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Who wrote it? You or me? Don't be afraid to let the people know the true!!
The truth is that Jesus Christ will one day rule the world from Jerusalem.
Can you wrote your faith Biblical? Don't be jealous, just enter God's kingdom completely from the teachings of the Bible.
Also used Our manual of our FEW REMNANT, to learn and teach. Our manual nobody can put or takes out and making their own false teaching. Because everything IS BIBLICAL!
No, pip. I don’t use your manual.
Gospel accounts like in Mark 16 disagree with your position on this. Same goes for Hebrews which says that after offering the sacrifice he SAT DOWN AT THE RIGHT HAND OF GOD.

You don't think he reigns there? Psalm 110 tells us he does. Psalm 118 tells us that it's an exalted position.
Yes, he is at the right hand of God BUT Hebrews also tells us - putting everything in subjection under his feet.” Now in putting everything in subjection to him, he left nothing outside his control. At present, we do not yet see everything in subjection to him. Hebrews 2:8
Yes, he is at the right hand of God BUT Hebrews also tells us - putting everything in subjection under his feet.” Now in putting everything in subjection to him, he left nothing outside his control. At present, we do not yet see everything in subjection to him. Hebrews 2:8

If you read that passage more carefully you’ll see that everything already is subject to him as he is already seated. We just don’t see it yet because it isn’t visible to natural eyes. God’s Kingdom is within.
If you read that passage more carefully you’ll see that everything already is subject to him as he is already seated. We just don’t see it yet because it isn’t visible to natural eyes. God’s Kingdom is within.
When Christ returns and sets up his kingdom, you'll see it.
The truth is that Jesus Christ will one day rule the world from Jerusalem.

No, pip. I don’t use your manual.
Yes, sure ONE DAY!! And that day is after the 1000 millennium years, when we true Biblical followers are living in heaven with Jesus.

In heaven we sit on thrones and judge you all trinitarians, unitarians, Sunday keepers, Saturday keepers (but not the Sabbath). And many others more denominations that has united in this ecumenical movement with the Pope. As the book of Revelation revealed. The Harot mother and her Harot daughter!!
Yes, sure ONE DAY!! And that day is after the 1000 millennium years, when we true Biblical followers are living in heaven with Jesus.

In heaven we sit on thrones and judge you all trinitarians, unitarians, Sunday keepers, Saturday keepers (but not the Sabbath). And many others more denominations that has united in this ecumenical movement with the Pope. As the book of Revelation revealed. The Harot mother and her Harot daughter!!
No, Christians will be reigning with Christ on earth during the 1000 year millennium.

One question: How is a Saturday keeper different from a Sabbath keeper?
The truth is that Jesus Christ will one day rule the world from Jerusalem.
Not here on this corrupted creation. He creates all thing new .No rebuilds or reconditioned .

Today he is reigning on the circle of the earth .He will leave on the last day like a thief in the night. until then the ressurection gate or rapture gate will remain open .Today to be absent from the body is to be present in the City of Christ prepared as His bride, The heavenly Jerusalem or Zion
Yes, sure ONE DAY!! And that day is after the 1000 millennium years, when we true Biblical followers are living in heaven with Jesus.

In heaven we sit on thrones and judge you all trinitarians, unitarians, Sunday keepers, Saturday keepers (but not the Sabbath). And many others more denominations that has united in this ecumenical movement with the Pope. As the book of Revelation revealed. The Harot mother and her Harot daughter!!

The first three uses of the metaphor (Thousand years) is used to represent a unknow or not revealed ) The three should be enough to understand a parable is in view. There is nothing that would indicate the 6 times after it used in the parable Revelation 21 the metaphor would not be any different.

The metaphor used in parables "thousand years" can be used to show person has obeyed the proper understanding or hermeneutics of the inspired and signified understanding . A thousand years represents a unknow . Not sign was given to wonder after rather than beleive,

The proper manner of interpretation is revealed in the opening statement .

Signified using the temporal to give us the eternal unseen understanding

Revelation 1:1 The Revelation of Jesus Christ, which God gave unto him, to shew unto his servants things which must shortly come to pass; and he sent and signified it by his angel unto his servant John:
Not here on this corrupted creation. He creates all thing new .No rebuilds or reconditioned .
Not true. This world will be fixed, and Jesus Christ will rule from Jerusalem. He will sit on the throne of David.
Today he is reigning on the circle of the earth .
No he isn't. Jesus Christ is in heaven at the right hand of God.
He will leave on the last day like a thief in the night. until then the ressurection gate or rapture gate will remain open .Today to be absent from the body is to be present in the City of Christ prepared as His bride, The heavenly Jerusalem or Zion
We aren't absent from our earthly bodies yet. We will be when Christ returns. If we die before Christ returns, we'll be dead until he does return. Heavenly Jerusalem will come down from heaven on the NEW heaven and earth, after the millennial kingdom.
No, Christians will be reigning with Christ on earth during the 1000 year millennium.

One question: How is a Saturday keeper different from a Sabbath keeper?
I start write it down, but you have let everybody knows how they are keeping it. Go in my manual and keep reading it to the end. Or better write part 2. Finished it, so that your eyes can open.