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Total Depravity, Totally Refuted

That ^^^ is a cheap lying shot.
When you say that God predestinates people to hell before they are born, that is outright blaspheme against God.

When you say that Jesus only atoned for some sins, but not all sins, that is outright blaspheme against Jesus.
When you say that God predestinates people to hell before they are born, that is outright blaspheme against God.

When you say that Jesus only atoned for some sins, but not all sins, that is outright blaspheme against Jesus.
I am inclined to agree with you, but it's not blasphemy that will condemn someone to hell, and suggesting that a Calvinist would be better off being an athiest is a cheap lying insult.
When you say that Jesus only atoned for some sins, but not all sins, that is outright blaspheme against Jesus.
When you say Jesus laid down His life and that paid the debt (atoned) for the sins of all people of all time, and then turn around and say---not really 'cause most people still die and face the wrath of God for their sins anyway, that is blasphemy. It makes God collect payment for all these sins from Jesus' sacrifice, made Him die to do so, and then most of the time turned around and collected also from the sinner. It makes God unjust with His injustice aimed right at the Christ.
When you say Jesus laid down His life and that paid the debt (atoned) for the sins of all people of all time, and then turn around and say---not really 'cause most people still die and face the wrath of God for their sins anyway, that is blasphemy. It makes God collect payment for all these sins from Jesus' sacrifice, made Him die to do so, and then most of the time turned around and collected also from the sinner. It makes God unjust with His injustice aimed right at the Christ.
Calvinism is not compatible with the Bible; this is why there is so much controversy about it. Example, "God so loves the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believes in him should not perish, but have everlasting life" John 3:16. This one scripture should tell you that there is something wrong with Calvinism.

People will die in their sins because that is what they have chosen to do.
Calvinism is not compatible with the Bible; this is why there is so much controversy about it. Example, "God so loves the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believes in him should not perish, but have everlasting life" John 3:16. This one scripture should tell you that there is something wrong with Calvinism.

People will die in their sins because that is what they have chosen to do.
You say that Calvinism is not compatible with the Bible---and yet it is. The only way so far that you have been able to support this statement is by not telling the truth about what it teaches. And you continue in these gross misrepresentations even after you have been shown by those who are Calvinist or Reformed and from direct quotes from Calvin and Luther themselves. So it would appear that you are engaged in deception. Now this may be because you simply have no ability to grasp or understand what is being said, or that like those who lied about Stephen to have him killed and stop preaching the gospel, you have simply stopped up your ears.

Calvinism teaches the truth of John 3:16 and in no way denies it. Whoever believes in Him will have eternal life. They simply say that that faith to believe comes from God, (Him down to us) and not from our own selves (us up to Him.) And they also say that if it is from God, it is then a work of the Holy Spirit towards and in us, considering that the Bible says this. (John 3) They also say, given all the scriptures that use the term, call, called, chosen, given. predestinated, foreknown, elect, in reference to this faith that saves, and considering all the ways of God given from the OT on, (that it is always Him down to us, and that He is sovereign over all) then He must be the one in charge of who receives this faith. That is the way they see those scriptures. There is no twisting of the word, or deception, or ignoring any part of the word, to do so. It can be done legitimately. And all those scriptures that are used to undermine the teachings of Calvinism/Reformed are quite easily simply understood in a more straightforward way, without having to change or ignore the meaning of "called", "before the foundation of the world", "foreknew", "elect", "predestine", "choose", "chosen". They are seen as stating what is necessary for salvation. Belief in the person and work of Jesus. His righteousness, atonement, propitiation, justification, resurrection, ascension.

And though I am sure there are some that will say if you do not believe the way of Calvinism you are not saved, as far as I know it is not an actual assertion of the theology, and would therefore just be people being people---just is that is the case when people stand up and shout that all Calvinists are going to hell. Both are preposterous and an affront to God. Calvinism teaches that all who believe and trust in the person and work of Jesus for eternal life, and Him alone, are saved. And that this faith that saves comes by hearing, as one cannot have faith in something they never heard.

There. Now you have been told again.
You say that Calvinism is not compatible with the Bible---and yet it is. The only way so far that you have been able to support this statement is by not telling the truth about what it teaches. And you continue in these gross misrepresentations even after you have been shown by those who are Calvinist or Reformed and from direct quotes from Calvin and Luther themselves. So it would appear that you are engaged in deception. Now this may be because you simply have no ability to grasp or understand what is being said, or that like those who lied about Stephen to have him killed and stop preaching the gospel, you have simply stopped up your ears.

Calvinism teaches the truth of John 3:16 and in no way denies it. Whoever believes in Him will have eternal life. They simply say that that faith to believe comes from God, (Him down to us) and not from our own selves (us up to Him.) And they also say that if it is from God, it is then a work of the Holy Spirit towards and in us, considering that the Bible says this. (John 3) They also say, given all the scriptures that use the term, call, called, chosen, given. predestinated, foreknown, elect, in reference to this faith that saves, and considering all the ways of God given from the OT on, (that it is always Him down to us, and that He is sovereign over all) then He must be the one in charge of who receives this faith. That is the way they see those scriptures. There is no twisting of the word, or deception, or ignoring any part of the word, to do so. It can be done legitimately. And all those scriptures that are used to undermine the teachings of Calvinism/Reformed are quite easily simply understood in a more straightforward way, without having to change or ignore the meaning of "called", "before the foundation of the world", "foreknew", "elect", "predestine", "choose", "chosen". They are seen as stating what is necessary for salvation. Belief in the person and work of Jesus. His righteousness, atonement, propitiation, justification, resurrection, ascension.

And though I am sure there are some that will say if you do not believe the way of Calvinism you are not saved, as far as I know it is not an actual assertion of the theology, and would therefore just be people being people---just is that is the case when people stand up and shout that all Calvinists are going to hell. Both are preposterous and an affront to God. Calvinism teaches that all who believe and trust in the person and work of Jesus for eternal life, and Him alone, are saved. And that this faith that saves comes by hearing, as one cannot have faith in something they never heard.

There. Now you have been told again.
You make another long rambling post with 0 scripture.

You are in total denial of the Gospel and justification by faith. God has ALREADY dealt with the sins of ALL humanity through Jesus Christ, Jesus claims to be the savior of the WHOLE WORLD, John 3:17. Jesus is the savior of the WHOLE WORLD, because Jesus has atoned for the sins of the WHOLE WORLD, 1 John 2:2.

Because Jesus atoned for the sins of the WHOLE WORLD, he has reconciled US and the WHOLE WORLD unto God, 2 Corinthians 5:18, 19.

This salvation is ours by faith alone. It is by faith alone because it is by Christ alone.

Nothing is our until it is received by faith. Faith comes by hearing and believing the Gospel, Romans 10:17.

On the day of Pentecost 8,000 Jews heard and believed Peter's Gospel, Acts 2:41 also Acts 4:4. And were saved.
You are in total denial of the Gospel and justification by faith.
No I'm not. Why do you keep saying that even though I have told you countless times that I believe in the person and work of Jesus, and only Him and that, for salvation, and that I believe it comes from faith. I perceive you also do not know what justification is or why we needed justified and how Jesus accomplished that. Not only that but you have added to the gospel something that was never there. That we have to believe that Jesus paid for the sins of every person past present and future. You add that and only because, as you have said, "world" only has one application and one meaning and it is the one you give it that is its true meaning. Even though that makes no sense.
God has ALREADY dealt with the sins of ALL humanity through Jesus Christ
Evidently not as a great many are still going to hell and a great many are there already.
Jesus is the savior of the WHOLE WORLD, because Jesus has atoned for the sins of the WHOLE WORLD, 1 John 2:2.
Evidently not as a great many are still going to hell and a great many are there already.
Because Jesus atoned for the sins of the WHOLE WORLD, he has reconciled US and the WHOLE WORLD unto God,
That would have Jesus atoning (paying their just penalty) for the sins of many who languish in hell and face the wrath of God. How awful!! What blasphemy against the power of our Lord and His shed blood.
This salvation is ours by faith alone. It is by faith alone because it is by Christ alone.
Yup. But you have added to the faith something that isn't there. Universal atonement.
Nothing is our until it is received by faith. Faith comes by hearing and believing the Gospel, Romans 10:17.
The faith that saves is a gift from God. It says so in Eph 2. LOUD AND CLEAR. When God gives something it is given. He is not like a man who says here, take it and it's yours. And if you don't take it, I will withdraw it. No God is greater than us. He gives because He loves us, not leaving it up to us to receive it. You need to get the perspective between God and man right. It will help your understanding a great deal.
On the day of Pentecost 8,000 Jews heard and believed Peter's Gospel, Acts 2:41 also Acts 4:4. And were saved.
Right. They heard and when they heard it they believed what they heard. That is all it says about that. There is no discussion of choosing to believe it, of receiving it by choice. It simply says they heard and they believed. No need to add words to fit a theology. Take the theology from the words.
No I'm not. Why do you keep saying that even though I have told you countless times that I believe in the person and work of Jesus, and only Him and that, for salvation, and that I believe it comes from faith. I perceive you also do not know what justification is or why we needed justified and how Jesus accomplished that. Not only that but you have added to the gospel something that was never there. That we have to believe that Jesus paid for the sins of every person past present and future. You add that and only because, as you have said, "world" only has one application and one meaning and it is the one you give it that is its true meaning. Even though that makes no sense.

Evidently not as a great many are still going to hell and a great many are there already.

Evidently not as a great many are still going to hell and a great many are there already.

That would have Jesus atoning (paying their just penalty) for the sins of many who languish in hell and face the wrath of God. How awful!! What blasphemy against the power of our Lord and His shed blood.

Yup. But you have added to the faith something that isn't there. Universal atonement.

The faith that saves is a gift from God. It says so in Eph 2. LOUD AND CLEAR. When God gives something it is given. He is not like a man who says here, take it and it's yours. And if you don't take it, I will withdraw it. No God is greater than us. He gives because He loves us, not leaving it up to us to receive it. You need to get the perspective between God and man right. It will help your understanding a great deal.

Right. They heard and when they heard it they believed what they heard. That is all it says about that. There is no discussion of choosing to believe it, of receiving it by choice. It simply says they heard and they believed. No need to add words to fit a theology. Take the theology from the words.
People are not robots that have been programmed to believe the Gospel. You believe terrible things about God. Worse yet you believe that Jesus failed to atone for the sins of the whole world, which makes him a failure. You believe terrible things about Jesus. What you believe about God and his Son Jesus Christ is not saving faith.
People are not robots that have been programmed to believe the Gospel. You believe terrible things about God. Worse yet you believe that Jesus failed to atone for the sins of the whole world, which makes him a failure. You believe terrible things about Jesus. What you believe about God and his Son Jesus Christ is not saving faith.
No one said people are robots programmed to believe the Gospel. It is a straw man argument. I believe nothing about God to be terrible. That is you who do that. You think He sends Jesus to the cross to die and atone for the sins of all people, and then in spite of Jesus having already suffered and died for them, you think God takes back the atonement. You have no clue what an atonement is and I suspect you will go the rest of your life denying that the atonement is an atonement because of what I view as stubborn stupidity. Therefore it might be safe to presume that, because of that, what you add to the gospel that isn't there, and what you take away from it that is there, you do not have saving faith. You have appeared to flat out reject the gospel and replaced it with a different gospel. It is not me who believes terrible things about Jesus, it is you. You actually lay claim by your own words that you believe terrible things about the gospel. All you have against me is what you say I believe, which is NOT what I believe. ANd all you can do is not listen to what I say so you can keep repeating what I consider blasphemy. But like all the rest of us, your fate is in God's hands. My security is that I am in Jesus according to the Bible. Given the different gospel you preach, and the different Jesus that you have put your faith in---according to my understanding of your own words---you are not. Your faith is in yourself.
No one said people are robots programmed to believe the Gospel. It is a straw man argument. I believe nothing about God to be terrible. That is you who do that. You think He sends Jesus to the cross to die and atone for the sins of all people, and then in spite of Jesus having already suffered and died for them, you think God takes back the atonement. You have no clue what an atonement is and I suspect you will go the rest of your life denying that the atonement is an atonement because of what I view as stubborn stupidity. Therefore it might be safe to presume that, because of that, what you add to the gospel that isn't there, and what you take away from it that is there, you do not have saving faith. You have appeared to flat out reject the gospel and replaced it with a different gospel. It is not me who believes terrible things about Jesus, it is you. You actually lay claim by your own words that you believe terrible things about the gospel. All you have against me is what you say I believe, which is NOT what I believe. ANd all you can do is not listen to what I say so you can keep repeating what I consider blasphemy. But like all the rest of us, your fate is in God's hands. My security is that I am in Jesus according to the Bible. Given the different gospel you preach, and the different Jesus that you have put your faith in---according to my understanding of your own words---you are not. Your faith is in yourself.
No, you are not "In Christ" you are in John Calvin. If Jesus had not atoned for the sins of the whole world, 1 John 2:2, then Jesus would not be "The King of Kings and the Lord of Lords" Revelation 19:16. Worse yet, he would still be in Joseph's new tomb. The reason that God resurrected Jesus from the grave is because he victoriously defeated sin, death and the devil. All sin, not some sin, limited atonement is a damnable lie. Limited atonement is an indication that one does not have faith in Christ. You will never see heaven if you believe that Jesus failed to atone for the sins of the world.
No, you are not "In Christ" you are in John Calvin. If Jesus had not atoned for the sins of the whole world, 1 John 2:2, then Jesus would not be "The King of Kings and the Lord of Lords" Revelation 19:16. Worse yet, he would still be in Joseph's new tomb. The reason that God resurrected Jesus from the grave is because he victoriously defeated sin, death and the devil. All sin, not some sin, limited atonement is a damnable lie. Limited atonement is an indication that one does not have faith in Christ. You will never see heaven if you believe that Jesus failed to atone for the sins of the world.
I pity you Robert.