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Before Abraham Existed I AM

Had the words read, “ο θρονος σου ο κύριος”, there would be no objection by anyone, to render the words, "Your Throne O Lord".
Yes there would be obvious grammatical objections because omicron is not omega, nor would ο κύριος be vocative. Another lie, on your part.
it is only when a sinner is truly converted, that they can understand the True Nature of the God of the Holy Bible. This does not come from arguments, but revelation by God the Holy Spirit.

Watch this video by a Jew who is one of these converts

View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9UdJ-ZC6RxM

View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iNCy0MJbnpw
In other words, what you believe not what you do necessarily. Have you heard the story of the Good Samaritan? They the Samaritans built idols to YHWH.

You worship what you don't understand.
In your belief are only trinitarians believers?

To believe that the God of the Bible is not Three distinct Persons: God the Father, God the Son, God the Holy Spirit, Who are 100% equally YHWH in their absolute Deity; is a belief in a false God, Who cannot save anyone.

The outright rejection of this as Taught in the Bible (not if someone says that they cannot understand it, and want to know), shows that the person is not truly born-again, and therefore cannot go to heaven.

Jesus' words of Himself, I believe also apply to the Holy Spirit, "I said therefore to you that you will die in your sins; for unless you believe that I AM, you will die in your sins.” (John 8:24). Together with verse 58, it is clear that Jesus Christ is referring to Exodus 3:14-15, where He gives His Name to Moses. To deny/reject this Truth, is to reject the real God of the Bible, and a belief in a false god.
The English term "I am" does not exist in Hebrew or Greek. "I am" in our bibles is AIT. (Assisting In Translation.)

(εγω / egO = I) (ειμι / eimi = exist-ed) "I exist"
The English term "I am" does not exist in Hebrew or Greek. "I am" in our bibles is AIT. (Assisting In Translation.)

(εγω / egO = I) (ειμι / eimi = exist-ed) "I exist"

I have shown in the OP, that the Hebrew verb אֶהְיֶה is use in the present, which is rightly translated as I AM.

The LXX rightly uses the Greek "ειμι", which is in the present tense, and used countless times by our AM. "Ἐγώ εἰμι", can indeed be translated as "I ever exist", or "I always exist", which is seen from the present tense. This is also clear in the use of I AM, which is the reading of the greater majority of English Bible translations. Which is also the reading of the Jewish Tankah, "I AM THAT I AM" (1917ed)

Interesting, that the Jews in the 2nd century, who saw that the Christians used this passage in Exodus 3, for the Deity of Jesus Christ as in John 8:58, used “εσομαι", which is the future.
The outright rejection of this as Taught in the Bible (not if someone says that they cannot understand it, and want to know), shows that the person is not truly born-again, and therefore cannot go to heaven.
Again, even the rejection of the trinity is taught in the New Testament, because the word trinity is not mentioned in the bible.