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If you were stranded on a deserted island...

I am no longer going to read and reply to your posts. I don't discuss with people who have a problem with honesty.
You don't say the truth about me even after I try very hard to show you.
Why would I debate someone who keeps telling untruths about me and our discussion? The worst person to debate with is a dishonest person.

LOL, You should try debating yourself once.
What do you mean "clean themselves"? What made them "unclean"? Was it not Sin? How can a man forgive his own sins? Isn't that the High Priest of God's Duty? Wouldn't it be better and more equitable to have a discussion about the actual scriptures?

I'm trying real hard here to have an honest discussion with you about God's Word. It's hard when you won't discuss the Scriptures I post.

Nathan had already told David His Sin, which cost him his son and his kingdom, was already removed. Are you saying here that David didn't believe Nathan? Are you saying David is still a murderer and Adulterer, still trying to be forgiven?

You are so confusing. First you are preaching to the world that the Jews in the OT purified themselves, by following God's "instruction in righteousness". But David here, is making my case, not yours. He is saying God purifies him.

Ps. 51:16 For thou desirest not sacrifice; else would I give it: thou delightest not in burnt offering.

17 The sacrifices of God are a broken spirit: a broken and a contrite heart, O God, thou wilt not despise.

Paul said God had these Laws written specifically for our sake's no doubt. I posted his words, but you didn't respond to them. I don't know why, honestly. Paul says regarding a Law of God referring to oxen, Does God care about oxen he said, or did he write these laws for our sake's. For our Sake's they are written, no doubt?

Would this same principle not also apply to God's Law regarding "discharge"? Or the loose skin on the penis? Since these Laws were written specifically for us, in our time, "upon whom the ends of the world are come"?

I'm trying very hard here to have an honest examination and discussion about Scriptures with you, but honestly, you seem to be avoiding the scriptures.

OK, then what significance is the Law of discharge for Paul and I? We know what significance of the Oxen which treads out the grain is, because Paul tells us. We know what the significance of "circumcision" is, because Paul tells us. So since you don't think I know, and you are telling me you have studied, and do know, then shouldn't you share your superior knowledge with others, and explain the significance of God's Law regarding "discharge" in your understanding? A Law Paul said was created "for our sake's no doubt".

God walked with Noah before Moses. Noah knew God's Law of Clean animals and unclean animals. Was this not also then, a "purification Law" for Noah as well? And if not, what is your Scriptural reason as to why.

You are preaching to others here GT. I am patiently trying to understand what you are preaching. I only know to do this by comparing your religion with what the Scriptures actually say.

I was only responding to your words.

"The people had to adhere to a special diet just to belong to God."

"The people had to cook food a certain way---just to belong to God.

It appears you are judging God here as unjust, or accusing Him of doing things you don't approve of..

If this isn't your intent, or philosophy, then you really should be more careful with your words. Since you won't actually examine Scriptures, it's really hard to see what you really are saying.

I trying to understand you, but every time I respond to your statements, it seems you imply that I'm replying to something you didn't say.

That's not my fault GT, I am simply responding to your religious philosophy.

There it is again.

Sorry GT. I can't keep partaking in a conversation where you won't acknowledge the Scriptures I post. It's just dishonest to pretend you are interested in a conversation about the God of the bible, yet refuse to actually engage in HIS Words.

I'll leave you to GA and the others to argue with.

Time to move on
I'm not going to read your dishonest posts. You don't even have the simple knowledge and decency to not use quotes when you change another person's words.
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Okay, I see what you are saying; however, some people suffer worse. Some evil people suffer less when they would be the ones one would think should suffer more.

You Calvinists, like many here...you, GA, and bladrunner, and even some Lutherans, like Robert Pate...they preach falseness, as if God does something supernatural to their hearts before they are saved to make them obey to get saved.

Just listen though to the truth. God used a mere man, Nathan, to let David know that God knows what he did and it is not hidden.

That is how to get saved.
However, many teach that we are saved before we are saved.
Many teach that no one can obey to get saved.
They attack those with the truth and call it a false salvation to preach we have to repent of our sins to get saved.

Thanks for the reply.

I would agree it would be quite difficult to understand why some suffer more or less . People experience of suffering the pangs of hell, the wage of sin differently the same wage "death eternal damnation" never to rise to new spirit life .

And yes God does something supernatural as a work of his faith or called a labor of His love. He gives us ears to hear his understanding not that of our selves .We can not see God unless we do mix faith His understanding with our own private interpretation . Yoked with him our daily burden is made lighter and we have a living promise a hope of a new born again spirit of a new incorruptible body.

God who is not served by mere dying hands does use the temporal things seen to show his will is working in the believer to both reveal and empower to complete it to the good pleasure of the father. the power of the Spirit . Man is not served by God . . earthly inspired by the devil

Many that teach no one can obey to get saved they are not mixing the unseen faith as God's labor of love or understanding of God as it is written .

God gives us the power to obey some murmur.(Phipian2:13-14 ) Jesus the Son of man empowered by the father did the will of the Father with delight.

The Spirit of Christ gives us comfort. In that way calming anxieties. He gives us a eternal promise as the better thing that accompanies salvation as the fruit of His labor. He promises he will not forget the good works us working with him that we have done according to the power of his name. A glorious promise to all Christians again helping us to understand if he began the good work of salvation in us he will not leave us as orphan but will continue to tech us till the last day. (Philippians 1:6)

Fortunately for me a slow learner that He that grades on a curve and keeps the score card and not that which beareth thorns and briers. Crucifying Christ over and over to themselves and public shame as if one demonstration was not enough. They have there own score card as it seems.

Hebrews 6:8-11 But that which beareth thorns and briers is rejected, and is nigh unto cursing; whose end is to be burned. But, beloved, we are persuaded better things of you, and things that accompany salvation, though we thus speak. For God is not unrighteous to forget your work and labor of love, which ye have shewed toward his name, in that ye have ministered to the saints, and do minister. And we desire that every one of you do shew the same diligence to the full assurance of hope unto the end:
Thanks for the reply.

I would agree it would be quite difficult to understand why some suffer more or less . People experience of suffering the pangs of hell, the wage of sin differently the same wage "death eternal damnation" never to rise to new spirit life .

And yes God does something supernatural as a work of his faith or called a labor of His love. He gives us ears to hear his understanding not that of our selves .
God gives understanding only to those who obey Him.

Psalm 119:100 I have more understanding than the elders, for I obey your precepts.

See how easy it is to read God's Word and then if you want understanding you can trust His Word and receive understanding just like He says if you obey.
We can not see God unless we do mix faith His understanding with our own private interpretation . Yoked with him our daily burden is made lighter and we have a living promise a hope of a new born again spirit of a new incorruptible body.
No one enters the kingdom of heaven unless they obey Him.

…unless you change and become like little children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven; Matthew 18:3.

You have to believe what God says and do what He says.

God who is not served by mere dying hands does use the temporal things seen to show his will is working in the believer to both reveal and empower to complete it to the good pleasure of the father. the power of the Spirit . Man is not served by God . . earthly inspired by the devil
I am not following what you are saying.
Are you trying to say God doesn't want us to obey Him?
Many that teach no one can obey to get saved they are not mixing the unseen faith as God's labor of love or understanding of God as it is written .
I can't make out what you are saying there either.
God gives us the power to obey some murmur.(Phipian2:13-14 ) Jesus the Son of man empowered by the father did the will of the Father with delight.
It is God's words that we are obeying. That is how God works in us.

14Do all things without murmurings and disputings: 15That ye may be blameless and harmless, the sons of God, without rebuke, in the midst of a crooked and perverse nation, among whom ye shine as lights in the world; 16Holding forth the word of life; that I may rejoice in the day of Christ, that I have not run in vain, neither laboured in vain. 17Yea, and if I be offered upon the sacrifice and service of your faith, I joy, and rejoice with you all. 18For the same cause also do ye joy, and rejoice with me.

Thanks for discussing with me. Sorry I didn't understand everything you are saying. I'm not even sure if you believe we have to obey God to get saved, hope that you do.
I'm thinking that you should be debating with me about these things in my other thread about life after the death of our bodies.
hook me up with a link to the thread...
It sure can be the same thing.
Believing is in no way, shape or form is the same thing as knowing. The two don't even share a common ground, 'believe' is on one side of the spectrum and 'know' is on the other side and there is a huge gap in between the two.
One reason they might appear to be same thing is if one erroneously applies the common use definition of the the terms 'believe' and 'faith' rather than the way the scriptures define their meaning. So yes, the common use definition of the two terms equates them as having the same meaning, but that does not mean they have the same meaning in scripture. Moreover, applying the common use meaning to the two terms in scripture diminishes 'faith' to just simply hope without substance, which is like saying the teachings of Jesus are just one man's opinion.
However, the difference between 'believe' and 'know' is found in the substance of 'faith', which is lacking in 'believe'. If one accepts something as being true without any proof of it being true, then they are just as likely to believe something is false without any proof that it is false. In such, when asked what reason they have in that which they believe they will not answer because they either don't have any reason or the reason they have doesn't hold up to scrutiny.
However, without faith, a person will be as written in 2 Tim 3:7, Ever learning, and never able to come to the knowledge of the truth. So I have to disagree with your statement that believing is the same thing as knowing. It isn't written for he who comes to God must only believe he is, it is written must believe he is and a that he is a rewarder of those who diligently seek him. Just because it says he is a rewarder of those who diligently seek him will find him, but when you began to diligently search for him, you might just hear him ask you how do you think you can find me who dwells in the light which no man can approach, or maybe not, but either way there is a reward.

hook me up with a link to the thread...
Thanks for asking.

Believing is in no way, shape or form is the same thing as knowing.
Of course it is.
The two don't even share a common ground, 'believe' is on one side of the spectrum and 'know' is on the other side and there is a huge gap in between the two.
One reason they might appear to be same thing is if one erroneously applies the common use definition of the the terms 'believe' and 'faith' rather than the way the scriptures define their meaning. So yes, the common use definition of the two terms equates them as having the same meaning, but that does not mean they have the same meaning in scripture. Moreover, applying the common use meaning to the two terms in scripture diminishes 'faith' to just simply hope without substance, which is like saying the teachings of Jesus are just one man's opinion.
However, the difference between 'believe' and 'know' is found in the substance of 'faith', which is lacking in 'believe'. If one accepts something as being true without any proof of it being true, then they are just as likely to believe something is false without any proof that it is false. In such, when asked what reason they have in that which they believe they will not answer because they either don't have any reason or the reason they have doesn't hold up to scrutiny.
However, without faith, a person will be as written in 2 Tim 3:7, Ever learning, and never able to come to the knowledge of the truth. So I have to disagree with your statement that believing is the same thing as knowing. It isn't written for he who comes to God must only believe he is, it is written must believe he is and a that he is a rewarder of those who diligently seek him. Just because it says he is a rewarder of those who diligently seek him will find him, but when you began to diligently search for him, you might just hear him ask you how do you think you can find me who dwells in the light which no man can approach, or maybe not, but either way there is a reward.

You said:
Believing something to be true is not knowing something is true.
I said of course you can believe and know something is true.

We have to believe in God. Believe and faith are used the same way in the Bible.
In addition, we can believe, have faith in, and know the scriptures and what they say are true.
Do you think the demons only do good?

You're saying there isn't a difference between knowing and belief, the demons knew who Jesus was before anyone.

Do you suppose God counts this in their favour?

Or would you like to rethink this latest "Truth".