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The Forbidden Chapter: Isaiah 53 in the Hebrew Bible


patrick jane


The Forbidden Chapter: Isaiah 53 in the Hebrew Bible​

Did you know that Isaiah 53 is a FORBIDDEN CHAPTER in most synagogues? We read this powerful prophecy with Israelis on the streets. See how deeply they were moved as they came face to face with their Messiah!

10 minutes

Isaiah 53:8-9 - His Death, Burial, and Resurrection​

While I agree with this video about the gospel of Jesus Christ (Isa 53), I cannot agree that Jesus is judging Israel at this time...Also his disparaging of Peter when Peter was one of the In-Growd with Jesus. I guess the old adage of the worldview determines how someone translates the Bible.

Dr. Michael Brown is familiar with, and apparently on very good terms with, the group which is saying that Isaiah 53 is forbidden in most synagogues. He addresses it specifically in the attached video link.

He disagrees with the assertion that it is forbidden but confirms that it is factual that isn’t read in synagogues. His explanation is that the Torah is read through once per year in some Jewish synagogues or once every three years in other Jewish synagogues. The Haftorahs are supplemental readings in the synagogue and it doesn’t include Isaiah 53.

The question is, did the Haftorah supplemental reading ever include Isaiah 53? Dr. Brown says there is scholarly debate about it. Apparently, in some areas it was while in other areas it never was.

Are Jews forbidden from reading Isaiah 53? Dr. Brown asserts that they are not.

I haven’t had a lot of discussion with Jews but I have discussed Isaiah 53 with Jews. In some cases they were familiar with it - read it, studied it, quoted Jewish commentary on it (and we’re adamant that it isn’t a prophecy about Jesus) - and in other cases they weren’t (and we’re adamant that it isn’t a prophecy about Jesus).

I‘m all for discussing Isaiah 53 with Jews (and non-Jews), but I think it’s an overreach to say that it‘s a forbidden chapter for Jews to read.
Jews for Judaism has posted an article rebutting what they call “the forbidden chapter conspiracy”. Offered for consideration and balance.

As a Christian, I don’t agree with their understanding of the chapter but I’m happy they are reading and discussing it.