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Are there different levels (places / orders) of the Kingdom of Heaven?

What you said? How?
Here is what I said:
shroom said:
I assume you mean being born again.

Of course there is, Matthew.

If you are a male Christian, you are a son of God.
If you are a female Christian, you are a daughter of God.

If you are asking how is a male Christian a son of God, the fact that he IS a Christian makes him a son of God. It's the new birth. The gift of holy spirit given to him when he believes the gospel. Receiving the gift of holy spirit, becoming born again, is what makes a person a Christian.

..same thing for a female Christian being a daughter of God.

If a person is a child of God, they are either a son of God or a daughter of God, depending on their sex.
Is there a scripture on that though? Just curious if you will share with me a verse so I could know it for sure, if there is one, Shroom.
Is there a scripture on that though? Just curious if you will share with me a verse so I could know it for sure, if there is one, Shroom.
On what, Matthew? On salvation? Rom 10:9; Eph 1:13-14. On being sons of God? 1 John 3:1-2