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  1. Wynona

    Does Christian Universalism deny the justice of God?

    Jesus did save everyone. The whole world. That doesn't mean everyone will remain in the Kingdom once they get there. Also 1 John 4:18 is talking about how living like Jesus in this world in Christian love will drive out the fear of torment. People act as if this verse means it's bad to fear...
  2. Wynona

    Does Christian Universalism deny the justice of God?

    God allows human will.
  3. Wynona

    Does Christian Universalism deny the justice of God?

    Love also needs choice. If God forced people to love Him, be holy, suffer to be His Bride, and serve Him in the heavenly kingdom forever, that wouldn't be loving either. He does love all his creation. But he puts their autonomy and right to choose to accept his call or reject it above His...
  4. Wynona

    Long or Short Statement of Faith

    This bothers me a great deal. But I am trying to remind myself that while that type of ideology annoys me the most, those who adhere should have my patience and not my contempt. I lost my temper and had to eat my words one time.
  5. Wynona

    Is heaven only for Christians? - That's convenient

    Anyway, I dont see heaven for Christians as being convenient because we are held to Christ's standard and will be judged according to that knowledge. We are also called to share in the sufferings of Christ on earth in order to share in the glory while He is revealed.
  6. Wynona

    Does Christian Universalism deny the justice of God?

    Define love.
  7. Wynona

    Is heaven only for Christians? - That's convenient

    It's nice having a smaller forum for now. Im happy for it to grow too, it's just nice to post within a smaller group sometimes.
  8. Wynona

    Does Christian Universalism deny the justice of God?

    @SteVen Why is God obligated to follow the same moral principles as humans as if he were human with the same limitations as humans?
  9. Wynona

    Does Christian Universalism deny the justice of God?

    I'm closest to an abortion abolitionist and see it as a life God created with our facilitation that we are not lawfully allowed to take.
  10. Wynona

    Is heaven only for Christians? - That's convenient

    I'm dead from laughter now!! Lol
  11. Wynona

    Does Christian Universalism deny the justice of God?

    Not if you created that someone. Not all killing is murder. Murder is the unlawful taking of life. God both allows death for nearly all of us and takes lives.
  12. Wynona

    What's Up With Sex?

    It makes sense that that is the average.
  13. Wynona

    Is heaven only for Christians? - That's convenient

    Not every Christian will stay either. Many will be weeded out as tares or goats. We're all judged by our works.
  14. Wynona

    What's Up With Sex?

    Not very young. Middle age Im guessing. I think it could be sweet and loving.
  15. Wynona

    Does Christian Universalism deny the justice of God?

    Ive heard Christians say God's love is unconditional. That sounds good but it's not. It's sacrificial. Unconditional love can be a lot closer to apathy and indifference. Christ gave his life for us. That's how we know He is love, not because he just accepts everything we do and every choice...
  16. Wynona

    Does Christian Universalism deny the justice of God?

    It depends on why we're told to show mercy. In many biblical examples, we bless those who curse us in part to give room for God's wrath. The Creator is above His creation. We don't get a vote. Only He has the right to judge and destroy the work of his hands---we creations dont. If you destroy...
  17. Wynona

    Red Pill, Trad Wives, Soft Girl Era? Examples with Christian Homemaker Perspective

    I have an example for Red Pill. Red Pill can mean different things but for this thread, I'm describing men who are opting out of modern dating and marriage customs to focus on self-improvement. I hope Im getting that right. My example is the infamous Whatever Podcast. View...
  18. Wynona

    Red Pill, Trad Wives, Soft Girl Era? Examples with Christian Homemaker Perspective

    Yes you are! See, you are trending! When you mentioned your wife in the other thread, I remembered the Passport Bros! I will try to find a clip of one of them maybe tomorrow. I find the movement rather amusing and telling.
  19. Wynona

    What's Up With Sex?

    In my view, some of the most sexually active married women today are the deeply religious conservative women who prioritize sex and their husbands on principle. Case in point, I joined a Titus 2 women's facebook group and it was my first time hearing from women who enjoyed their husbands every day.
  20. Wynona

    Red Pill, Trad Wives, Soft Girl Era? Examples with Christian Homemaker Perspective

    Okay, one more question!!! Does your departure from "orthodoxy" with your alternative theology have to do with Christians who believe all the essentials but don't live it out at all? I'm not trying to make light of it at all. I'm just really curious