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True non-trins:

Like I said, it originated in God.

The Absolution of Love

Well, if 'God' is Source and the One and All from which all originates from,...I guess all originates in 'God' anyways, because 'God' allows all potentials, possibilities and concepts to exist :) - this includes 'evil' and all that seems unlike 'God'.

'God' is just a word, technically,....while most all religionists and metaphysicians accept that 'God' is the One Universal Creative Source or Creator of all, so at least we all have common ground in the source of all reality, both absolute and relative, since we all see 'God' and the world from our own individual conditional point of view, within whatever realm of conditional existence we live. And this is true for all sentient beings in all worlds, dimensions, etc. :) - The Source of everything is EVER BEING....while the creations or miscreations going on appear and disappear on the scene. - thats all the play of creation is.

But to have fun with meshak and the usual rants and perks here with other members flaunting their pet peeves,.....frankly I dont think Source gives a hoot, whether you're a 'trinitarian' or 'unitarian', as long as you abide in the One Universal 'God' Source who is our 'Father' and 'Mother', who is One Spirit being Love, having all the divine qualities and attributes that all religions give this One BEING :) - call it whatever you like, as long as you are refering to SOURCE.

Absolute reality is what actually IS, here, now and forever! THE ABSOLUTE. What is absolute is absolute;....all else is relative, subjective and conditional. 'God' is what IS, and includes all and transcends all encompassing the whole of infinity.

From a higher perspective, I can see the angels sitting in the pews of heaven eating popcorn, enjoying the show down here lol. - there is plenty of records and accounts of 'God' being the SAME for all beings, no matter what form or name they call 'God' in the afterlife....since love is the universal law and religion in all worlds, while 'God' gives free will to all beings while the law of karma regulates and conducts all actions in all realms (sowing & reaping, cause/effect', seedtime harvest), and so it is. Each soul chooses the ultimates of life or death, and the conditions of his existence by freedom of choice granted by divine providence. God is UNITY of BEING, and his being and his laws are indivisible to Himself as all abides in himself and the creation of his infinite BEING, as nothing can exist or BE outside of 'God', the ONE, the ALL. - salvation is the integration of truth of divine being in love, forgiven and surrended in the One Unity of light and love, back into the Heart of universal LOVE.

'God' includes all that is unknown and known......because 'God' is actually INFINITE. I'm quite content with this knowledge while also accepting the unknown as well, as all is included in the whole. I accept the absolute, and its pure love, and the forgives that makes me whole in itself, and that is salvation.


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The Absolution of Love

Well, if 'God' is Source and the One and All from which all originates from,...I guess all originates in 'God' anyways, because 'God' allows all potentials, possibilities and concepts to exist :) - this includes 'evil' and all that seems unlike 'God'.

'God' is just a word, technically,....while most all religionists and metaphysicians accept that 'God' is the One Universal Creative Source or Creator of all, so at least we all have common ground in the source of all reality, both absolute and relative, since we all see 'God' and the world from our own individual conditional point of view, within whatever realm of conditional existence we live. And this is true for all sentient beings in all worlds, dimensions, etc. :) - The Source of everything is EVER BEING....while the creations or miscreations going on appear and disappear on the scene. - thats all the play of creation is.

But to have fun with meshak and the usual rants and perks here with other members flaunting their pet peeves,.....frankly I dont think Source gives a hoot, whether you're a 'trinitarian' or 'unitarian', as long as you abide in the One Universal 'God' Source who is our 'Father' and 'Mother', who is One Spirit being Love, having all the divine qualities and attributes that all religions give this One BEING :) - call it whatever you like, as long as you are refering to SOURCE.

Absolute reality is what actually IS, here, now and forever! THE ABSOLUTE. What is absolute is absolute;....all else is relative, subjective and conditional. 'God' is what IS, and includes all and transcends all encompassing the whole of infinity.

From a higher perspective, I can see the angels sitting in the pews of heaven eating popcorn, enjoying the show down here lol. - there is plenty of records and accounts of 'God' being the SAME for all beings, no matter what form or name they call 'God' in the afterlife....since love is the universal law and religion in all worlds, while 'God' gives free will to all beings while the law of karma regulates and conducts all actions in all realms (sowing & reaping, cause/effect', seedtime harvest), and so it is. Each soul chooses the ultimates of life or death, and the conditions of his existence by freedom of choice granted by divine providence. God is UNITY of BEING, and his being and his laws are indivisible to Himself as all abides in himself and the creation of his infinite BEING, as nothing can exist or BE outside of 'God', the ONE, the ALL. - salvation is the integration of truth of divine being in love, forgiven and surrended in the One Unity of light and love, back into the Heart of universal LOVE.

'God' includes all that is unknown and known......because 'God' is actually INFINITE. I'm quite content with this knowledge while also accepting the unknown as well, as all is included in the whole. I accept the absolute, and its pure love, and the forgives that makes me whole in itself, and that is salvation.

View attachment 1725

This thread is about the God of the Bible.
And? He wasn't created a sinner and neither was man.
But yes he was because there was nothing authentic about him.

Jhn 8:44
Ye are of your father the devil, and the lusts of your father ye will do. He was a murderer from the beginning, and abode not in the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he speaketh a lie, he speaketh of his own: for he is a liar, and the father of it.
The Absolution of Love

Well, if 'God' is Source and the One and All from which all originates from,...I guess all originates in 'God' anyways, because 'God' allows all potentials, possibilities and concepts to exist :) - this includes 'evil' and all that seems unlike 'God'.

'God' is just a word, technically,....while most all religionists and metaphysicians accept that 'God' is the One Universal Creative Source or Creator of all, so at least we all have common ground in the source of all reality, both absolute and relative, since we all see 'God' and the world from our own individual conditional point of view, within whatever realm of conditional existence we live. And this is true for all sentient beings in all worlds, dimensions, etc. :) - The Source of everything is EVER BEING....while the creations or miscreations going on appear and disappear on the scene. - thats all the play of creation is.

But to have fun with meshak and the usual rants and perks here with other members flaunting their pet peeves,.....frankly I dont think Source gives a hoot, whether you're a 'trinitarian' or 'unitarian', as long as you abide in the One Universal 'God' Source who is our 'Father' and 'Mother', who is One Spirit being Love, having all the divine qualities and attributes that all religions give this One BEING :) - call it whatever you like, as long as you are refering to SOURCE.

Absolute reality is what actually IS, here, now and forever! THE ABSOLUTE. What is absolute is absolute;....all else is relative, subjective and conditional. 'God' is what IS, and includes all and transcends all encompassing the whole of infinity.

From a higher perspective, I can see the angels sitting in the pews of heaven eating popcorn, enjoying the show down here lol. - there is plenty of records and accounts of 'God' being the SAME for all beings, no matter what form or name they call 'God' in the afterlife....since love is the universal law and religion in all worlds, while 'God' gives free will to all beings while the law of karma regulates and conducts all actions in all realms (sowing & reaping, cause/effect', seedtime harvest), and so it is. Each soul chooses the ultimates of life or death, and the conditions of his existence by freedom of choice granted by divine providence. God is UNITY of BEING, and his being and his laws are indivisible to Himself as all abides in himself and the creation of his infinite BEING, as nothing can exist or BE outside of 'God', the ONE, the ALL. - salvation is the integration of truth of divine being in love, forgiven and surrended in the One Unity of light and love, back into the Heart of universal LOVE.

'God' includes all that is unknown and known......because 'God' is actually INFINITE. I'm quite content with this knowledge while also accepting the unknown as well, as all is included in the whole. I accept the absolute, and its pure love, and the forgives that makes me whole in itself, and that is salvation.

View attachment 1725

Interesting post and quite a bit of it can be translated easily into scripture quite well.

So do you believe there is a reason for a person to have personal genuine faith in this SOURCE of all life of love we call God at times, from their imperfect condition? Or it does not matter? And then why or why not?

Interesting post and quite a bit of it can be translated easily into scripture quite well.

So do you believe there is a reason for a person to have personal genuine faith in this SOURCE of all life of love we call God at times, from their imperfect condition? Or it does not matter? And then why or why not?

@freelight has a completely different idea about salvation.

Please make a different thread.

He will be happy to answer all the questions you may have about his faith.
