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True non-trins:

Greetings again meshak,
My point is you don't treat it as the most important commandment
I am glad that you are not my Judge, refer again 2 Timothy 4:1,6-7,8 "the righteous judge" and Matthew 7:1-2.

Kind regards
Greetings again meshak,

I am glad that you are not my Judge, refer again 2 Timothy 4:1,6-7,8 "the righteous judge" and Matthew 7:1-2.

Kind regards
Is that all you have to say?

I corrected you of your witnessing of my faith which is your judgment of me.
Greetings again meshak,
I corrected your false accusations about my faith.
I am prepared to speak about all wrong doctrines, including yours and you have many wrong doctrines and many ideas that are partly correct and partly wrong.

Kind regards
Greetings again meshak,

I am prepared to speak about all wrong doctrines, including yours and you have many wrong doctrines and many ideas that are partly correct and partly wrong.

Kind regards
You always bring up a debatable topic that I never even try to engage in. I give my two cents worth occasionally and that's it.

I dont care what you believe. We all believe what we want to believe.

Everyone can claim it is biblical for all their debatable copics.

I call it a nitpicking discussion.
A triune God is not saying there are three Gods. As you very well know.
Yes it does,

The triune God of the Catholic religion are three distinct Gods, they do not share their divinity with each other, but are each are wholly God.

The divine persons do not share the one divinity among themselves but each of them is God whole and entire
84 Council of Toledo XI (675): DS 530:26.
So if the triune God is not saying there are three Gods, then what does 'whole and entire' mean to you?

That we henceforth be no more children, tossed to and fro, and carried about with every wind of doctrine,
by the sleight of men, and cunning craftiness, whereby they lie in wait to deceive;

Ephesians 4:14

Yes it does,

The triune God of the Catholic religion are three distinct Gods, they do not share their divinity with each other, but are each are wholly God.

The divine persons do not share the one divinity among themselves but each of them is God whole and entire
84 Council of Toledo XI (675): DS 530:26.
So if the triune God is not saying there are three Gods, then what does 'whole and entire' mean to you?

That we henceforth be no more children, tossed to and fro, and carried about with every wind of doctrine,
by the sleight of men, and cunning craftiness, whereby they lie in wait to deceive;

Ephesians 4:14

I am not Catholic. The protestant reformation was the effort to eradicate many of the errors that had crept into the Catholic church, especially when it merged with the state e. It did not eradicate the RCC and some of the errors are still held in that denomination (just as there are errors in every person.) As well as to put the Bible back into the hands of the people and Biblical teaching and preaching back into the church. It brought the world our of the dark ages.

For those who disagree with the trinity or other aspects of Christian doctrine to nearly always bring the Catholic view forward as though all Trinity believers are Catholic is a poor and useless debate strategy.
For those who disagree with the trinity or other aspects of Christian doctrine to nearly always bring the Catholic view forward as though all Trinity believers are Catholic is a poor and useless debate strategy.
RCC is the originator of this doctrine.

And the protestants continually following it.
RCC is the originator of this doctrine.

And the protestants continually following it.
God is the originator of this doctrine. It is found all through the Bible. You disagree and I disagree with you. And at one time there was only what is now called the RCC but then was simply catholic, and Catholic has taken on a whole new meaning. It is now a denomination whereas before it simply meant universal---one.
God is the originator of this doctrine.
Clearly, Satan is.