where this is so from their own theology, not your opinion of their theology.
so that the believer is trusting in predestination instead of the work and person of Jesus Christ
I am not trusting in predestination. The only way I know I was foreknown and chosen is because I trust in Christ---His person and work (an expression btw that you are borrowing from Calvinism.)
Calvinist do not believe the Gospel,
Quotations from Calvin in his preface to Pierre Robert Olivetan's French translation of the NT:
"everything is useless and vain--without the gospel"
"we are not Christians---without the gospel"
" by the knowledge of the gospel we are made ---children of God, brothers of Jesus Christ, fellow townsmen with the saints, citizens of the Kingdom of Heaven"
"It follows that every good thing we could think or desire is to be found in this same Jesus Christ alone. For He was sold, to buy us back; captive, to deliver us; condemned, to absolve us; He was made a curse for our blessing, a sin offering for our righteousness; marred that we may be fair;"

He also said "Humility is the beginning of true intelligence."

So when I, a Calvinist, say that I believe the gospel and when I have repeatedly stated what the gospel is and what is in it of the person and work of Christ, do not turn around and lie, saying I don't believe it or that I am trusting in predestination and not Christ, and heap burning coals upon your own head. (That comes from the Bible.)
they do not believe that Jesus has reconciled us and the world
He hasn't reconciled the world to Himself. If He had, there would be no need of you to include the "us" in that sentence. Use your common sense.

World: the earth, together with all of its countries, peoples, and natural features. (Gen 1:1-31; Is 45:12; 2 Peter 3:5) Since we have these scriptures, Matt 7:13-14; Matt 22:14; Luke 13:22-27; we know not everyone in the world has been reconciled to God. And if every person was reconciled to God by the death and resurrection of Jesus, it's effectiveness could not depend on anything. Common sense. So world in regards to reconciliation must mean it is not restricted to any part of the world or withheld from any types of people, as to geographic location, position, race, language etc.

A person does not have to believe that world means what you say it does to be saved. In fact the way you interpret it does great violence to the power and work and person of Jesus' shed blood.

Nor do they believe that Jesus has atoned for the sins of the whole world, 1 John 2:2.
Same as above. Atonement evidently is just a word to you. Take a look inside of what it means and what that means concerning Jesus.
The reason that you don't quote scripture is because you don't believe the Bible, instead you believe the heretic John Calvin.
Except that I do quote scripture, and my beliefs do not come from Calvin. I agree with him because I find what he says to be true in the Bible.