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Is The Bible A Failure?

Right away, "inspired" will mean different things to different people.
So their approach to the book will start with a different premise and will skew their perceptions to fit their premise.

The book places a heavy emphasis on the faith of Abraham being foundational for all of any nation, and yet Abraham didn't have the book at all to go by.
Everything in a true relationship to God is by faith and not sight. By faith, we know that there is only one inspiration from the Holy Spirit. When I coached football if my players had decidedly different interpretations of the playbook and to protect their self-esteem I taught them that they each should follow their "own truth" with the book, it would be a disaster.

The same goes for any terrestrial endeavor. If your team is not all on the same page you will fail. A choir that would tell its members to interpret the score the way they feel, the result will be unpleasant cacophony.

By faith, I accept certain axioms about the bible.'

  1. God inspired the men that wrote the material contained in it and though it contains a human element to it, it is spiritually infallible. Therefore it must bend me and not I bending it.
  2. God guided the selection of the material found in the book which was testimony about Jesus Christ and the Plan of salvation.
  3. God guided the translation of the bible because it contained the truth He wanted all men to receive. Therefore the translations--not paraphrases--contain sufficient Truth to bring the saving Gospel to the world.
The conclusion I have by faith is that I can trust the bible to teach me by inspiration the Truth about salvation.

There are many side issues that are not made clear, but NOT the plan of salvation and how we can be saved. Also, even though we are all guilty of it to a lesser or greater degree, we should never condemn other people because we have no idea what God will do in their lives and if God has truly saved us, all we have to do is look upon that and know that at the foot of the cross, the ground is level.
I agree that if one considers all transactions wrong then they could be the one wrong. If someone insists that a word means something other than what is regarded as possible meanings given in lexicons then there may be a problem. One changing the meaning of the text is a red flag. However; if one isn't in agreement with historical dogma but is in line with the simple reading and spiritual understanding of the text, as a whole, then there could be merit to their view. Traditionally, those who relied on traditional understandings have been mislead. There is scripture that speaks both for and against tradition. The metric given is the fruit of the Spirit. If what is being taught is contrary to what is good then obviously something is amis.
I think you nailed it. The fruit of the spirit is an impossible thing to mimic over a long period of time. I think it is the indicator of our growth and indwelling of the spirit.

Our conflicts are often because we are going beyond the scope of the bible and dabbling in theological philosophies. God tells us all we need to know to have a relationship with him that will produce, love, peace, joy, longsuffering, etc.

The conflicts between you and me really just fight in the sandbox over nonessential philosophies. I am coming to realize that is it is important to our salvation, God spells it out very clearly in the bible. If it was necessary for us to know the nature of Christ or the makeup of God, it would have been very clearly stated and repeated between the pages of that Holy Book.

We love to chase the devil's rabbits and die on hills of insignificance.
There is a large falling away that has been taking place for some time.
.Do you think the falling away began at the time of the first century reformation? I call it the great tribulation one like never before or ever again. A time of great joy for some while others tribulation . In that way as you had said in another post ("There is scripture that speaks both for and against tradition.") the time period of sorting out the traditions of men .
It is a serious question. Here we have a book purported to be to be inspired by God who is said to be one and gave us the book so we could be one with Him and each other and yet we are as scattered and frayed rather than united as one against the enemy of our souls.

Now if we were one with God and each other it would extend well beyond shallow virtue signaling displays where we pretend that everyone's point of view is equal but are are actually rolling our eyes behind our flickering screens. God's singularity is one in thought and purpose, drawn to the pure light of absolute truth. That truth being revealed to us by the bible.

But instead we read texts that cut across our beliefs and, surprise, our beliefs trump scripture, but even that truth we obfuscate by rationalizing or dragging the text off into the tall weeds of Greek where we beat it to death with our toy sand shovels. Pretending to be Greek scholars is a favorite pass time here on the range. No, we can only take texts we approve of at face value, all others need to be processed at our internal re-education camp and made into some things else. The old "it is what it is and it is not something else" rue went out the window along time ago, after all what do biblical translators know anyway--they didn't ask me first!

I think that if we are all reading from the same book, we should be fairly close to being unified but, alas, the book had not changed us--we have changed it. Made it suite our needs. Of course even this is not the truth. The truth is, the book has not failed, we have.

Let us be broken n the Rock!
The doctrine of the inspiration of the scripture is the failure. People make the book a God. The priest class has been afraid to admit that because in truth they lack "faith" in God. They fear loosing control of the people and the authority that sustains their office.

The men who used the scripture to to stop Jesus knew the truth about the scripture but they were moral cowards.
The doctrine of the inspiration of the scripture is the failure. People make the book a God. The priest class has been afraid to admit that because in truth they lack "faith" in God. They fear loosing control of the people and the authority that sustains their office.

The men who used the scripture to to stop Jesus knew the truth about the scripture but they were moral cowards.
Quite a pailful of judgment there. How do you know this to be the truth?
Quite a pailful of judgment there. How do you know this to be the truth?
Just a little common sense should cast doubts about some of the claims the Israelites made about their history. Its a fact that Christian teachers and preachers use the Bible as their authority. That being the case, it should be obvious why they can't admit errors and absurdities.

God doesn't write books, any books!
Just a little common sense should cast doubts about some of the claims the Israelites made about their history. Its a fact that Christian teachers and preachers use the Bible as their authority. That being the case, it should be obvious why they can't admit errors and absurdities.

God doesn't write books, any books!
If you truly believe that, why do you promote the UB?
Just a little common sense should cast doubts about some of the claims the Israelites made about their history. Its a fact that Christian teachers and preachers use the Bible as their authority. That being the case, it should be obvious why they can't admit errors and absurdities.

God doesn't write books, any books!
But you still haven’t said how you know this? What happens when you apply the same metrics to the UB.
But you still haven’t said how you know this? What happens when you apply the same metrics to the UB.
How do I know what specifically? That the earth isn't 6,000 years old? That church men are just men and capable of all sorts of error?

You have faith and are saved apart from what you think of the Bible.