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What's Up With Sex?


Well-known member
Topic on CB - LOL


One partner for life?

What you get you are stuck with.

Was she raised in the church? Probably thinks sex is evil. Isn't that what we were taught?

I'm not advocating sexual promiscuity, but what can we make of this?

In the church we destroy sex with our religious views.



What's Up With Sex?​

Was she raised in the church? Probably thinks sex is evil. Isn't that what we were taught?

I think that's changed since the sexual revolution in the 60s and 70s. Now, the Old Country Preacher who gave The Sweet Lady and I the mandatory premarital counseling back in the 80s wouldn't touch that subject with asbestos gloves. Zipped right on past that bullet to talk about money problems and the issues we might encounter raising her kids. One of my more contemporary pastors said they now get training in seminary on how to provide counseling for the very real problems married couples face in that area. I suppose that's a change for the better. At least they're not closing their eyes and pretending it doesn't exist.

There are also "ministries" all over the internet that claim to provide counseling and advice to Christian married couples for sex-related issues. Take that with a grain of salt.
Let the husband render unto the wife due benevolence: and likewise also the wife unto the husband. - 1 Corinthians 7:3 KJV.

"Her 'due benevolence'"? That phrase cracks me up.
I'm wondering how that Old Country Preacher would've advised us how to handle a niece who decided late that she was a lesbian and left her husband and a grandson who's become a granddaughter.
I'm wondering how that Old Country Preacher would've advised us how to handle a niece who decided late that she was a lesbian and left her husband and a grandson who's become a granddaughter.
Yes. The church seems to have been left behind in the dust as society moves on. Becoming more irrelevant all the time.

--- PARODY ---

A straight son comes out to his gay parents.

Son: Dad, we need to talk.
Father: Sure son, what's on your mind?
Son: (gulp) I'm straight.
Father: Say what? ??? !!!
Son: That's right, I'm straight.
Father: Does your father know about this?
Son: No, I wanted to tell you first.
Father: I see. Better let me speak to him first.
Son: Thanks. I'm sorry, I don't mean to hurt either one of you.
Father: Yes, this is a disappointment. We thought we raised you right.
Son: You're fine. It's me. I can't deny my opposite sex attraction.
Father: What can I say? I remember coming out to my parents.
Son: Tell me what that was like.
Father: It was terrible. We didn't speak for years.
Son: Wow, I didn't know.
Father: I'm not going to treat you that way. I accept you as you are.
Son: (tears) Thanks, Dad. I love you.
Father: I'll speak with your father. Hopefully he will take it well too.
Son: I would like to bring my girlfriend home for Christmas.
Father: Whoa, you have a girlfriend? (gasp)
Son: Yes, of course.
Father: No worries. We'll get through this one step at a time.

Topic on CB - LOL


One partner for life?

What you get you are stuck with.

Was she raised in the church? Probably thinks sex is evil. Isn't that what we were taught?

I'm not advocating sexual promiscuity, but what can we make of this?

In the church we destroy sex with our religious views.



I think that there is a tendency to impose our social norms and moral sense upon God, as if He must feel a certain way about sex, because we feel some certain way about it. Never mind that He invented it, and we only discovered it. And then those things we "feel" about it are the result of things we were taught and then came to believe. Things like those you mention above.

Folks tend to forget, and pastors and preachers conveniently ignore that our famous 12 Tribes came about from one man and his sexual escapades with four women.

Our history is messy. Our beliefs, sanitized by white-washers.
I think that there is a tendency to impose our social norms and moral sense upon God, as if He must feel a certain way about sex, because we feel some certain way about it. Never mind that He invented it, and we only discovered it. And then those things we "feel" about it are the result of things we were taught and then came to believe. Things like those you mention above.

Folks tend to forget, and pastors and preachers conveniently ignore that our famous 12 Tribes came about from one man and his sexual escapades with four women.

Our history is messy. Our beliefs, sanitized by white-washers.
Yes, the church view is so puritanical.
Quite an uproar when I suggested on the other forum that polygamy was probably common in the early church.
Indicated by the Elder qualification of a man with one wife. What does that say about everyone else?

I replied to Bob Estey yesterday:

There is much we don't understand about ancient sexual practices.

If a man has three wives, five concubine slave girls and uses prostitution occasionally, is he an adulterer?
(assuming he would not engage with someone else's wife)

Yes, the church view is so puritanical.
Quite an uproar when I suggested on the other forum that polygamy was probably common in the early church.
Indicated by the Elder qualification of a man with one wife. What does that say about everyone else?

I replied to Bob Estey yesterday:

There is much we don't understand about ancient sexual practices.

If a man has three wives, five concubine slave girls and uses prostitution occasionally, is he an adulterer?
(assuming he would not engage with someone else's wife)


Probably common?

That's like suggesting it was probably common among Mormons. When I was a kid, growing up on a farm where some of the Hutterite colonies around us had 3, or even four combines running side by side at harvest time... that's how I knew King Solomon was rich. He had 300 combines.
In the church we destroy sex with our religious views.
I could not possibly disagree more strongly with the tone or substance of this thread.

Our culture's obsession with sex, and the ghastly manifestations of that obsession, is one of the clearest bodies of evidence of supernatural evil at work. There is nothing humorous about it. I don't know how many pastors, exorcists and counselors I've heard say that sexual obsessions and perversions are the clearest indication of demonic activity. How many Christian leaders fall due to sexual immorality versus any other cause? The ratio must be 50:1.

In what possible way does church "destroy sex" with "religious views"? What does this even MEAN? It sounds like something a 15-year-old would say.

In Christian doctrine, our bodies are temples of the Holy Spirit. Marriage is a sacred, God-ordained instiution, the union of a man and woman as one. While sex is pleasurable, procreation is its primary purpose. All sexual activity should be an expression of mutual love. Those principles are the "religious views" and should be sufficient to guide anyone's approach to sex in marriage.

Some practices strike me and have struck both of my wives as fundamentally disgusting, but I know of no church that attempts to decree what is permissible within the context of marriage. What is it you think church is "destroying?" When it teaches against fornication, cohabitation, adultery and homosexuality, is this "puritanical"? Does it "destroy" those engaged in these practices?

The fact is, both the OT and NT place considerable emphasis on sexual matters and sexual immorality. Apparently it is significant to God. In modern culture in general and the church in particular, there is great pressure to "loosen up" in regard to sexual matters. Why should this be so? It just seems to me one more way the church is conforming to the world and rendering itself irrelevant. THAT's the real issue.

Both of my wives were raised in the church. Neither thought sex was evil. I have never heard a pastor suggest sex was evil. If that's your perception, perhaps the problem is with your wife or your church. This is just a completely inane thread.

I noticed on the CB discussion you stated, "How a girls dresses is seen as 'suggestive' if too much skin is showing. If this attracts the wrong kind of attention it is her doing, and her fault." In the great scheme of our society's unhealthy obsession with sex, is THIS the sort of thing that troubles you??? As a matter of fact, my wife was once sent home from her Baptist church in Minsk because her dress showed a few inches of ankle. I attended that church twice and found it to be perhaps the only Real Church I've ever been in. The atmosphere of worship was palpable.

This thread strikes me as utterly silly and childish.
Topic on CB - LOL


One partner for life?

What you get you are stuck with.

Was she raised in the church? Probably thinks sex is evil. Isn't that what we were taught?

I'm not advocating sexual promiscuity, but what can we make of this?

In the church we destroy sex with our religious views.


In my view, some of the most sexually active married women today are the deeply religious conservative women who prioritize sex and their husbands on principle.

Case in point, I joined a Titus 2 women's facebook group and it was my first time hearing from women who enjoyed their husbands every day.
Case in point, I joined a Titus 2 women's facebook group and it was my first time hearing from women who enjoyed their husbands every day.
Very young women, I'm guessing? The only thing I do every day is practice my putting on the living room rug.

A few years ago I read a column by a youngish woman who said she and her husband had just completed their experiment of having sex every single day for a year. Even when I was 25, that would've sounded pretty boring.