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What's Up With Sex?

Very young women, I'm guessing? The only thing I do every day is practice my putting on the living room rug.

A few years ago I read a column by a youngish woman who said she and her husband had just completed their experiment of having sex every single day for a year. Even when I was 25, that would've sounded pretty boring.
Not very young. Middle age Im guessing.

I think it could be sweet and loving.
Not very young. Middle age Im guessing.

I think it could be sweet and loving.
There are actually a large number of legitimate studies, and the statistics don't mesh with anyone's fantasies:

According to a 2017 study by the Archives of Sexual Behavior, the average American married couple has sex 56 times a year, which is around once a week. Experts in TIME and Prevention quote similar numbers, with 51 and 52 times a year, respectively.​
The authors of a 2019 article found that the median number of times people who were cohabiting or married had sex was three times per month. Married or cohabitating couples are more likely to have sex more often than people who are single, divorced, or widowed.​
Americans in their 20s have sex about 80 times per year, approximately once every four to five days. That number drops to 20 times per year for those in their 60s.​
The percentage of married men who reported having sex at least once a week declined from 71.1 percent to 57.7 percent between 2000 and 2018. The percentage of married women who reported the same also decreased (69.1 percent to 60.9 percent).​
By those standards, I'm a 74-year-old whiz kid. I had no idea.
There are actually a large number of legitimate studies, and the statistics don't mesh with anyone's fantasies:

According to a 2017 study by the Archives of Sexual Behavior, the average American married couple has sex 56 times a year, which is around once a week. Experts in TIME and Prevention quote similar numbers, with 51 and 52 times a year, respectively.​
The authors of a 2019 article found that the median number of times people who were cohabiting or married had sex was three times per month. Married or cohabitating couples are more likely to have sex more often than people who are single, divorced, or widowed.​
Americans in their 20s have sex about 80 times per year, approximately once every four to five days. That number drops to 20 times per year for those in their 60s.​
The percentage of married men who reported having sex at least once a week declined from 71.1 percent to 57.7 percent between 2000 and 2018. The percentage of married women who reported the same also decreased (69.1 percent to 60.9 percent).​
By those standards, I'm a 74-year-old whiz kid. I had no idea.
It makes sense that that is the average.
Yes. The church seems to have been left behind in the dust as society moves on. Becoming more irrelevant all the time.
Precisely as Jesus and the authors of the NT said would occur, eh? Shocking.

Yeah, baby, gotta stay "relevant" as "society moves on" - THAT's what Jesus, Paul and James were saying. Uh-huh.

Attempting to stay relevant as society moves on is how churches commit suicide.

Son: Dad, we need to talk.
Father: Sure son, what's on your mind?
Son: (gulp) I'm straight.
Father: Say what? ??? !!!
Son: That's right, I'm straight.
Father: Does your father know about this?
Son: No, I wanted to tell you first.
Father: I see. Better let me speak to him first.
Son: Thanks. I'm sorry, I don't mean to hurt either one of you.
Father: Yes, this is a disappointment. We thought we raised you right.
Son: You're fine. It's me. I can't deny my opposite sex attraction.
Father: What can I say? I remember coming out to my parents.
Son: Tell me what that was like.
Father: It was terrible. We didn't speak for years.
Son: Wow, I didn't know.
Father: I'm not going to treat you that way. I accept you as you are.
Son: (tears) Thanks, Dad. I love you.
Father: I'll speak with your father. Hopefully he will take it well too.
Son: I would like to bring my girlfriend home for Christmas.
Father: Whoa, you have a girlfriend? (gasp)
Son: Yes, of course.
Father: No worries. We'll get through this one step at a time.
And what is this inane "parody" supposed to say about churches or religion? What is it supposed to say about ANYTHING? What point is it supposed to be making? This is apparently your idea of how Christian parents should react to a child's announcement that he or she is gay - mindless acceptance and tolerance. I can picture a far more mature and nuanced Christian response, one that neither alienates the child nor ignores the parents' beliefs and the reasons for them.
This is apparently your idea of how Christian parents should react to a child's announcement that he or she is gay - mindless acceptance and tolerance.
No. This is a straight child coming out to a gay parent. Not relevant to the topic, but more to the post quoted.

Did you wake up on the wrong side of the bed?

Very young women, I'm guessing? The only thing I do every day is practice my putting on the living room rug.

A few years ago I read a column by a youngish woman who said she and her husband had just completed their experiment of having sex every single day for a year. Even when I was 25, that would've sounded pretty boring.

If it's boring for you, you're doing it wrong.
O'Darby III said:

Very young women, I'm guessing? The only thing I do every day is practice my putting on the living room rug.

A few years ago I read a column by a youngish woman who said she and her husband had just completed their experiment of having sex every single day for a year. Even when I was 25, that would've sounded pretty boring.


Reminded me of the young couple in an episode of the TV show Thirty Something.

The young gal was concerned about frequency. They were up to three times.
The older gal said three times a week was a lot, but not a huge problem.
The young gal replied, "Not in a week, per day."

I believe this entire sex thing comes down to our state of mind. Just the other day the wife asked me if I wanted some super sex. I told her it depends…. She said depends on what? I responded, what kinda soup it is?
I believe this entire sex thing comes down to our state of mind. Just the other day the wife asked me if I wanted some super sex. I told her it depends…. She said depends on what? I responded, what kinda soup it is?
That's so funny.
Reminds me of the question asked to a woman about sex.
Would you rather have sex or cake? Answer; "What kind of cake?"
