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If you were stranded on a deserted island...


You're saying there isn't a difference between knowing and belief, the demons knew who Jesus was before anyone.

Do you suppose God counts this in their favour?

Or would you like to rethink this latest "Truth".
There is no difference between between knowing and belief, and you haven't proved there is.
In addition, we can believe, have faith in, and know the scriptures and what they say are true.

The argument can easily be made that when a person "knows" something, that eliminates the element of faith from the equation. No faith (belief) is required if you somehow "know."

If you are playing a game where you have to pull one of two tokens hidden in a felt pouch and guess if the one pulled out will be the red token or the blue token.... and you guess --Red. You can believe that the red one will be drawn, and you can have faith that it will be drawn out, but you don't know for sure if it will be drawn out, until it is. On the other hand if you happen to "know" that the blue token was secretly removed and that there are actually only two red tokens in that sack, then and only then can you know with confidence that a red token will be drawn. No faith is required, because you know what the outcome must be even before a token is pulled out.
We have to believe, have faith, in God's words, and do what He says.
The argument can easily be made that when a person "knows" something, that eliminates the element of faith from the equation.
It doesn't.
No faith (belief) is required if you somehow "know."
God gives you understanding and knowledge if you believe Him, have faith in what He says, and do what He says. You can know what He says is true. You can believe what He says is true.
If you are playing a game where you have to pull one of two tokens hidden in a felt pouch and guess if the one pulled out will be the red token or the blue token.... and you guess --Red. You can believe that the red one will be drawn, and you can have faith that it will be drawn out, but you don't know for sure if it will be drawn out, until it is. On the other hand if you happen to "know" that the blue token was secretly removed and that there are actually only two red tokens in that sack, then and only then can you know with confidence that a red token will be drawn. No faith is required, because you know what the outcome must be even before a token is pulled out.
I don't consider your analogies at all, because they aren't from the Bible.
There is no difference between between knowing and belief, and you haven't proved there is.
I'm asking you a question.

Do you think that Jesus gives credit to the demons who knew him. Is baal or azethoth part of the church, the community of believers?
If I was stranded alone on a deserted island, no matter what I had with me, I think I’d probably drive myself insane within a week from constantly humming and singing - The Ballad of Gilligan’s Island.

Wondering where the others were, searching for them and determined to find out what happened to them.
I once posed a similar question as a thread opener....

1. If you had only 1 single book of the Bible that you could air drop onto an Isle of Man, (where they speak your language but have no knowledge of the Bible at all) which would you choose (and why)?

I think I might choose the book known as “The Miniature Bible” -> Isaiah.

Why? The Bible in miniature arguably offers the biggest bang for the drop.
3. If you had no books and no verses available to reference and all you could drop on that island was yourself. What would your message to the people be (and why)?

With there being no mention made of a parachute, my message to the people would be: “I’m coming in hot with something critically important to tell you. Either stand clear and forget about the message or find me something extra soft to land on! And please be quick about it!”