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When did the word of God become flesh - a part of his Son?

I believe the language of scripture bears it out that YHWH is multi-personal.

I believe the authors are deceptive in their belief that YHWH is not multi-personal.
What I don't find deceptive is their research on the historical fact that Jews believed YHWH is multi-personal for centuries.
As you say and believe. And then what are you going to do with their non-deception, based on their research and findings that are not unique to these authors either? Use it as some sort of support of your already engrained belief that the logos = Jesus for example? Just curious as I thought it had to be important to you as you brought this subject up in the first place.
Oh dear, you just got a few busted spokes off one of your rear wagon wheels Sissy. Turned that corner too sharply and hit that huge boulder.

Need it fixed? Happy to oblige...🔨;)
No it's not.
There is no doubt that Jews believed YHWH was multi-personal based on scripture for centuries.
It isn't Israelite literature, but it is post 2nd temple. And Philo Judeaus works are actually post-Valentinus and during Justin Martyr's life.
Oh, so you want to battle a stawman!
I haven't mentioned either of them.

It's called 2nd temple literature found in a variety of places including the Dead Sea Scrolls.
I thought the DSS were done in the Bar Kochba era.
I'm not the one denying historical facts.
As an idolater, you don't understand the historical facts of Judaism.