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Does Jesus’ blood cover unbelievers accounts?

Thank you for sharing, Grace.
Are there anymore scriptures about this specific topic as well, you found one it looks like. :)

That word in that verse is an interesting one.
Thank you for sharing, Grace.
Are there anymore scriptures about this specific topic as well, you found one it looks like. :)

That word in that verse is an interesting one.
Yes, we are not lost due to our sins any more than we are saved due to our righteousness. What we love is the basis for the verdict. John 3:19 states The [basis of the] judgment (indictment, the test by which men are judged, the ground for the sentence) lies in this: the Light has come into the world, and people have loved the darkness rather than and more than the Light, for their works (deeds) were evil.
Hello Grace thank you for your comment.

Are you just pointing out that there are people who love light rather than darkness? That is very clear by what you showed. People loved darkness more than the light. This doesn’t stop the the blood of Jesus Christ covering those in darkness of their own sin(s) of unbelief does it?

The question was pertaining to Jesus having paid for the sins of the world.

Are there any more scripture in the Bible that talk about that? If anyone else would also like to share please go ahead.
Hello Grace thank you for your comment.

Are you just pointing out that there are people who love light rather than darkness? That is very clear by what you showed. People loved darkness more than the light. This doesn’t stop the the blood of Jesus Christ covering those in darkness of their own sin(s) of unbelief does it?

The question was pertaining to Jesus having paid for the sins of the world.

Are there any more in the Bible that talk about that? If anyone else would also like to share please go ahead.

Matthew 25:46

And these will go away into eternal punishment, but the righteous into eternal life.”
I’m sorry that did not answer my question.

Thank you for sharing anyway, like I said earlier let us try to stay on topic about the subject please; thank you very much.
Where are the scriptures to prove anything you are saying, Shroom? Would you like to share the scriptures that pertain for Jesus paying for the sin of all people? Do they even exist? Is this sin that was paid for indeed for all people even unbelievers?

Thank you for your participation in the thread, and let’s try to stay and stick to the topic, at hand. Please share scriptures as well to help others understand your viewpoint if you would like too.
Are you familiar with Paul's epistles?
Hello Patrick,


Is there something that you would like to share about if Jesus Christ had paid for the sin of all people? There some more scriptures I believe that haven’t been shared yet.

Now there are some things that one should understand that when it comes to history; (it’s the main reason when I share the four definitions of saved).

The wrath of God was going to fall upon the nation of Israel (some claim the wrath of God fell on Jesus when he died on the cross not sure how true that is). People of Futurist view however will believe that one day Jesus comes back, and people are resurrected and judged then separated are the people, some heaven others hell forever snd ever. And I believe things are completed.

Do you believe in part of that kind belief system above, Patrick?

Please correct me if you would like to as well.

In Christ,
Matthew Gallagher
This doesn’t stop the the blood of Jesus Christ covering those in darkness of their own sin(s) of unbelief does it?
What stops them is their lack of repentance and their unbelief.
The question was pertaining to Jesus having paid for the sins of the world.
The Bible clearly says that he did. But people must believe. I have shown you scripture stating exactly that, but you pretend they don't exist.
You did not answer my last questions, Shroom.

Would you like to answer them?

Are there any more scriptures dealing with Jesus Christ having paid for the sin of the world?

Did I have to believe when I was born out of my mothers womb in the name of Jesus to have my sins paid for if he had paid for them 2000 years ago on the cross?

Is it not when you believe you receive forgiveness of sin. It had already been paid for now you receive forgiveness wouldn’t that be the effect of falling in love with Christ leading to spiritual rebirth, by faith?
You did not answer my last questions, Shroom.

Would you like to answer them?

Are there any or scriptures dealing with Jesus Christ having paid for the sin of the world?
Yes, Matthew. GA gave you perhaps the most direct one: 1 John 2:2
Did I have to believe when I was born out of my mothers womb in the name of Jesus to have my sins paid for if he had paid for them 2000 years ago on the cross?
You were not capable of believing directly from your mother's womb. You had to grow up a bit, learn to think. Hear the gospel. Then you could decide to believe it.
Is it not when you believe you receive forgiveness of sin. It had already been paid for now you receive forgiveness wouldn’t that be the effect of falling in love with Christ leading to spiritual rebirth, by faith?
Your salvation had been paid for, but you did not appropriate it to yourself until you believed.

Acts 16:
30 And brought them out, and said, Sirs, what must I do to be saved?
31 And they said, Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and thou shalt be saved, and thy house.
Let me ask you this directly, Shroom.

Did Jesus Christ blood on the cross pay for all sins, those who are believing in Christ, and those who were not believers? My answer is Yes.

That is what the topic is about. Please let’s stay on topic, what I shared is I do believe Jesus had paid for my sins before I ever believed in Him or got to know him.

There are some more scriptures out there pertaining to this subject if anyone would like to share more verses that pertain to Jesus having paid for all sin.

Thank you for participating and keeping it friendly,
God bless you,
In Christ,
Matthew’ Gallagher