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The Eclipse of God

The Bible is my authority. It is possible to know what it says truthfully. I agree with the basic salvational things as articulated in historic Christianity because I TRUST GOD in His appointing people for His purposes, and because I find no fault in it when I check what is said in scripture. You evidently take most of your beliefs from CULT and they, along with yourself are the authority you have put over you. You have openly denied some of the things that are in the Bible and in historic Christianity. So don't talk to me about authority, as though you have none over you. Do you not know that Jesus had His apostles set the absolute, immovable boundaries of His church? That is, it is His church, and contains what He wants it to contain as to foundation (doctrine.) Nothing more. Nothing less.

You might have found it insulting if it had been said to you in the way you said it. You may say you do not try to condescend, which leaves the other option---that it comes naturally with you from out of your heart. You proceeded to condescend further when you added here "trying to articulate myself and I couldn't do it." There was nothing that I did not articulate and articulate clearly. At the very least, you should look up the specific meanings of words before you use them. If you are not being condescending, then you are using words very sloppily and carelessly, and in a way that makes your speech condescending. No condescension intended.

As to the rest of your post, there is no point in trying to discuss anything with you any farther.
God is the authority, no one else, he governs by his spirit writing on the hearts and minds of individuals. For my perspective.

This is the covenant I will make with the people of Israel after that time,” declares the LORD. “I will put my law in their minds and write it on their hearts. I will be their God, and they will be my people.


Hope you have a good day, sister in Christ.

Love you, thank you for conversing with me, it was nice to be able to talk to someone about these things.