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What to be born again for

Of course it is, Arial. That's what all of us promote: how we understand the Bible.
What I promote is traditional Christianity, the plumb line established by God with the apostles, and reiterated in plain doctrinal language in the statements of traditional Christianity. What do you think "lay the foundation of the church" means when Jesus gave this mission to the apostles? What do you think the reformers were doing but bringing back this true plumb line? Why do you not believe that this is a work of God on our behalf? It was desperately needed. This is what the church believes, and as a member of Christ's church, bought and paid for with His blood, this is what I believe, and therefore promote.
What I promote is traditional Christianity,
I know.
the plumb line established by God with the apostles,
and reiterated in plain doctrinal language in the statements of traditional Christianity.
What do you think "lay the foundation of the church" means when Jesus gave this mission to the apostles? What do you think the reformers were doing but bringing back this true plumb line? Why do you not believe that this is a work of God on our behalf? It was desperately needed.
Agreed. The Reformation accomplished a lot, but it didn't go far enough, and it introduced its own errors.
This is what the church believes, and as a member of Christ's church, bought and paid for with His blood, this is what I believe, and therefore promote.
I am aware of what you believe and promote.
Here is how the verse reads, Pip.

1 Tim 2:5 For there is one God, and one mediator between God and men, the man Christ Jesus;

The verse above is the Bible alone.
Yes shroom, you must understand by reading the whole context of this issue.

For there is One God (Jehovah) and One Mediator (who is this Mediator) between God and man (Jehovah and true Christians)? Answer: The man Christ Jesus.

Who is the man Christ Jesus? He is the SON of the living God JEHOVAH.

So simple Bible truth!!
With answers like this, in order for the response to have any meaning to those who might be reading, it makes it necessary for the responder to restate what you are responding to. There is no such thing as a partial plumb line.
Disagree with what? That traditional Christianity us putting forth its doctrinal statements? That is what you said you disagreed with.
Agreed. The Reformation accomplished a lot, but it didn't go far enough, and it introduced its own errors.
You say that as though it is a fact and we are supposed to believe it. You do not say in what way they should have gone farther or where they didn't go far enough. You say it introduced its own errors, but give no such errors or why they are errors. And it will take more that the teachings of an organization who is deliberately trying to change what Christianity is. And you are reaffirming your belief that you do not trust God or have any faith that it was Him working in those men on behalf of His people, just as He did so in the writing and canonization of scripture---to make sure there were no errors in consistency or in what He is teaching and revealing in it. It is you who put your trust in men, not God in this area.
God says He wants everyone to be saved. Jesus Christ said he is a man and that his Father is the only true God. Paul said that Jesus is a man and that for us there is but one God, the Father.
It doesn't really say God wants everyone to be saved. He is saying He does not withhold salvation from any people based on their position or race, or nationality or anything else. What Is Paul talking to Timothy about here. It is not doctrine. You have made an entire doctrinal support out of one passage that is not even talking about doctrine. He is talking to Timothy about prayer. Why to pray, and who to pray for (all people).

Jesus said He was a man, because He was a man. He came through woman. He says He is God, because He says God is His Father and He came from God. He said His Father is the only true God, because He is the only true God. Paul said Jesus was a man, because He was a man. He said that there is but one God, the Father, because there is but one God, the Father. It does not prove that Jesus is a creature.
So, then we humans are became God's robots!!
We are robots program to sin and live in sin, in the meanwhile God is putting a chip called righteousness of Jesus Christ in our body.

And everywhere in the Bible Jesus is saying go and SIN NO MORE.
Your "reasoning" doesn't compute.
It doesn't really say God wants everyone to be saved. He is saying He does not withhold salvation from any people based on their position or race, or nationality or anything else. What Is Paul talking to Timothy about here. It is not doctrine. You have made an entire doctrinal support out of one passage that is not even talking about doctrine. He is talking to Timothy about prayer. Why to pray, and who to pray for (all people).

Jesus said He was a man, because He was a man. He came through woman. He says He is God, because He says God is His Father and He came from God. He said His Father is the only true God, because He is the only true God. Paul said Jesus was a man, because He was a man. He said that there is but one God, the Father, because there is but one God, the Father. It does not prove that Jesus is a creature.
Jesus Christ never said he was God.

We've discussed all this before. Maybe we can do so again, but not now. I have things to do.
The problem is that you think "traditional Christianity" has everything right, or your misunderstanding/misconception of what first-century Christianity believed.
I think it because I trust God to handle His own word. And I do not see anything in it that is not also found in the Bible. Yes I know you do. But that is because you have been swayed by those who do not like what it teaches and want a better God and better truth. The difference is in one who DECIDES what he will believe by weighing options, (which one makes more sense to me. Which God do I like better,) and one who believes what He hears because God has given him ears to hear, and opened the eyes of his understanding. If traditional Christianity is the plumb line of God, established by God, then that is what is true. You say it isn't, but nevertheless it is. And you can come at me all you want with your declarations that the Bible does not say this or that, or this is what it says not that, it's in the Bible, with your "that is what you do toos'", you will not move me off that rock on which I stand. I am not intimidated by all the reterich that tries to sow deep doubt by shouting "Everyone thinks they are right, so no one is!" I stand, because He is able to make me stand. My foot shall not be moved.
I think it because I trust God to handle His own word. And I do not see anything in it that is not also found in the Bible. Yes I know you do. But that is because you have been swayed by those who do not like what it teaches and want a better God and better truth.
Sigh. You're big on accusations, Arial.

The difference is in one who DECIDES what he will believe by weighing options, (which one makes more sense to me. Which God do I like better,) and one who believes what He hears because God has given him ears to hear, and opened the eyes of his understanding. If traditional Christianity is the plumb line of God, established by God, then that is what is true. You say it isn't, but nevertheless it is.
You say it is. That doesn't mean it is.

And you can come at me all you want with your declarations that the Bible does not say this or that, or this is what it says not that, it's in the Bible, with your "that is what you do toos'",
It's ironic that you can't see that what you like to accuse me of can equally be applied to you.

you will not move me off that rock on which I stand. I am not intimidated by all the reterich that tries to sow deep doubt by shouting "Everyone thinks they are right, so no one is!" I stand, because He is able to make me stand. My foot shall not be moved.
I have never said "so no one is."

We're both convinced we're right, we both stand on our understanding of the Bible (and you on tradition). At least one of us is wrong.
And you can come at me all you want with your declarations that the Bible does not say this or that, or this is what it says not that, it's in the Bible, with your "that is what you do toos'"
Exactly what I said you would do. You do it as a way of invalidating anything you are opposed to instead of actually validating what you say. And you do not realize in also invalidates everything you say. It is a meaningless, empty, void.
Sigh. You're big on accusations, Arial.
It wasn't an accusation. It is a fact.
You say it is. That doesn't mean it is.
Doesn't mean it isn't either. But it isn't me who says it. It is God. The only reason I give voice to it is because God said it. John 12:40; Ez 36:26; Ex4:21; Ez11:19; Ps 34:18; Jer 32:40
It's ironic that you can't see that what you like to accuse me of can equally be applied to you.
It's ironic that you can't see that I am not doing the same thing you are. The only reason you apply it to me is because you have nothing else. I come from the foundation of the truth of God that is absolute, and you do not. There really is such a thing. And you and anyone else who so desires can say I don't, but that will not change the fact.
I have never said "so no one is."

We're both convinced we're right, we both stand on our understanding of the Bible (and you on tradition). At least one of us is wrong.
Can you not see that when you make the argument that "Everyone thinks they are right." that the other side of that coin is that then no one should say they are right. No one in fact should say anything, let alone preach the gospel? That we should just let truth go down the drain so everyone can have their own truth. That truth doesn't matter?

But I am fed up with the subject.
It wasn't an accusation. It is a fact.
This: "But that is because you have been swayed by those who do not like what it teaches and want a better God and better truth" is not a fact.

Doesn't mean it isn't either. But it isn't me who says it. It is God. The only reason I give voice to it is because God said it. John 12:40; Ez 36:26; Ex4:21; Ez11:19; Ps 34:18; Jer 32:40

It's ironic that you can't see that I am not doing the same thing you are. The only reason you apply it to me is because you have nothing else. I come from the foundation of the truth of God that is absolute, and you do not. There really is such a thing. And you and anyone else who so desires can say I don't, but that will not change the fact.
I really do believe there is absolute Truth. I don't believe you have it. Sorry.

Can you not see that when you make the argument that "Everyone thinks they are right." that the other side of that coin is that then no one should say they are right.
That's not true.

No one in fact should say anything, let alone preach the gospel? That we should just let truth go down the drain so everyone can have their own truth. That truth doesn't matter?
Truth MATTERS! A great deal. You don't think I have it, and I'm convinced you don't have it. Now what?

But I am fed up with the subject.
Yet you keep responding to me.